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Some good clean fun?! [Archive 1]

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:laughrollGuess I am the odd :queen out. I did do some cleaning today :rofl I sat down and worked on some WIPs and felt guilty cause the bed wasn't made, so I got up and done that. Then when I sat down to :crocheting again, I thought the dishes need to be washed, so I got up and done that. Then I did a general pick up, organized some stuff, fixed lunch and washed dishes, took out garbage, cooked supper and did dishes again, cleaned up the computer room, cleaned off kitchen table, put up the household cleaning supplies and hygiene stuff I bought yesterday, cleaned out my notebooks and just piddled. I have been here most of the day by myself, which is ok, as my youngest son has been outside with friends etc. I am going to :crocheting and listen to an audiobook the rest of the evening.

Sounds like everyone has had a pretty good mother's day!!!! Glad you all have enjoyed your day, as I did.

Stacy- So sorry to hear about your DH's cousin. That is so terrible and I will be sending out prayers for him and your family. I hope that he is on the road to recovery and gets well soon.:hug

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I am glad everyone had a nice mother's day. I enjoyed my day thoroughly. After my sleep in and nice gifts we went and had brunch at my MIL's. Then we came home and I crocheted and we relaxed all afternoon and evening. :c9


Stacy, I am so sorry to hear about your BIL. He and your whole family are in my thoughts and prayers. I will especially pray that he has a speedy recovery. :hug


I guess it is back to the grind tomorrow.:D I have to work a few extra hours this week, so it will be more hectic than usual but I'll manage (I hate changes in routine:yuck). Laundry is definitely on the list, as is that bedroom window!

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Thank you for the thought and prayers. :hug My IL's went to see him today and said he is at least able to sit up and talk for a few minutes before needing to rest. They still have him pretty doped up, but that is an improvement from yesterday.

I'm glad everyone had a wonderful Mother's Day! I've been plain lazy today, too...dh cooked my favorite breakfast (potato pancakes) and even got breakfast ready for the girls. We watched a movie and took the girls swimming (dd got in the water before I remembered about the ear infection. Bad mommy. :blush) But she only plays on the top steps anyway so no water got near her ears.

Tomorrow I majorly have to clean. Dh isn't too, um, worried about housework :shrug so while it was really, really nice to take the day off, it looks like a tornado ran through (or 3! :lol)

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My big front window needed a clean

It wasn't all my fault, you see

A bird came along

And left more than his song

I think that bird was kind of mean




I hope you are all having a wonderful day!

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Well my recycling has been collected and put into the bins. That stuff adds up I had my little cart stuffed full and overflowing :eek


It just may be time for some windows for me too. :rofl

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Hi all,

Colleen- loved the little poem about the bird on your window!

Stacy -I know what you mean- take a day off, pay for it dearly the next.

I had a long day at work today- didn't get home until a short while ago. I have a load of:wash going and am having a :coffee.

LeaAnne did you watch the Celtics game last night? What a great shot by Big Baby Davis at the end!! fun game to watch.

Well, off to put the :wash into the dryer, grab someting to eat and then pick up the :hook and :yarn!

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Colleen- I had to :lol. The bird that graced your window, made its way from Ontario to central NJ and found my storm door:lol. I went outside to get the mail and lo and behold the glass on my storm door was covered. So I had to clean the storm door. (= more :crocheting time!)

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Sorry to hear about your door, Joanne. I may have muttered a few angry words about where I wanted that bird to go, but I swear I never mentioned New Jersey :rofl. No worries, because bird doo = mucho :crocheting time!

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:hi everyone!


sorry for not being around today... was really busy in my garage!!! :jumpyay ...:thinknow, I wonder if the trashcollectors will take all of the CRAP I put a the curb :rofl.... you see, my garage is the catch all at our house, and I have 4 packrat children who refuse to purge a single toy. Today, I got rid of 8 years worth of beat up Barbies, and countless toddler toys, all of which had seen their best day long ago:lol

I am officially 1/2 way there on my biggest :yuck job :cheer :wooWhen I am through, my darlings will have a cool space to "hang out" My target date is Memorial Day Weekend (Just in time for mom to get quiet time for the Charity CAL:devil ...see how my mind works? :rofl)


the rest of the week will be spent doing :wash:wash:wash and :crocheting...after tomorrow, which is :rose planting day :rose at school. Each :angel brings in a flower and gets to plant it on the grounds :clapIt's one of my favorite events that we have each year:c9


Stacy: I am hoping that today was good for your dh's cousin, and that you got to see him:hug


Mary: Sounds like you had a great date on Saturday!


Scooby: Wow!!! I award you a bonus hour (or 8:lol) for all you got accomplished yesterday... Awesome!:clap


Sorry, Colleen and Joanne about that "dirty bird"... (I love that poem, Colleen!:manyheart:lol)You guys are so funny... I am like Darski; one of these days I will have to wash the rest of my windows :rofl:devil


So, on the sports front in Boston-English, especially for you Joanne :lol

I watched "Tha B's" who played at "Tha Gahden". It was not nearly as exciting (although cool that we won) as the "Celts"... I was "clickin'" back and forth till the B's game ended, then got to catch the rest of the Celtics.

You are right on: that was a VERY exciting ending. And for what it's worth, the Hurricanes' goalie is "Wicked Awesome"! I agree, I think they will go far.


I am chuckling about the Boston accent... I am a transplant from Maine, and Boy do my relatives up "they-ah" ride me a lot about being a city girl now :lol


Oh! BTW... I have been meaning to ask you Jersey girl, if you are a "Boss" fan?



I just want to thank you all, my friends, for getting me charged up about doing what used to be a "thankless" job! :manyheart and I have to say that I truly look forward to coming here to see what you're all up to :day:ty:ghug

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Wow LeaAnne 1/2 of the garage done!:clap:clap:clap That is "wicked awesome":lol Love your plan to get it done for Memorial Day Weekend:devil.

And to answer your question, yes I do love the Boss! (What Jersey girl doesn't;)


Gotta get ready for work:eek


Cya later and have a great day:manyheart

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Hi Everyone! I haven't had much to report, so I haven't been in touch. Today, however, I decided to play a rousing game of "The Worst." This is where I go into each room, pick the area in direst need of cleaning, and go to it. I found the kitchen table, cleaned off the cats' eating area, emptied and scrubbed down the dining room table, cleared off and polished the coffee table, and located the floor in my sons' bathroom. Ewwww. I cleared a lot of clutter from my bedroom. I broke down and recycled some boxes from the laundry room (Hey! I can walk in there again!):eek Now I need to sweep the front porch -- there's a nest of baby house finches in one of our wreaths, and I hate to disturb them, but it's getting nasty! I also need to clean the main bathroom, but my daughter is showering in there, so maybe in an hour or two...


Oh Fostermom, I have 15-year-old twins. Boy/girl. I LOVE having twins! Their big brother is 18 months older than they are. I have earned every gray hair that I have!:manyheart

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Hi all! I have not posted much in the last week or so. I did not do much cleaning this weekend. I had a horrible :headache on Saturday and of course, Sunday was Mother's Day. I did NOTHING. The only real cleaning I did this weekend was the laundry and that was it. But I did work on my paper for 2 hours yesterday. That has to be good for some :crocheting time, right? I did a new IRB and I was working on the edits with that wonderful APA manual. Maybe I will roll out the vaccuum tonight after dinner. Let's see how the day with all the little darlings goes!

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I swept off the front porch. Papa Bird squawked at me the whole time, but I got it done. When the babies leave the nest, I'm going to have to take down the wreath and scrub the siding behind it. I picked up and scrubbed the bathroom floor, too. I really don't understand why trash ends up on the floor 2 feet away from the trash can.:think


Now I homeschool kids, take number 2 son to his mowing job, take him to his eye doctor appointment, pick up number 1 son from his lifeguard job, help him with his school work, fix dinner, go to my afternoon job (and crochet!) WHEW!


Thanks for the motivation to get started first thing in the morning.

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The extent of my cleaning has been slim to none :lol. I washed the dishes, gathered up the trash, made my bed, windexed and polished the coffee table (i hate having a glass top), cleaned the puter monitor and that has been about it.I just haven't felt like doing much of anything today. Yesterday I didn't get a lot done either as my youngest son had an orthodontist appt, I had to drop some stuff off at school, we had to run by the dentist office to give a report, and go to the grocery. Hopefully tomorrow I will get back to my list of things to do.

LeaAnne- :clap:cheer:yay WTG on the garage!!!!! Hope you had a great time planting all those flowers!!!!

BasJordan- :lol:lol Well, I guess Papa bird saw who was boss on the porch cleaning deal :lol.

Vicki-:yuck on the APA manual :lol:lol. Mine is put away for a while, as I don't think I will be using it again till the fall. You do deserve some extra time :crocheting, if you had to sit for two hours with that manual in your face!!!! To me that is pure torture:lol:lol.

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I survived Prom weekend just to wind up SICK! Can my life please get back to whatever normal is? I am really starting to get depressed!


Great job to all of you for getting stuff done. Besides "kneeling at the throne" for two days I have done NOTHING! Zilch, zero, nada! You know, you guys arent that far away, you could come to my house and do a cleaning intervention you know!


AND just to be more of a rebel I crocheted today when I didnt earn it via cleaning! BUT I finished the dreaded lacy blocks afghan and will never make another one. I will get hubby to take a pic so you can see it.


IF I can stay off of my knees long enough tomorrow I will get some pick up done. Or maybe just grab a scrub brush and scrub the bathroom floor while I retch! LOL


Basjordan I wish I could say I love having twins, it was unexpected and not in either family! Good ole buy one get one free trick of nature! Thankfully my daugher was four when they were born. Bless you for having them so close to your oldest!


Have a great night all

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Foster Mom-So sorry to hear that you have been hugging the bowl- and I think you deserved the crochet time -Prom weekend and then getting sick =:crocheting time! And yes you are probably not far from me- NJ is after all a small state!

Basjordan- APA manual for 2 hrs definitely counts (that is as bad as cleaning, don't you think?


Scooby- I think you earned some time off from cleaning- what with finishing your degree and graduation and all that!


LeaAnne- did you get any further on the garage? Every night when I pull into the garage after work I see all the "junk" that I need to clean out off the shelves- I think that this weekend may be time that I tackle at least 2 shelves in the garage and finally make the switch from the winter clothes to the spring clothes which is a :thumbdown job- I dread it but thankfully only have to do it 2X a year:)


Colleen- any more birds hitting on your windows?:lol


Two of you with twins- :eek My 3 daughters were born within 4 years of each other and I don't know how I could have dealt with 2 at once! Kudos to you:clap You deserve lots of :crocheting time!


Time to straighten up after dinner, settle in to watch the Yankees and the Celts- sorry LeaAnne, I am a Yankee fan:lol

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Yes, The APA manual is :yuck! I hate that book! So I spent 2 hours yesterday and another tonight. I think I deserve some extra :crocheting time! I will get some tomorrow and Thursday. Then it will be back to the :compute to work on my paper. That and the IRB application. :(

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Yesterday i did 4 loads of laundry, washed then hung them out on line, then had to pick them in and fight with the blackflies while doing so ( blackflies bite bad ). Picked up stuff around house, also had to go and work for a couple of hours, made supper, remade my bed then i :crocheting:crocheting:crocheting the rest of the night.


Today i picked up stuff AGAIN, ran some errans, fixed dinner then went out to bingo and i just got home. Now iam gonna :crocheting:crocheting:crocheting then go to bed and see what tomorrow brings.


Goodnight all

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Great job on the garage, LeaAnne! That is awesome! I cleaned up all the baby/toddler stuff in our crawl space in March and sold it at a Parent-to-Parent sale that the preschool had for a fundraiser. I cleaned it out and made lots of money, which was a bonus. It feels great to get rid of stuff that you don't need!


FosterMom, sorry to hear that you were sick. That is the pitts! I hope you are feeling better!


Good job everyone else on getting stuff done! I popped on-line quick this morning and reading about your accomplishments spurred me on to pick up the house, clean the kitchen and wash an afghan that I will donate. After that it was a busy day what with working extra hours and going to my first parent info night at the school my DD will start kindergarten at in the fall :eek.


It is a long weekend this weekend here in Canada (Victoria Day), so I should have some extra time to clean (and :crocheting:devil). I am going to get the bedroom finished and get started on a second big :yuck project.

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I miss having a line to hang my laundry on. I used to enjoy that as crazy as that sounds. My neighbor used to yell at me for hanging panties on the line. She said that was nasty! LOL To be a jerk I then would hang in order, hubby, me, kidlets, hubby, me, kidlets! :devil


Joanne where in Jersey are you? We are in Morris County. I am originally from Philly and never knew this part of Jersey even was here until we moved here.


I've been home from work all week so I know I will go into a mess Thursday :eek Ya know I cant stand a mess at work but at home I can step over it! Am I backwards or what????

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FosterMom- I am in Middlesex County- not too far from Morris- about 45 min I'd guess.

I too used to use a clothesline when my kids were growing up - i love the smell of clothes that have dried outside. I like that you hung the panties in order- very:devil ish indeed!


Well, I'll check back in after work- time to get ready!


Lea Anne- I see that the Bruins have forced a game 7! And the Celts played another gritty game- it was fun to watch (unlike the Yankees who are sinking fast with all their injuries!)

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:rofl I see it is now "my bird" that torments to you all -- from Jersey to Virginia no less! :rofl


I LOVE my clothes line:manyheart. I use it all the time (and my bird has always spared me). I love the smell of the fresh clothes too. I live all winter for that first day in spring when I can finally get clothes out on the line. :)


Well, I've got some quality time planned with my DD today, but I suspect I'll fit in some laundry and some more weeding the yard. I've got to earn some :crocheting time. My sister and her husband just purchased their first home and I want to make something to send them for a small housewarming gift. They live in OR, so it has to be small and light enough to mail. I'm thinking coasters :think. Any other ideas? They like to entertain, so that's why I thought of coasters. Hmmm, I'll have to earn points to buy new :yarn.:devil


Stacy - I've been thinking of you and wondering how your BIL(?) is doing and your DD with the ear infection.:hug


Have a wonderful day all! Happy cleaning and :crocheting.


Off to have my :mug.

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Mornin', all-

I missed you all yesterday :hug Planting day was great! The front of the school looks really pretty. After that, I had an hour to do a quick clean up, then dinner, 9 y/o's softball game, PTO meeting, American Idol, Bruins and Celtics games, and :yawn BED!


Today, my house is empty for a few hours:c9 DH is on the road for the day, so I can turn up the :ipod and get something accomplished! :yay But first, I needed :morcoffee, and to check in...


Stacy: I am really praying that things are improving with DH's cousin... and that you all are holding up ok:(:hug


FosterMom: How are you feeling today? I am sorry that you have been sick:( We missed you!


Hey, Beth- :welcome back! You've sure been busy... :dance WTG! I :nworthy to you, homeschooling your children. That's a big job in itself:yes


Scooby: I agree with Joanne, that earning your degree should get you some time off of cleaning (and don't forget the double bonus for all you did on Mother's Day! :cheer) Hope things are nice and calm for you today:manyheart


Vicki: Sorry about your :headache... glad you're back:clap

Not sure what the APA manual is, but it Sounds :yuck:yuck Double :crocheting time is in order, definately!


Mary: I am thinking bonus for you too... 4 loads of laundry on the line fighting blackflies?! Those little buggers are NASTY! You should get triple for dealing with them:lol


Joanne: DH sends his condolences for the Yankee thing... and since you are a Bruce fan (he's like a groupie, I swear! :lol), we won't hold it against you! :rofl:rofl

(It really is unfortunate that they are having all of those injuries:()

I can't believe the B's forced a game 7... I am really not a hockey fan, btw (I still can't understand the game), but DH has been watching it, and you gotta route for your local team, right?! I really do prefer baseball at this time of the year... the only time sports is better is when baseball and football overlap in the fall. (Football is my FAVORITE sport to watch:yes... I grew up watching that game with my dad)


Hey, Colleen: I know it's nice to share and everything, but that bird of yours should really learn how to "play nice"! :rofl:lol:rofl

Congrats to your sister and BIL on their new home:cheer:clap It's so nice to hear that someone is doing well in these tough times... I think coasters sound like a lovely idea! Maybe you could do some placemats to match? Problem is that postage is getting OUTRAGEOUS.


Well... I better get my Tuccus in gear, and get my chores done, so I will have time to :crocheting in peace!


Have a wonderfully productive, peaceful and Stitchin' Day, all!

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WELLLLLLLLL( I know it is a big hole in the ground :lol:lol), I haven't done the first thing today. But I must get busy. I need to change the sheets on the bed, go to the grocery and get youngest son one of those giant chocolate chip cookies for his 15th birthday today, cook dinner, general pick up and clean the bathroom.


Fostermom- So Sorry you have been sick. I don't think there is anything worse than spending time at the oval office. I hope you get to feeling better soon.Hopefully things won't be too bad when you get back to work.


Miss Scarlett- :clap WTG on all the :wash. You deserve double :crocheting time for having to fight off the blackflies, as that is chore/work in itself.


Colleenka-:yay How exciting going to your first parent info nite for DD. I remember those days oh soooooooooo long ago. Is she excited about going to school? Have fun on your long weekend this weekend :crocheting, and good luck getting the bedroom cleaned. And your little bird has flown all the way to TN and has been doing his business all over the windshield in my blazer. I am hoping it will rain and wash it away before I have a chance to go out and clean it :lol:lol.Congrats to your sister and her DH!!! I think coasters would be a very nice gift. Good enough excuse to me to go out and buy some :yarn.


Fostermom-:rofl about hanging panties on the clothes line. I see people all the time hanging them on the line, but I can't as we live in apts. Anyways, what difference did it make, it isn't like she hasn't seen panties before :lol:lol. I commend you for being such a lil :devil.


LeaAnne- Glad planting day at :school went great!!!! Being at :school dealing with all those kiddos definitely deserves a bonus.Not getting a lot done yesterday at home, probably means extra mess today, which means extra/double :crocheting time for you!!!!



:woo:jumpyay:laughroll:rock While I was sitting here typing this up, a friend of mine called and said he was going to stop and get my son's cookie for his birthday!!!! One thing I can scratch off my list and I didn't have to put forth any effort :lol:lol.


I hope you all have a great day and I will check back in with later and see what fantastic accomplishments everyone has made!!!!:hug:manyheart:hug:flower:ghug:2hug

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