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...I'd rather have just the TEENSIEST stash rather than a large one, save cotton yarn. I have about a stuffed tote's worth of yarn (and really, no room for more anyway!), and then rather than buy what I want for a project I try to make something from my stash work. I end up not quite as happy with the result, because it wasn't what I was going for much of the time. I am finding that now with a hat I just did for my 10mog.


How about y'all~have a big stash and love it? A small one and love it? None and love it? Or hate it? Or what? (((((HUGS))))) sandi

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.... I end up not quite as happy with the result, because it wasn't what I was going for much of the time...sandi


If you end up not quite happy with the result, then why ( unless of course there is a budget constraint) do you do this? Why spend the time making something you usually are not happy with , wouldn't it make more sense to use more appropriate yarn and then be happy with the end result?


I have managed to amass a largish stash. I always check my stash to see if I have a yarn that will work with a project. If I don't find something that will work ( and give a good result) I will purchase a yarn that will work, I have made several projects using stash only yarn, but I will never make something from stash yarn, just for the sake of using the yarn. Now all the above should be ignored if there is a budgetary reason for your actions, then you are to be congratulated on your thrift.

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I think my stash would be considered small by most people's standards. i am making an effort to get it used up and only purchse what I need for a specific project.


I would rather pass up a sale and later spend $1.00 more on a skein of yarn that will actually get used than save $50 on multiple skeins that will end up sitting around.

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My stash is relatively big: I have 3 Rubbermaid-type boxes of yarn and a project tote full. My problem is that I keep all my leftovers and end up with (as I have now) three big boxes of bits and pieces, but not really enough to finish anything big. So in order to stashbust, I often have to buy skeins to fill the gaps.


This evening I bought a skein of lovely sock yarn for 48c (normal price €3.95). It was reduced and I had a few discount coupons, so I was very happy with myself. And that'll give me hours of pleasure. So it's an expensive hobby in some ways, but I don't smoke, I don't drink a lot by most people's standards (I've been having a half-glass of wine every other night from a €2.19 bottle of wine that I opened a week ago - I'm so wild :lol), I rarely go out or eat out ... and I work very hard. So I allow myself a little bit of stash-padding every now and again ;)

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Having/using a stash has a lot to do with the kinds of projects you do, I think. Larger projects are going to generate larger amounts of "leftovers," and if you make larger items, you will tend to buy bigger lots of yarn when you find it on sale, since your intended use will probably require a goodly amount. My mom makes afghans and pillows, and that's pretty much it.


If you make smaller things in general, I think a smaller stash is likely to make you just as happy. My stash is pretty small compared to most, but I have one. Come to think of it, about half my stash was an amazing RAOK gift catering to my exact needs/wants for yarn. (Cotton worsted, small amounts of acrylic worsted in many colors for making squares to share, and sock yarn.) That's yarn. Now, my *thread* stash is another story entirely--I want lots and lots of colors, so I buy new colors to give me lots of options. But then, I need quantity in some colors to make complete projects, so...


Well. My point is...I think stash, in part, reflects the kinds of projects you work on. I never, at any time, have enough stash to make an afghan. I'd have to go buy yarn especially for such a project.

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I got tired of having a stash full of tennis ball sized balls of yarn that you can't make anything out of. I really don't care for the look 'scrap' projects.


I have a rather large stash. I stocked up on Caron Pounders when they were on sale a few times. Made sure I have enough of the colors to make afghans. I have several large projects in mind.


I also keep baby colors and baby yarn on hand since you just never know when hubby's going to come home and say he needs a baby blanket for someone at work. I just recently ordered more baby colors to have in stock.


I'm 50 miles from the nearest Joann's or Michaels. I have many health issues. I would much rather have a small yarn store in the back room than have to drive 100 mile round trip.


I didn't build my stash all at once but I did build it purposely. It took about a solid year to get it where I want it. I shopped sales and free shipping. I have some wonderful friends who gift me yarn for bdays and holidays.


If you have enough yarn to make something that would make you happy - then you have a 'good' stash.


I'm going to be going thru my stash and getting rid of all those little balls and odd skeins. I won't use them and they just take up space.

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I used to have a large stash, but it is much smaller now and I think I might prefer it this way. I can only crochet so fast! I also quilt and that is where I have decided I can't have too much of a stash. I used to have a little bit of everything and with a smaller collection I can't always find what I want and have to go shopping (not that I mind).

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Hubby think's I have to much.. I think I have not enough I rite now have 10 plastic milk crates in my closet with yarn in them. plus about 4 boxes. (waitin to be put in milk crates). I wish i had more. beacuse it seems that when I see a blanket i want to make I don't have the yarn I Want to use. like rite now.


I found in my big box of Old workbaskets mags and annies pattern club mags.. A Christining gown. and of course do you think I have the yarn. NOPE>. I have baby yarn. but it's peach and the other is rainbow color.. so that won't work.


means when i have money I need to get some white.


lol honestly if anyone thinks they need to get rid of some I can Store it for ya:lol:lol LOL

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I wish I had a larger stash! I used a lot of my stash when hubby wasn't working steady. I did a lot of small projects with my tennis ball sized balls. (Small "amis" mostly, preemie hats with the softer yarns,and granny squares) I am starting to buy yarn again as the situation has changed. But I am mostly just buying enough for the project with a skein to spare (just in case).

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I crochet with thread and yarn. Right now I have a big garbage bag full of cotton thread, a case full of yarn and of course, you know, I didn't have what I wanted! Now I am going to make a cow purse and I needed wool yarn--it is on its way! I am thrilled! Can't wait to get it!:cheer:cheer:cheer



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You ask a really good Q, Faedragon, and made me stop and think a minute! Money is certainly an issue, though even if it weren't I think I'd struggle with buying new yarn while I still have perfectly good yarn to use. Now that you've done this to me~LOL~I actually have some I'm going to get rid of! I.e. I hate RHSS Monet. I just do! And I had TONS of it. I think I've actually used it all now, but I'm going to see for sure and weed it out if it's still there! LOL!


So I fully don't know why I do this to myself, especially when RHSS is so affordable. Thanks to you, I'm gonna STOP, TODAY! ~smile~ (((((HUGS))))) sandi

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Now that I'm in my 50's, and there are very good sales and $ stores, I have a very large stash, and I adore it! I can "shop" from my stash.


When I was younger, I couldn't afford more than I absolutely needed, so I got used to using all the little balls in granny squares or stripes, and I still do it to this day. As a matter of fact, I'll be going over to my Auntie's in a little while to watch TV with her, and I'll be balling up a number of partial skeins that are down to 1/4 or less that are left from a striped tote I just finished. They'll go into a future striped rug I have planned.


No matter how many full skeins I have, I always like to coordinate the small amounts and make something useful with them, so I keep clear plastic zipper bags on hand, the kind sheet sets and blankets come in. I always have at least 1 with balls of cotton, 1 with balls of pastel acrylic, 1 with balls of dark color acrylic, and 1 with partial skeins that need to be wound into balls.


All the full skeins are in clear plastic bins, sorted by type and by color. I'd have to go count them, but there's around 50 I think. I just sorted them this past few months, and it's been a tremendous job, but satisfying.


Another thing that's really nice about a large stash is that I am also prepared for swaps and RAOK's, which I love doing.

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I don't actually have a stash as such. I go and buy what I need for the project/s that I want to work on. I do have some small amounts of left over yarn from those projects. But it's really not enough to do anything with because I have already used it for baby items so it's left overs from left overs.

This is due to being on a strict budget but I am mostly happy working this way. The only time I find it a little annoying is if I find a new stitch or new pattern I REALLY want to work on and it's not pay day I have to wait to to try it. But usually then I will use some of those left over bits just to play with and practice to keep me bust till I can buy what I need.

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I have a large stash. My yarn is all RHSS plus a few skeins of baby yarn. I like the colors of RHSS and the price fits my budget. I buy a few skeins at a time. I like to coordinate an ombre with the shades that match. I have made three small afghans from my stash this year. I also love thread crochet and have over time acquired all of the colors I can find at WM, HL, or Michaels.


My to go project is hats for a local shelter. They are quick to make and easy to carry. By having it on hand, I can just grab a skein and go.


If I were making a garment or special project, I would buy yarn as needed, (and not necessarily RHSS) but for my basics (give-away ghans and hats) I like to have a stash to work from.

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I agree--finances, storage space, types of preferred projects, tolerance for clutter--many things go into the kind of stash a person wants/needs.


I think we can all agree on one thing--everyone should have one. :wink

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I too have a bit of a stash of yarn and thread. I keep most leftover yarn sorted by color for scrap-ghans. I am currently making a granny ghan out of scraps of light blue, medium blue and white. If I have to purchase anything to finish, it will most likely be only a few white skeins.

In my stash I have (large, Rubbermaid lidded tubs):


1 large tub of baby yarn (some vintage)

1.5 large tubs of thread (some vintage)

3 large tubs of afghan yarns

3 large dept. store bags, each with a afghan kit

2- 3.5 foot cupboard shelves almost full of specialty yarns such as mohairs and wools.

2'X 2'X 2' basket of cotton yarns such as for dishcloths


All in all, I would say a medium stash since the 3 kits and 4 specialty yarn shawls will be made for Christmas gifts and compared to some this would be considered small :lol

Wow! I better get crackin'- That is a lot of yarn to crochet! :lol

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I asked for fun~truthfully I think I'm like Criddy. I like to buy for each project! I think I was so excited when I first started crocheting that I just took in whtever yarn I could without thought as to what I might use it for... LOL! I'm ready to be more discriminating! (((((HUGS))))) sandi

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I asked for fun~truthfully I think I'm like Criddy. I like to buy for each project! I think I was so excited when I first started crocheting that I just took in whtever yarn I could without thought as to what I might use it for... LOL! I'm ready to be more discriminating! (((((HUGS))))) sandi



Lol yeah I kind of did the same when I started to. I found a whole heap of clearance "fun fur" type stuff and how cute it would be crocheted up. Oh gawd what a mistake. I hated the stuff!

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i dont think i have a HUGE stash, but it's not a small 1 either. I have been on a scrappy kick and didn't have much scraps (had gotten back into crocheting a few yrs ago and not accumalated that much) so i "made" scraps. it's also why i have so many projects going at the current moment. I get a skein and make a few motifs from 1 pattern, then make a few from another, etc. then make a few granny daughters/yoyos and a few3 rnd granny squares. and THEN i use the last on a 2sub. and i bought a few pounders in both black and in white for bordering.


So, anyone who doesn't like the small tennissize balls of yarn around. pm me for my addy. i will be more than glad to take it off your hands. lol



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i dont think i have a HUGE stash, but it's not a small 1 either. I have been on a scrappy kick and didn't have much scraps (had gotten back into crocheting a few yrs ago and not accumalated that much) so i "made" scraps. it's also why i have so many projects going at the current moment. I get a skein and make a few motifs from 1 pattern, then make a few from another, etc. then make a few granny daughters/yoyos and a few3 rnd granny squares. and THEN i use the last on a 2sub. and i bought a few pounders in both black and in white for bordering.


So, anyone who doesn't like the small tennissize balls of yarn around. pm me for my addy. i will be more than glad to take it off your hands. lol




thrift stores are great to build a scrap stash


i have 3 18- gallon totes of stash on the top bunk

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I buy yarn for the pure pleasure of buying it. I usually have what I need in my stash to make what I want. I might have to buy more to finish something but that's okay by me because I usually buy more than I need, and that gets added to the stash. I like having a big stash because I don't always have extra money to spend so it's nice to just be able to grab some colors and go at it without having to worry too much about the price tag. I buy yarn pretty much whenever I can & it's worked out great for me. I love small balls of yarn, because they are perfect for most of the little things I make. So I keep pretty much every lil scrap. I bought 6 skeins once of a bernet colorway I fell in love with!!! That was about a year ago & Just last night they have once skein of it left and it was cleranced out. So glad I bought all those and I got that last skein too. :lol No idea what I'm going to make with it all but I have it and I like it, and it will probably be hard to get a hold of now. I'm always willing to take unloved yarn and odds and ends. I love my stash and I know I buy too much yarn but it's better than what most people my age are into these days. Yea and not to mention I just had to throw away a big black trash bag full or yarn that my cats decided to use as a toilet because their litter box was blocked. I literally cried because it depleted my stash quite a bit. But I'm working on fixing that. :rofl

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Lol yeah I kind of did the same when I started to. I found a whole heap of clearance "fun fur" type stuff and how cute it would be crocheted up. Oh gawd what a mistake. I hated the stuff!



I bought a whole bunch of that stuff at Dollar Tree....I think I made 4 scarves. It was so hard to work with and it had such an odd feel....like it was coated with something. I eventually donated it, although once in a while I have to mentally slap myself for wishing I had it back. I keep thinking of uses for it, but it would probably still just sit in the bag.

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I would rather pass up a sale and later spend $1.00 more on a skein of yarn that will actually get used than save $50 on multiple skeins that will end up sitting around.


I am learning this! I have a large stash and I am refusing to buy any more yarn other than my basics--caron lb size black, white and off white. I have a ways to go to deplete my stash but I am starting to make things that I never would have to use up the yarn I have.

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You ask a really good Q, Faedragon, and made me stop and think a minute! Money is certainly an issue, though even if it weren't I think I'd struggle with buying new yarn while I still have perfectly good yarn to use. Now that you've done this to me~LOL~I actually have some I'm going to get rid of! I.e. I hate RHSS Monet. I just do! And I had TONS of it. I think I've actually used it all now, but I'm going to see for sure and weed it out if it's still there! LOL!


So I fully don't know why I do this to myself, especially when RHSS is so affordable. Thanks to you, I'm gonna STOP, TODAY! ~smile~ (((((HUGS))))) sandi


I think someone here was looking for RHSS Monet. Try the In Search Of section. Maybe you can make a deal. Also, you might try the For Sale/Trade/ Free section.

Ellie 13

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