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New Bernat Crochetalong - did you see this?


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That's what I think I'll do then- you are right- they probably won't be next to each other and if they are I can re-do it (Oh, Please I hope not):lol


Thank goodness we aren't making 8 of these!!!!!


I'm starting to get a headache too- probably all the stress of this silly square!!!



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Joanne, the other thing you could do, would be to frog one row from the end with the wide stripe, and add a row to the other end. That way your first square would be more balanced looking.


Maybe my headache is from this square too!!

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Thanks Cindy and Joanne, I feel better knowing I'm not alone....you know, misery loves company :lol


I think the edges on Joanne's are much straighter, which I'm assuming is because you changed the tc's to dc's :think And Joanne, here's my suggestion if you want to change up the others a bit and not have it look off balance for someone to pick up.....make something different in each one, maybe the row you might add in the middle can be a different color on each :think That way they'll all be extremely similar with just a slight difference that will look like it's supposed to be that way instead of having just one different from the other 3 (did I say that right?)


Cindy - I also measured half way through to see how I was coming along. I'm going to do the next square with the other way of joining colors. If I happen to end up with a big difference in the look I'll do this one over, but if there's not much difference, I'll just leave it be and bank on the ends sewing up nicely. I'm also thinking I might give this whole blocking thing a try and that might clean it up :think I've never done it before but have heard people talking about it.

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For this square's color changes, I ended up finishing off the old color, but instead of slip stitch and chaining the stated number of chains for the new row, I just started the new row by joining with the appropriate type of stitch (e.g., started the DC row by joinig with a DC, started the HDC row by joining with HDC, etc). This gave me a neater edge and also made it easier for me to make sure I had the right number of stitches in each row.

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I finished one square tonight. I had to check the blog for instructions on the last three rows because I couldn't believe we weren't changing colors. :think Turns out I don't mind the pattern, it's a little random but not in a bad way.


My edges are a little wonky, not real happy about that. I may have to see what everyone else is doing to remedy the chain four at the beginning of the row. I think I'll try a K hook tomorrow to see if I can get closer to gauge.


On a positive note, these are the hubby's colors. I should have all the kinks worked out by the time I start on the colors I chose. :rofl


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On a positive note, I am lovin' everyone's colors. :cheer And I think we are being a little hard on ourselves. I can't wait to see our second squares, I think we will be surprised. And thank goodness this wasn't the square we had to make eight times. :faint

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Shelley- I like your colors! And I'm hoping to be pleasantly surprised tonight when I start the 2nd square. I didn't do a row of treble crochets at all in mine- and on the rows of DC I only chained 2


Marisa- That is a great idea to change up each square just slightly- I totally understand what you are saying!!!


Cindy- I like the idea of maybe frogging one row of the first one and adding a row on the bottom. I'm going to see what happens with square #2-


Sharon- Would love to see a pic of your square to see how the edge looks!!


After last night, I was so frustrated and thought to myself how am I going to motivate myself to do 3 more of these, but with all your input, and the start of a new day, I think I'll be able to give it whirl tonight after work.


Have a good day all!

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Sharon - I've tried starting with the stitch and not a chain, but I just can't get it :( I keep getting a bubble of yarn at the top of the stitch :think If you get a chance, can you share of pic please :photo


Shelley - Your edges came out great!!!! I like hubby's colors....actually I like all the colors I've seen soo far. For all of us making the same thing, they are all going to be very different :yes


I'm going to try to start square 2 while I watch a show before I have to get ready for work....it's my late day ;)

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I've never posted a pic here before - I don't have a camera, only a scanner - but I will try. AS you (hopefully) can see, I also ended up leaving off row 8 and 9 the second time in order to make my square the right size. I liked it better that way anyway.


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I've never posted a pic here before - I don't have a camera, only a scanner - but I will try. AS you (hopefully) can see, I also ended up leaving off row 8 and 9 the second time in order to make my square the right size. I liked it better that way anyway.



Good job and nice clean edges, thanks for sharing your photo :yay I like the way your no chain stitch came :yes


I started my 2nd square and am trying really hard with the no chain stitch :lol It's slow going for me, but I have to stop at row 5 and head to work so will continue later with it. I also am doing the pull through color changing so with those 2 changes, I'm hoping to have a 'smoother' result :xfin

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This square is a pain in the butt! I ended up doing a hdc and then a sc on the last 2 rows. I think I spent just about as much time weaving all those pesty ends in as I did crocheting the square! :angry

Hope we don't have to make too many like this!

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I've never posted a pic here before - I don't have a camera, only a scanner - but I will try. AS you (hopefully) can see, I also ended up leaving off row 8 and 9 the second time in order to make my square the right size. I liked it better that way anyway.


Sharon, your sides are so nice and even! Nice work!

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A study of my square in three parts. Yes I too am HATING this square,I have noticed on the Bernat Blog that nobody is taking credit for it. :lol My first thought when I finished this square was oh look a serape! Second thought OS I have to sew in ALL those ends! So here without further ado here is my before the ends are woven in, oh and yes I used the Bernat colors.



square 4 001.JPG


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Oh and I followed the pattern,the great thing about the treble is you can really hide your weavings in well! ;)

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I've never posted a pic here before - I don't have a camera, only a scanner - but I will try. AS you (hopefully) can see, I also ended up leaving off row 8 and 9 the second time in order to make my square the right size. I liked it better that way anyway.

Sharon- Your square came out great- your edges are so nice. the scanner "took a nice pic"

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Oh and I followed the pattern,the great thing about the treble is you can really hide your weavings in well! ;)

Nice job- and I'm with you ---it takes longer to weave in the ends than it does to crochet the square.


If I do trebles, mine is too high, so I'm sticking with the DC. Well off to have some more "fun" and make another square!:lol

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Oh my goodness! Ya all have me scared to start clue 4, lol! I have to get to the store to get an appropriate color since I don't have anything in my stash that I feel will work.


Anyway, I have to make 6 more Santa hats for the kids (did one yesterday) because I got a bee in my bonnet and decided that a Christmas pic with them wearing matching hats would be cute, lol. That will keep me busy until I can get the yarn.....and the courage ;)

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Sockmad, I think your square looks great. The edges look nice and even.


I am avoiding making this square st the moment. I just can't get at all excited about this one. I spent the day making preemie hats and a preemie afghan instead. I'll get back to the squares this weekend.

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