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Confessions of a pattern hoarder

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I finally have to admit it to myself, I think.


Hi, my name is Darah and I am a pattern hoarder.


Okay, with that out of the way...anyone else finding themselves saving every single .pdf or online pattern they like? I mean, I try to buy printed patterns/books too, but I find so many online that my stash is growing rather large. I'm actually debating using one of my external hard drives just for craft stuff now.


Please tell me I'm not alone!

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You are not alone! I have more patterns than I'll ever be able to make in a couple of life times. I currently have all of my patterns backed up on a flash drive but I'm going to have to purchase another one with more GB's soon. :hook


OK, I just checked and found that I have nearly 2000 :eek crochet patterns that I've downloaded. I also have sewing/quilting, cross stitch, knitting and other misc crafts patterns that I got from the internet.

Won't discuss the craft books and magazines...:laughroll

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Here's another yours truly.

I also hoard patterns....for all of my hobbies. Cross stitch, crochet, painting and woodworking. I have so many patterns in books that I have bought or downloaded off the net.

Never in this lifetime or the next 10 lifetimes would I be able to crochet, cross stitch, paint or make it in wood.

There's just something about it....everytime I visit a craft store that I have to go look to see what they have in that might be new and I don't have.....and there are several sites online that I have to check daily to see what they're featuring that day.

I'm pathetic.

We were talking about hoarders on here the other day....the kind they show on television.....with the trash, and animals. I'm not like that....I do get rid of trash and we only have 2 dogs......one is mine and one my mother's.....so no problem there.

But I cannot stop this thing with the patterns.

I need to get busy and get some things made up and have a craft sale.

I do have some WIP's but they are for myself.

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Wow this post was meant for me. I am in the process of going through all the patterns that I have printed (not mention all the ones that are on my computer) I have an addiction I totally aware of. If I like the pattern I download it just in case I ever get in the mood. Very sad I know but it is what it is. I do have books like crazy and cringe everytime I am waiting for one to be delivered and hubby is home. I have said before I need to go to a crocheters anonymous.

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I am one too. Constantly on the prowl for new patterns. magazines, books, and websites are my favorite things to check out.


The truth is, I am sure there are many people here that are this way, too!



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I do like saving patterns to my USB. But when I am thinking about what I'll make next, I don't look there! I look on the internet for a new pattern or I look in The Harmony Guide to Crocheting by Debra Mountford (sadly out of print but worth getting second hand).

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Hi my name is Alnee and I am a patternaholic.


I have a favorites section about 2 miles long of patterns... and have only very recently started backing them up. I have toyed with the idea of getting a 6in binder and printing them all out... then seperating by afghans, etc etc etc.... Most I would love to do but either do not remember them or can not find the pattern when I want to do it it!

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I think this is a common affliction! Less than a year ago I lost most of my patterns and books in a fire and I have already reaccumulated more than I'll ever make. My sister says that she always prepares for that time when we will be snowed in for several days (which never happens to us) and we both could stay occupied through several blizzards with our stashes.

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You are not alone! I have more patterns than I'll ever be able to make in a couple of life times. I currently have all of my patterns backed up on a flash drive but I'm going to have to purchase another one with more GB's soon. :hook


OK, I just checked and found that I have nearly 2000 :eek crochet patterns that I've downloaded. I also have sewing/quilting, cross stitch, knitting and other misc crafts patterns that I got from the internet.


Won't discuss the craft books and magazines...:laughroll


:rofl I have 4 flash drives full of patterns. Paper Piecing, machine embroidery, crochet etc. The patterns I love and intend to make fill up 5 notebooks that ared designated as Baby, clothing, doilies, socks, etc. and, won't even discuss the amount of yarn stash and fabric stash and embroidery thread stash I have :eek

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Flashdrive, binders, loose printouts for patterns I want to do "very soon"...(riiight).., books and mags...yep, got it all. and when I'm ready to do a new project, what do I do? You guessed it...:yes I go online and look there, first! (okay, sometimes I go to my pattern stash first)

Pattern-aholics member checking in! :blush

did I mention the partially-filled randomly located notebooks for scribbling notes in when I'm working on creating an original design? yeah, I have a few of those, too!

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I think this is a common affliction! Less than a year ago I lost most of my patterns and books in a fire and I have already reaccumulated more than I'll ever make. My sister says that she always prepares for that time when we will be snowed in for several days (which never happens to us) and we both could stay occupied through several blizzards with our stashes.
Don't feel bad I have enough to make it through an Ice Age, and I don't even use patterns any more.......
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Oh Kathy, I'm with you on the Ice Age, which would be for how long? I've got about 50 Tupperware bins filled with yarn. I guess that would hold me. And lots of hooks, and LOTS of on-line patterns, and the patterns I write up as I make them. And the ones in my head. Ladies, come on over when the Ice Age hits.


I don't collect a lot of pattern books because when I discovered free on-line patterns I was absolutely mesmerized. At first I only wanted very basic patterns, then a little more difficult or frillier, then some patterns for just parts of them.


I keep a strict filing system because if there's anything I hate, it's rummaging for a pattern when I KNOW I have it.


Most of the time now, I make my own, but I refer to my patterns for sizing, the way an edging was done, how certain things were accomplished. It all depends.


I did discover, I was collecting too many patterns. I had to take a realistic look at each one and ask myself if there was any chance I would ever REALLY make this pattern, even if I did have the time. I did delete some.


Now I still collect patterns, but I try to remind myself to stay realistic.


"Will you really make this? This afghan has a lot of trebles, and you know you don't like that."


"You really have to put a zipper in this bag and you know how you detest that. Or could you switch it to buttons?"


All these little dialogs go on before I download now.

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:rofl I have 4 flash drives full of patterns. Paper Piecing, machine embroidery, crochet etc. The patterns I love and intend to make fill up 5 notebooks that ared designated as Baby, clothing, doilies, socks, etc. and, won't even discuss the amount of yarn stash and fabric stash and embroidery thread stash I have :eek


OK, you win! :rofl I also have several binders that are sorted by category plus I have about 100 patterns that I need to print (and sort) once I get some colored ink (wish it wasn't so expensive). I really enjoy looking through the printed patterns. :manyheart

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Hoarding is such a harsh word. I like to think I'm Saving Patterns from Internet Limbo. :lol


I have five or six 3-ring binders filled with pattern I've printed out over the last four years. So? Who am I hurting? I keep thinking I'll get them all organized by types one of these days. Will I ever use all these patterns? Probably not. I'm not sure that's the point anyway. I use the binders for inspiration when I can't get online. All part of the Crochet as Therapy Program:hook

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Every time I latch onto a new craft, I think I have to collect all the supplies needed for it. I have printed off a Sterilite upright file box full of crochet patterns. Every time I buy another pattern booklet, I remind myself that there are sooo many free patterns on the net. There is just one more doily book I want. HL apparently doesn't carry it. Michaels does carry it, but they were out of it last time I was there....I also get home from HL with a dupllicate now and then and they can't be returned.:eek


I did decide to stop quilting after my current projects are done....I just gave away most of my fabric stash and my never used tatting stuff and my three times used loom knitting stuff.


I worked my way through the first Gulf war working on embroidery and crewel kits I had acquired since the '70's.:lol

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