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New Bernat Crochetalong - did you see this?


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Thanks usually have trouble with my edges,so the fact that these are coming out even is kinda weird. Oh and I am working on square two. Hope to have them finished by the weekend as I still have to do my 8 worsted weights and then the 4 wws. Think I might have bitten off a bit much by doing two at once,but then again I could be an expert on the serape square by then! :)

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I had an idea for how to make my squares look a little better, so I started a second square to try it out. I decided to do linked triples, rather than plain TRC's and they do look a lot better. Of course it is still the same square. The linked stitches are a nice solid fabric now instead of having those big spaces between them. They take me a little longer to do, since I just learned how to do them.

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Well, I changed up the square a bit. I decided to do a mirror image for the repeat. What I did this time was go up to a K hook for the chain row, then down to J (or in my case up- since I've been using an I). I did the first 7 rows as per the pattern. Row 8 I did DC of "A" (instead of Treble), Row 9 SC "A", Row 10 SC "A", Row 11 DC "B", Row 12 SC "A", Row 13, DC "D", Row 14 SC "A", Row 15 HDC "C" and Row 16 SC "A" = 8X8 square.


I also didn't fasten off the ends, but changed color like I always do by pulling in the new color on the last yo. I didn't chain, but started the next row with the actual stitch (someone else here had suggested that)


Went to take a pic and I need to charge the battery which I'm doing now. Probably won't get a pic up until tomorrow night after work.


I like it a lot better than the 1st one- much more "balanced" and symmetrical. Thanks to all for the great ideas!!!


Cindy- that sounds interesting- a linked treble. I have no idea how to do that!!


The one thing about this square- it went faster doing it the way I did, but the darn ends were all still there to weave in and that takes longer than crocheting the square!!!

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I've never posted a pic here before - I don't have a camera, only a scanner - but I will try. AS you (hopefully) can see, I also ended up leaving off row 8 and 9 the second time in order to make my square the right size. I liked it better that way anyway.

I think it looks great

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Here's my pic of the 2nd square with the changes I made-I think it's getting there- but of all the squares we have done so far, Clue # 4 square is my least favorite. IMO, it just takes too long to weave in all the ends!


Taking the night off from doing a square since tonight is the first game of the Yankees- Rangers game! I need to be crocheting something that is mindless and does not require weaving in a gazillion ends!:lol


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Your square looks great Joanne :h5 Definitely better than my second, although my 2nd is better than my 1st, but still not a huge difference :think Weaving in ends is one of my least favorite tasks :( Oh well, I'm :xfin that we don't get stuck with another square going every row a different color :eek

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Well, I've finished all 4 of these squares for clue #4, and I'm not redoing them, but I still what to know: Cindy, what is a linked triple?


I saw a project done with linked triples on Ravelry and I googled it to see what it was. If you google it, there are quite a few video tutorials.


It eliminates those big spaces between the stitches by "hooking" the stitches together.

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All righty! I finished the crocheting of my first square for clue #4. I'm working on weaving in the ends now. I'm going to surprise you all here....


I love, love, love this square! :hook Yes, weaving in all of the ends stinks really badly, but it's worth it for the look.


My cats also love that there is so much yarn laying on my couch right now. :lol I got up to get a drink about half way through the square. I walked back into the living room to see Pipsy standing there with pink yarn hanging out of her mouth. She looked up at me and didn't drop the yarn until I said, "Pipsy!" in a stern voice. It was darn cute though I would never tell her that. :P


Without further ado, here's my first square for clue #4 -




I probably won't post a picture of the square with all the ends weaved in until I have all four done.


Oh and don't tell the charity CAL that I worked on this square today. I'm supposed to be working on a dishcloth bouquet for a charity auction. :blush

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Shelly, your edges look a lot better than mine, and your colors are great together.


Uh, no. I just spent ten minutes tugging to the right 'til it was just so, pushing the top up just a little, smooshing the center out so it had the appearance of being flat, pulling the bottom edge back down a little,,,, you get the idea. :lol


I've never posted a pic here before - I don't have a camera, only a scanner - but I will try. AS you (hopefully) can see, I also ended up leaving off row 8 and 9 the second time in order to make my square the right size. I liked it better that way anyway.


Your square looks immaculate from my angle!


This square is a pain in the butt! I ended up doing a hdc and then a sc on the last 2 rows. I think I spent just about as much time weaving all those pesty ends in as I did crocheting the square! :angry


Hope we don't have to make too many like this!



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A study of my square in three parts. Yes I too am HATING this square,I have noticed on the Bernat Blog that nobody is taking credit for it. :lol My first thought when I finished this square was oh look a serape! Second thought OS I have to sew in ALL those ends! So here without further ado here is my before the ends are woven in, oh and yes I used the Bernat colors.




square 4 001.JPG


A serape! Ha! And after all that "hard work", look at that great square.


Here's my pic of the 2nd square with the changes I made-I think it's getting there- but of all the squares we have done so far, Clue # 4 square is my least favorite. IMO, it just takes too long to weave in all the ends!


Taking the night off from doing a square since tonight is the first game of the Yankees- Rangers game! I need to be crocheting something that is mindless and does not require weaving in a gazillion ends!:lol


I love your squares. :hook Are you happy with the second or are you trying something different for the third?


Now, that I relaxed today. I going to do the squares again.


Yes, sometimes it's best isn't it? :lol

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I love, love, love this square! :hook Yes, weaving in all of the ends stinks really badly, but it's worth it for the look.

I probably won't post a picture of the square with all the ends weaved in until I have all four done.



Your afghan is going to be great Nicole. Can't wait to see the colors set off with the black.

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Well, I just finished my first square but am not very happy with it :( I did rows 1-9 then 2-7 on the repeat which gave me 8 inches, which I like the look of by ending with the sc in the starting color so it's more symmetrical than if I still had extra tc and sc rows on the top, and I made 8 inches across with the original chain 23. I did the fastening off method of changing colors and on my next square will do it by pulling through since I'm not happy on this one already. I also think that having some turning chains count as a stitch and not others might be a cause of the edges looking the way they do so will keep it consistent whichever way I decide when I get that far :think


For now, I'm going to work on something a little more mindless while I watch tv, I've had enough concentration for one day :lol


Wow, it looks even worse in the pic :(


I think it's great Marisa. I LOVE purple and green together.


When the afghan is put together with all of the different colors and patterns and textures, the frustration of the edges on our squares will be long forgotten. :artist

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All righty! I finished the crocheting of my first square for clue #4. I'm working on weaving in the ends now. I'm going to surprise you all here....


I love, love, love this square! :hook Yes, weaving in all of the ends stinks really badly, but it's worth it for the look.


My cats also love that there is so much yarn laying on my couch right now. :lol I got up to get a drink about half way through the square. I walked back into the living room to see Pipsy standing there with pink yarn hanging out of her mouth. She looked up at me and didn't drop the yarn until I said, "Pipsy!" in a stern voice. It was darn cute though I would never tell her that. :P


Without further ado, here's my first square for clue #4 -




I probably won't post a picture of the square with all the ends weaved in until I have all four done.


Oh and don't tell the charity CAL that I worked on this square today. I'm supposed to be working on a dishcloth bouquet for a charity auction. :blush


Your secret is safe, Nicole!:lol Great job on the square- love the bright colors!!! Since you are using the colors that you are, your square doesn't look assymetrical and unbalanced like I think mine does when I follow the pattern with the 1 row of Color A at the bottom and 3 rows of Color A at the top. I definitely think what colors we are using makes it either look "balanced" or "unbalanced"


Now get to work on the dishlcoth!:devil:lol

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I love your squares. :hook Are you happy with the second or are you trying something different for the third?

I was thinking that maybe I'll do another like the first, but will just change colors the way I normally do, and then I'll do another like the 2nd. That way I'll have 2 of each- We'll see:think


But for tonight, I'm not working on the square- will probably go back to them over the weekend!

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Hey everyone,


I didn't get to finish weaving the ends of my 2nd square yet....I opted to nap at lunch break today :lol


Nicole - I'm glad you love the square and it's probably because your edges are sooo even, how did you do it? All the work to weave the ends wouldn't be so bad if the square looked like a square :think And I thought it was funny that I didn't really see any complaints on the blog :think


Cindy - I've done the linked dc before, but totally didn't think about it for this :( I won't worry about it now since I already have 2 done, but will keep in mind for future use :yes

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I have mixed feelings about this square. I don't normally mind weaving in ends; it's something you have to do with crochet, and hating it just makes it that much more of a chore. This square is a bit annoying, but the finished look is growing on me.:lol

I tested the square using both the blog's and the pattern's color changing methods but didn't like either one. SharonB551's mention of just starting the row with the stitch reminded me of the no-chain double crochet stitch (can be modified for any of the stitches). Not sure if this is the method Sharon used, but it works great for this square.


So far, I have two finished and a third is on the hook, though it looks like I'm going to have to redo the last seven rows on the first one. Evidently, I forgot to turn the square, and the rest of the stitches ended up backwards.:lol I'd leave it, but I know it'll just bother me every time I look at it. Anywho, here's a pic of what it looks like.



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Lookin' good, yarn geek!


Thanks for the compliments on my square. :manyheart I have all four crocheted and I'm working on the ends.


I didn't have any trouble keeping the edges square. I didn't make any trebles. I made doubles in place of those so it didn't get too big. Plus, I really don't like the look of a treble stitch. I did the "chain free" double crochet to keep the space on the edge down. The other thing I did was only chain 1 for the hdc rows and didn't count that as the first stitch. I drew my colors through the last two loops of the previous round.


I forgot to tell you all that I'm not using black in my afghan after all. In the end, I didn't like how it looked with the other colors. So, I replaced the black with the bright yellow. I'm color blind and it's really hard for me to see soft colors. I almost always end up with bold, bright colors for that reason.

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