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Some good clean fun?! [Archive 1]

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yeah... you got the extra mess right! :rofl

I swear, I live with a pack of untrainable messy people:lol It's a good thing they're cute...:devil


:rofl Love the underwear chat... Maybe That's why DH doesn't want me to have a clothesline?!:think:rofl


All I have left to do (for today) is 1 more wash (will it EVER end:?), grocery store and supper... I think tonight I will try to start that dish towel while I see who gets kicked off Idol


I'll be back after dinner sometime...:clap:clapnight off of the ballfields:clap:clap



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Wow! What a busy bunch of people. And that bird -- it's like the energizer bunny on caffeine or something! Do you think it gets frequent flyer miles?


I can only count yard work today. I am trying to vanquish the English Ivy that's EVERYWHERE in my yard. I don't have a big yard, but it's very long and very narrow, so the border is about 2500 feet around. And every inch of it has ivy trying to take over.


I also mowed, swept sidewalks, did dishes, made my bed, and folded laundry.


I hope you all are doing great.:ghug Happy :crocheting-ing!

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Alrighty fellow :crochetingers. I did my 45 minutes of weeding the lawn and raked some dead spots and planted some grass seed this afternoon. Back breaking work! Otherwise I've just done the usual dishes, picking up, etc. I am feeling kind of worn out today....SOOOOO, I gave myself a :crocheting break this afternoon :c9 and finished the loop-to-loop towel. I started it at the end of last week. The pattern is written very well. It is a bit boring for the first 42 rows, but goes very quickly after that. The alternating FL, BL makes a very nice waffled texture look. It's nice. I will probably make the matching dish cloth sometime soon.


I have tons of this yellow that I'm left with after a project didn't take off. My kitchen is burgundy and navy, so this will not go in my kitchen:yuck. I might make one for me in beige:think. Both my mom and MIL have yellow kitchens, so this will be a Christmas gift! (Look at me, all organized for Christmas!:rofl That is hilarious!).


Here's some pics.





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:whewI am taking a break!!!!!!!!! I have to go pick up youngest son in a few mins from school so I thought I would report my daily progress so far.

Kitchen-dishes washed, trash taken out, countertops/table/china hutch/stove scrubbed and cleaned off

Bathroom- cleaned, trash taken out, trash can scrubbed, swept/mopped floor

My Bedroom- vacuumed and dusted, bed sheets changed/remade, put up the box of books, emptied trash, sorted out the sock drawer where unmated socks end up after laundry. I think I matched up about 25 pairs of socks :lol.

Vacuumed hallway, computer room and son's room, sorted two loads of laundry to be washed tomorrow, did a general pick up. I still have a few more things on my list that I hope to get done today. Will report back later and let you know if I meet my goal :lol:lol.

WTG on the yard work Basjordan and Collenka!!!!

I love the dishtowel. Very nice!!!:cheer:clap:yay

Good job getting your chores done today LeaAnne. I know, if you get a day behind, it is twice as bad!!!!!!

Happy :crocheting this evening.

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WTG everyone .... so much work getting done :cheer

I just love my laundry line, don't know what i would do with out it ( love the smell of fresh clothes )

Today i went to work for about an hour, then came home and did a load of laundry, out to the line it went ( blackflies and i had words )

DH went to the dump today so i got all the garbage together, threw out stuff in fridge ( i really don't like that job ) picked up stuff around house, cleaned off the front deck made supper and did the dishes.

Iam going to watch idol tonight also and :crocheting:crocheting:crocheting

DH has just gone fishing so i will have peace and quiet :lol

Tomorrow it is going to rain here so i guess i will be working in the house :crocheting:devil sounds good to me.

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Wow! Everyone has been so busy today!!!! WTG!!!! (can you earn me some:crocheting time?)

Love the dishtowel and think that would make a nice gift (but I do like the idea of the coasters (small and won't cost alot to mail!) That is great that they are buying a house!

I came home from work, straightened up the family room and ran the vacuum and dusted. Then DH took me to Panera's for dinner. :). So I definitely haven't been as busy as all of you. I'll have to make up for it on the weekend.:yes


I'll be watching the Yankees tonight- and I'm with LeaAnne- my favorite sport is Football- GO BIG BLUE!!!! NY GIANTS FAN THROUGH AND THROUGH!


Can't believe it's 8:00 already- where does the time go? I started a Fat Bottom Bag last night and after about 5 rows I realized I was doing the Herringbone Half Double Crochet (HHDC) stitch wrong-:eek I was adding another yo and pull through 1st. I had never done one before. Anyway, I hate to frog so I'm leaving it and I'll see what happens at the end. It doesn't look terrible and maybe when I get to the end I can repeat the mistake:think. Well off to continue on the FBB!


And thanks for being here- it's great to come home from work and check in and see how busy you all have been :yes ! If only I didn't work full time -leave at 6:30-6:45 and get home usually around 5:30---long day! (does that count for some :crocheting time?) I think so:lol


And Colleen's bird is really making the rounds- he was back in NJ- and did some business on my mailbox!!!:lol

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Coleen, that is beautiful towel. I agree that it would make a great housewarming gift -- it certainly would warm up the kitchen. It's so sunny and pretty. It would also make a lovely Christmas present!


I swept all the floors in the house, took out the trash, put up clean dishes, and now I'm ready for :crocheting. It is very inspiring to hear what everyone is getting done.

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Oh, Beth just reminded me of another thing I did- I took out the trash and made sure all the recyclable containers were out by the curb for pick up tomorrow- I do it without even thinking that it counts for:crocheting time!!!!

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I am done for the day!!!!!!!!!!! OH wait, while watching American Idol, I am going to wind some yarn and reorganize all those baskets of :yarn balls. Anyways, that won't be too bad. I did meet the rest of my goals from my previous list of todays "To Do"list. Since my last report, supper has been served and mess cleaned up, more trash taken out from waste paper baskets, living room vacuumed and dusted, :rabbit fed/watered and cage cleaned. Everyone should be set for the night now. Youngest son went to the carnival as that birthday money was burning a hole in his pocket :lol:lol.

I started tomorrows list: a couple of loads of laundry, dust computer room and son's room, general pick up, go back and put all these loose patterns back in the notebooks, empty a couple of boxes I brought in the other day from storage, make a run to goodwill to drop off some clothes, take son to get learner's permit, empty the bags of yarn in yarn closet and get the shelves organized a little better, sweep off porch and I think that is it. I am hoping everything will be done by the weekend so I won't have much to do but :crocheting:crocheting:crocheting. :devil

:cheer:clap:yayWTG everyone on getting things done today!!!!!!

Miss Scarlet- :lol:lol hope your little talk with the blackflies did some good!! I cleaned out refrigerator too before I took trash out. I don't like the job either, kinda in the same category as cleaning the oven and the inside of the mircowave :yuck:yuck.

Have a good evening all. Hope you get to spend a little time :crocheting. I will check back in sometime before bed. :hug:hug

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ok, so they have shocked me again... 2 weeks in a row I am sad about who left American Idol. I think they should've just left the final four and called it a tie:lol


after dinner, I had to take my darlings out to get new sneakers. They wore there old ones out playing in the woods in back and of COURSE they found the mud!:ohdear Oh well, at least they were having fun together:yay I love that they are all good friends... like their own little club or something:) We got back just in time to watch Idol, which is a family event in this house.


Bad news: I didn't have my project out by the couch.

Good news: My house is still clean, so tomorrow I get mucho-bonus :crocheting:crocheting time! :woo


Colleen: I love your dish towel :dreaming! What kind of yarn did you use and what is the color called? My kitchen is like a light Carribean Blue, with my beach calendar, and kids artwork as decor. I have splashes of yellow (which is the color I wanted, but DH does not like yellow:()

:scrachin I think that might be the ticket to get my lil' splash of sunshine in there for me:yes


Wow, Scooby! You get the prize for getting the most things accomplished in the least amount of time! :clap Wait a sec... are YOU Tabitha from Bewitched:? :rofl Just kidding... but you really DO amaze me! WTG!

p.s. will you come and match up my socks:blush?! I :yuck Despise that job (even more than cleaning the oval office!):lol:D

OH, yeah... and tell DS we said :birthday


Mary: I am glad you got to talk to those Darned flies...:tryme:lol

enjoy your extra time tomorrow! :manyheart You need to cash in on all of that laundry time:yes:yes


Beth: Yard work counts DOUBLE + new yarn, you know... right, Colleen? :wink Good job on clearing the ivy!


Joanne: I am glad you like the Giants, and not the J E T S Jets :rofl

And YEAH... W O R K counts at least double, as far as I am concerned :heehee


Well (Yup, a big hole in the ground:lol)

I am off to :sleep... see you all in the morning! :ghug

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I just had to stop in one more time before :night:sleep:lol to check on the progress of my partners in cleaning.


Joanne-Sorry to hear about the mishap on the HHDC stitch. Hopefully it will turn out just right so you won't have to :frog:frog. Yes, having to go to work most definitely counts as :crocheting time. :cheer:clap on getting the family room cleaned!!!!!


:yay:yay Beth for getting all the floors swept (another chore that I can do without). I hate sweeping, thank goodness I have mostly all carpet.:lol:lol


LeaAnne- Oh boy do I wish I was Tabitha and could just do a little bit of :2magic with the twinkle of my nose. But once I get motivated and started good, I clean like crazy. Probably what helps me more than anything is that I used to own a house cleaning business and learned a lot of tips and tricks to help me out :lol.


I too am very disappointed with American Idol :(. From the looks on the judges faces, I think they were disappointed and shocked too. As far as I am concerned it is over :lol:lol. Don't really care who wins and probably won't watch the finale, but will listen to a :book on my :ipod that nite :rofl.


I will most definitely tell my son :birthday from you all.


My plans for tomorrow have been altered just a little. As I was reorganizing the :yarn ball baskets and watching Idol, my ds came in the living room and said "Mom, we have to go to the orthodontist in the morning." :eek:eek We were just there on Monday and it is about a 30 mile trip one way!!!!! About 4 weeks ago, he knocked his two front teeth out and had to have emergency oral surgery, and they had to cut the wire off the top braces as it was badly bent, put the teeth back in the socket, put on another wire, and reset the bone above the front two teeth as it was broken. He also had a fairly large gash in the gums and severed the nerve. Thank goodness he had braces as that was the only thing keeping the teeth in his mouth, otherwise he would have been picking them up off the ground. Anyways, when we went to the ortho on Monday, he ran a crosswire on the wire the dentist put on after resetting the teeth, to try to pull the front top 6 teeth closer together, as they won't be able to do anything with the top braces for six months. He was in the puter room tonite surfing the web when I heard him holler. The crosswire snapped and and was poking him in the mouth. DS temporarily fixed it so it wouldn't keep poking/cutting into his lip. So I guess first thing in the morning we are off to the orthodontist :(:(. Oh well, just a minor set back I guess. ONE way or the OTHER, I will get the rest of my chores done tomorrow. I want my weekend to be free of any major housework :lol:lol.


Have a good day tomorrow, and I will check in ASAP!!!!!! :hug:hug:manyheart

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Just a quick good morning all- Scooby- sorry to hear about DS-and having to go to orthodontist again! Hope all goes well

As far as my FBB, I was very happy to reach Row 14 where you are supposed to have 45 stitches and I did! Now it's easy until Row 39 where all you do is HHDC in each row. I am definitely not:frog!

Off to get ready for WORK (thank you for allowing that as :crocheting time!:yay. Won't get home till after six tonight- have to work until 5:30 today:(


Have a wonderful, productive day all:yes

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Good morning all. While you were so busy yesterday evening, I made supper, cleaned up supper, did a puzzle with DD, put DD to bed and went to bed myself at 7:30. Yes, you read right. I went to bed at 7:30! I was just wiped out. Hopefully nothing that an 11 hour sleep couldn't cure.


LeaAnne - I used Bernat Handicrafter ww cotton for the towel. I'm not sure if you have that in the US.:think Color is Hot Yellow. I bought 3 - 14 oz balls of this stuff :eek and the project didn't work out. I gave one ball to my mom, so now I'm plugging away at the other two. So, I have enough to share. If you want, just PM me your address and I'll either send you the towel or some yarn. Your choice :). I have plenty to make another towel.


Scooby, sounds like your son had quite a mishap with his teeth! :ohdear


Mary, you aren't selling moving the Kingston area with your tales of blackflies :lol. I am happy to say we don't have any/many in the city. That said, DD's first soccer starts in a couple weeks and I'm sure the bugs have the schedule.


Joanne, working FT most definitely counts for :crocheting time. You earn it before you even start cleaning the house! Sorry about the bird getting your mailbox.


Beth, WTG on getting so much done.


Thank you all for your kind words about my towel. I think you should all make one too!:D


For today, I'm not going to make any promises about what I'll get done. I'll just check in later and let you know what (if anything) I did get done. I'm working a few extra hours today (I work Part-time) and this is my last shift of the week :whew.


Have a good day!

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I am glad Colleen said that working full time gets :crocheting time. Nothing gets done at home during the week! By the time I get home, make dinner, clean it up, I am :yawn and want to do nothing but sit. Half the time I end up working on my paper and then end up going to bed. I did manage to begin to crochet the border on the blanket I ma making. I have one more row to go and then I can wash it and mail it! :clap!


Someone in an ealier post commented on the APA manual and did not know what it was (sorry! I don't remember who posted it!). It is the American Psychological Association handbook for scholarly writing. It makes me want to :bang. Scooby will tell you the same thing. It is a vers specific way of writing and presenting your work so that is considered valid. If I could get away with finishing this degree without it, I would be very happy. That won't happen, so I must yield to the book. :irk. I guess I will survive. With any luck I will be finished by :ctreeand then I won;t have to pick it up again for a LONG time!


Have a good day everybody. Lovely children will be entering the building here soon!

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Good morning, ladies! It has been a while since I've posted but I wanted to pop in and say I am still cleaning. (Are we ever done? :lol) I've been "super-cleaning" since Monday because dh "watched" the kids on Sunday so I could have some me-time. In short- it looked like a cyclone hit. :eek Aside from the usual cleaning, I re-organized my kitchen cupboards, my computer desk, and the cupboards in my bathroom. Also cleaned everything off the counter top and wiped it down (usually I just wipe around whatever is there. :blush)

Monday I went yarn shopping at Michael's, they had major clearance on Bernat Cashmere and LB Cotton-ease...needless to say, I bought much more than 3 balls. But they were all $1, so it wasn't too bad. Yesterday morning I started a new project, and of course I've been on the go since I finished about the 10th row and haven't had a chance to work on it since.

Today it is the usual cleaning and Mommy and Me. It is also my MIL's birthday, so I may be making dinner, which, of course, will count for double :crocheting time. :devil


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hey, all-


just sitting down with my :mug and :hook, and thought I'd drop in...


I have a bunch of things that need to be done today (like matching :socks:yuck:rofl), but they aren't going to go anywhere:blush, so I am "cashing in" on some much earned :crocheting time :manyheart ...If we don't start cashing in, it will defeat the purpose of earning time, right?! I am going to start the towel, in another color (maybe to match my sister's kitchen) Here's the pattern again: http://www.crochetnmore.com/looptoloopdishtowel.htm

Also, any patterns that we share here will be added to the first post, so they'll be easy to find:)


Vicki- :yuckThat book sounds like a big :yawn! Who thinks this stuff up anyway? :lol Well...keep on plugging, and I will hold you in my thoughts for a quick finish:cheer


Colleen- I will check around to see if I can find that shade. I have 2 big balls of that Handicrafter, so I know it at least WAS available... thanks for the offer on sending me a ball:hug you are so sweet! (I will let you know if I can't find it here)

And :c9Good For You getting to bed nice and early!:c9

I hope that the extra :night has you refreshed:manyheart


Scooby - sorry about your ds's teeth... that sounds AWFUL!:( I hope that the orthodontist can get everything repaired ok.

I am thinking I might just be right here next week during Idol... i can listen in the background (I do enjoy listening to those guys... I just don't really care who wins:sigh...


Joanne - hope you had a good day at work:P and I have :xfin for your FBB... and tonight is game 7 of the B's, so I know what I will be watching. I can't seem to make the Sox games... Pacific time doesn't really agree with me, it's just Tooo late!


Mary - hope you are cashing in on :crocheting:crocheting:crocheting today, too!:yes



:ghug Have a Happy :crocheting Day, all! :manyheart

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Good morning, ladies! It has been a while since I've posted but I wanted to pop in and say I am still cleaning. (Are we ever done? :lol) I've been "super-cleaning" since Monday because dh "watched" the kids on Sunday so I could have some me-time. In short- it looked like a cyclone hit. :eek Aside from the usual cleaning, I re-organized my kitchen cupboards, my computer desk, and the cupboards in my bathroom. Also cleaned everything off the counter top and wiped it down (usually I just wipe around whatever is there. :blush)

Monday I went yarn shopping at Michael's, they had major clearance on Bernat Cashmere and LB Cotton-ease...needless to say, I bought much more than 3 balls. But they were all $1, so it wasn't too bad. Yesterday morning I started a new project, and of course I've been on the go since I finished about the 10th row and haven't had a chance to work on it since.

Today it is the usual cleaning and Mommy and Me. It is also my MIL's birthday, so I may be making dinner, which, of course, will count for double :crocheting time. :devil



:hi, Stacy! :hug

Sure have missed you! Happy Birthday to your MIL.

Good for you getting "such a deal" on the yarn... by the looks you have MORE than earned it!!!:manyheart:yes

How is DH's cousin doing? I haven't been able to get you all off my mind.

:whew I am soooo happy :jumpyay to "see" you! :hug

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Glad to see your post, Stacy! :) That cyclone hits my house all the time, although usually it's my fault and not so much DH's :blush. Nice for you to find a yarn sale.


LeaAnne, I think Handicrafters and Lily Sugar and Cream might be the same thing. I know the free patterns on their website are one and the same, so look for Hot Yellow in Lily. If not, offer stands.


Vicky - keep up the good work on your degree. Hopefully you can be done by Christmas.:clap


Scooby, you should share a tip or two that you learned while cleaning homes! I need all the help I can get :rofl


I have felt like crawling back into bed all morning:yawn:morcoffee, but I have persevered with you all in mind. I've done 3 loads of :wash -- I even folded and put away :faintall but the last, which is still in the dryer. I emptied the dishwasher, cleaned out the fridge's unwanted leftovers, did some dishes. I am putting off grocery shopping until tomorrow, because it has been pouring rain and crazy windy all morning. It will have to be bacon and eggs for supper :D. So now, a quick clean of the sinks and then I get ready for an afternoon/evening at work.

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:clap:clapAlready on row 10!:clap:clap


I REALLY like this pattern:manyheart


I chose one of my Bernat Handicrafter skeins in "Boston Blue", which is actually like a spa green :think:shrug

I can't get out to look for the yellow today (DH is on the road, and we have 1 car) So I decided to go for it.


I am so pleased with how quickly and lovely this pattern works up:c9


Thanks, FosterMom, for the recommendation!:hug


Colleen, I am thinking these would make really nice :ctree gifts, too!


Hey, Joanne- this is a perfect pattern to do while watching sports (not that I am trying to enable you, you understand :devil:lol)... you just set the first row, and off you go!


I need to take a break of this project, as I am going back and forth between this and my mom's "Coming Home" poncho. That is a LOOONNNG past due WIP!:blush I really am not liking the color she picked, which I guess is why it's still a WIP?! Anyway, I really want to finish it for her. i started the towel to break up the :irk:grumpy of the poncho;) Mission Accomplished:cheer:cheer


I'll be back on the towel today, fer shure:yes


oh, and p.s. I might have fibbed about the day off... i am on my 3rd load of laundry (with a mountain to go:sigh). But I do refuse to match up any :socks :socks today:grump:grump Nuh-uh...:no way :heehee

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LeaAnne, I think Handicrafters and Lily Sugar and Cream might be the same thing. I know the free patterns on their website are one and the same, so look for Hot Yellow in Lily. If not, offer stands.


It will have to be bacon and eggs for supper :D. So now, a quick clean of the sinks and then I get ready for an afternoon/evening at work.


Yumm! Sounds great! Can I come over? I LOVE breakfast for supper!


Way to stick with it... you got a lot done already! Hope your work goes well...


Thanks for the tip on the Lily yarn... I will be out soon to look for it :hug

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My house is a complete mess today because I am going through everything and just throwing, recycling and giving away anything that has stayed in the same place for almost 4 years.


It is all coming together rather well at this point but I am not at the finished point is all (Yah buying this by any chance? :rofl)


Avon had a really neat (boo, hiss, pun) 3 piece storage set that I am using for other things than what they planned. The shoe storage is for yarn. The purse storage is for umbrellas (Why do I have so many :think:wlol ) and the sweater thingy is also for yarn if I can find a place to put it.


I have posted a storage trunk on freecycle so that can get gone and I can get a new computer desk that will make all of this much easier at the end of the day.


I am feeling really good about this. should have done it last year :rofl

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WTG, Darski-


...and yes, I am buying it... :hook,:yarn,& sinker! :rofl


:blushtoo bad home also has to be an ongoing WIP, too, huh:? :lol


you sound soooo much like my Mom, it makes me :heehee (by the way, her favorite place should would like to go someday is Niagra Falls)... the problem is, though, instead of "free-cycle" everything that's going comes HERE!:eek ...but what can I say, she's my mom, and I :heart her to pieces:yes

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:woo A wonderful lady came and collected all the rescue dolls that I had/had not dressed. She is in the know for places to send them and she is going to add to the clothing so each little one will get a doll with lots of clothes to amuse theem.


She got a call for a little girl (age 4) that had brain surgery and is due for more surgery. Can you imagine how that little one will feel when she gets such a gift of love. :c9


The trunk is going on Saturday so that is good. No news about the new (to me) desk... friend needs a little more time to decide.

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oh, how Wonderful! :manyheart That woman sounds like an :angel


hey, maybe we could do some squares for a 'ghan for that poor girl! ...or for her mom... I can't begin to imagine what they must be going through:no


Let me know if you think you'd like to do something like that... I am still :think:scrachin for the Charity CAL


and good luck with that desk!



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