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Girly Pineapple Dish Cloth


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Just finished this up a few minutes ago (well, almost finished. hee hee Gotta get ready to head to work now so I'll be finishing this up when I get home.).


Originally I was gonna try and make the whole thing a perfect square but I decided I liked the way it shaped up so I left it like it is and added a couple of black SC rnds to bring out the Girly colors. I think I'm gonna be working up the pattern for this dish cloth on my next day off.




Thanks for looking!!



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Thanks everybody!!! I just finished another dishcloth similar to the one in the first post. I changed the middle and the increases for the corners and I think I actually like this one a little more. Here's a pic:



I'll be working on the pattern for this one tomorrow and getting it tested later on tomorrow.





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Thanks everybody. I'm almost done with my 3rd one. These are kinda addicting. I think I'm gonna get most of the pattern written tonight so I can send the pattern out to my testers in the morning. I'm super excited about this design. I think it has potential.


Have a great day all!!!



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Well, the pattern is almost all typed out. To the testers it will go tomorrow morning. Yippee!!!





Oh yeah, I'll have a pic of my newest Pineapple Dish Cloth up tomorrow morning as well. It's a winner. I'm totally in love with it.

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Here's my final revision of my design.




This is what I wrote the pattern up for. Not a lot of differences. Mainly just little changes to make it lay flatter.


Pattern will be going out to my testers soon!!





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