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Our House [Archive 5]

Super Granny

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Good Morning, ladies. :) We slept in til 8, which neither of us ever do. Usually Zoe and/or Maggie have me up by 6 so I guess they were tired, too. :lol


Hi Wendy ~ I think the dark green will be lovely for the Angel "border." When do the girls go back to school? Are you ready? ;)


I drew a blank when I started to make bi-color squares for the Penguin. Then I realized the IC was 625 solid squares and I hadn't made a bi-color in ages...so I went to Cara's site for a refresher course. :hook Cara, thank you again for your wonderful patterns. :manyheart

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I am definitely on the mend today. Head and chest both feel better. The trick now will be not to overdo it and relapse. Since everyone seemed convinced that I would have to come up with a new project over the weekend, I did. I've created another original snowflake. I just finished the initial flake. Now I need to do one in my sparkly thread and post the instructions. I'll post a picture when I get the tails hidden and have them blocked. :D

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I do have a tattoo on my right shoulder blade, a lizard. I always wanted to have a tattoo since I was 12 years old. I had it done about ten years ago, right after the worse years of my life. It 's a constant reminder that I am a fighter and survivor. I never regretted it. :D


I am still tempted to have another. I will know when it's a right time to have it, a design will appear in my head when it happened. :yes

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I do have a tattoo on my right shoulder blade, a lizard. I always wanted to have a tattoo since I was 12 years old. I had it done about ten years ago, right after the worse years of my life. It 's a constant reminder that I am a fighter and survivor. I never regretted it. :D


I am still tempted to have another. I will know when it's a right time to have it, a design will appear in my head when it happened. :yes

Exactly...that's what I tell myself when I think about getting another tattoo: I'll know when...and what...

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Oh man miss one day and miss a ton. We have gone from hair and make up to piercings in different places to tatoos.

On the hair and make up end well im a hairstylist so that has to be done, and im a marykay rep so that also is done, Piercings i have 3 in each ear i dont wear them , tatoos i have none but want one, my dh thinks im going thru my second childhood, my mom is 60 and she just said she wanted one. that is the last thiing i thought i would hear from her.


Donna your ghan looks great.


Im still plugging along making saltines for the ATW ghan.


I had my tattoo done when I turned 60 :lol so you're never to old! :cheer This was after my marriage of 20 years ended because he "couldn't do this anymore" and left. The tattoo is on my right ankle and is a monarch butterfly with the words "Butterflies are free" added to it. Had always wanted one and it was my sign of total independence!!! :clap

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I had my tattoo done when I turned 60 :lol so you're never to old! :cheer This was after my marriage of 20 years ended because he "couldn't do this anymore" and left. The tattoo is on my right ankle and is a monarch butterfly with the words "Butterflies are free" added to it. Had always wanted one and it was my sign of total independence!!! :clap

YES!! We post menopausal women rock!:clap

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Cara, that's a funny combination. Yarn and milk. Gotta have the important stuff, right? :lol


Yes, ma'am :hook


Good Morning, ladies. :) We slept in til 8, which neither of us ever do. Usually Zoe and/or Maggie have me up by 6 so I guess they were tired, too. :lol


Hi Wendy ~ I think the dark green will be lovely for the Angel "border." When do the girls go back to school? Are you ready? ;)


I drew a blank when I started to make bi-color squares for the Penguin. Then I realized the IC was 625 solid squares and I hadn't made a bi-color in ages...so I went to Cara's site for a refresher course. :hook Cara, thank you again for your wonderful patterns. :manyheart


Awww, I just love creating them for everyone :manyheart


:roflJulie. What can I say we put the FUN in dysFUNctional. :D Have fun with Cam today!



:rofl :rofl


I am definitely on the mend today. Head and chest both feel better. The trick now will be not to overdo it and relapse. Since everyone seemed convinced that I would have to come up with a new project over the weekend, I did. I've created another original snowflake. I just finished the initial flake. Now I need to do one in my sparkly thread and post the instructions. I'll post a picture when I get the tails hidden and have them blocked. :D


You just can't stop even to be sick! :nworthy Can't wait to see the new snowflake. :clap


I had my tattoo done when I turned 60 :lol so you're never to old! :cheer This was after my marriage of 20 years ended because he "couldn't do this anymore" and left. The tattoo is on my right ankle and is a monarch butterfly with the words "Butterflies are free" added to it. Had always wanted one and it was my sign of total independence!!! :clap


You go girl! :h5


YES!! We post menopausal women rock!:clap


Why yes, yes we do! :clap:2rock


Oh what a day! :whew I went back to sleep this morning and didn't get up until 2:55! :eek So needless to say, I am seriously behind. Supper's done and so is everything else at least for the moment :yay Just gotta spend an hour or so catching up and keeping one ear out on my new audiobook. This is as close to multitasking that I come :rofl

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I have been sitting with my feet up, an audiobook playing and either playing games on the computer or crocheting all day long. I have done nothing more active than that. So there, too. And here is my new snowflake.


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I have been sitting with my feet up, an audiobook playing and either playing games on the computer or crocheting all day long. I have done nothing more active than that. So there, too. And here is my new snowflake.


Gorgeous pattern, Linda! And good for you for having a day all to yourself...I'm glad you're feeling a bit better. :yes


Hi Tabby ~ It's so good to see you here again! I hope you are all okay and that you don't have any more of those power outages this winter. :manyheart Do you have any crochet projects going since you finished that darling pink and green scarf?


DH and I went out for lunch and the rest of the day has been quiet - just the way I like it. :D I made some more Penguin squares this evening but haven't counted them yet. More joining is next. :hook


It will be an early morning, so will see you all tomorrow.

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Hi Mary! :manyheart We haven't had any other outages yet & hopefully won't. I haven't been working on much. I made some friendship squares for the SKY CAL today. Other then that I have just been making a couple saltines here & there to try and finish up my americana flag quilt ghan. I only have 2 more blocks to go. I don't know why I let it go for so long so close to being done. I guess life just got in the way.


So how are things your way?

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Hello My Dear HYH Friends :waving I have missed you all SO much. I did not have Internet over the Christmas holidays with my folks, but I figured I would be able to catch up right after the New Year. Well, I suffered a miscarriage and was moving a little slow for a bit at the beginning of the month, but I am back on my feet, now :crocheting I am trying to catch up, bit-by-bit, though it may be another day before I am quite up-to-speed with your chatter. Off the top of my head, I want to say:


Erin ~ Congratulations on the birth of Baby Alexander :hug How are you feeling this week? Sounded as though your delivery was a bit rough...Hope you made it through the holidays and are figuring out a working schedule with your new little guy.


Mary & Tracy ~ Wow! Your Irish Chain afghans are beautiful! :drool


Linda T. & Linda M ~ loved looking at your recent projects! You are both so talented. Every item is a true work of art.


Cara ~ Happy Belated Birthday! A new computer, GC for yarn shopping and good news at your doctor's appointment -- what a day! Congratulations on everything. Your Angel-ghan is beautiful. I am tempted to join all of you in starting it on February 1. Tomorrow, I will go down to the basement to check my bin of extra yarn.


Karen ~ The purple ATW is stunning! Has your niece received it, yet? She is going to be so thrilled with your gorgeous work.


Val ~ Welcome back from your cruise. :plane(sorry. Couldn't find a ship) Did you end up making a shawl or grabbing something you already had in your closet to keep warm?


Wendy ~ You have been busy, as always. It's warm down your way I hear. Soak up some of that heat, and if you have figured out a way to share it over the Internet, may I request a delivery? We have had temps -25 to -35 degrees for the past 10 days, and I am :wbrr The girls are going a bit stir-crazy, not being able to go out and play in the afternoons, but they have been running off energy by rollerblading, using their pogo sticks and having skipping races in the hallways. Ice skating and sledding will be a welcome change in the routine, soon.


Julie ~ we have not chatted in the past, but I do want to wish you well as you recover from your surgery, tomorrow.


Everyone Else ~ :hi I am sure I overlooked some photos and threads to which I wish I had replied, but please know I did not mean to leave anyone out. I am looking forward to being around more and getting to know you all better. What a chatty bunch you are! Love it :yes



Well, here it is:






The Double Irish Chain is finished. What a giant it turned out to be -- 86 inches by 92 inches. I donated it to the fundraising auction at the girls' school last Friday. The principal was tickled to have it (and, truth be told, I was pretty happy to say good-bye to it, as it feels as though I have been working with the Cape Cod Blue, Azure and Off-White yarn forever). She said she would like to display the IC in the school's gathering space for the two weeks before the auction to generate interest in the fundraiser. Isn't that great?!?


I rather feel as though I dropped-in and just ate & ran, but I hope to jump right back into the conversations tomorrow. Tonight, it is time to :sleep. G'night, All!

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Hello My Dear HYH Friends :waving I have missed you all SO much. I did not have Internet over the Christmas holidays with my folks, but I figured I would be able to catch up right after the New Year. Well, I suffered a miscarriage and was moving a little slow for a bit at the beginning of the month, but I am back on my feet, now :crocheting I am trying to catch up, bit-by-bit, though it may be another day before I am quite up-to-speed with your chatter. Off the top of my head, I want to say:


Erin ~ Congratulations on the birth of Baby Alexander :hug How are you feeling this week? Sounded as though your delivery was a bit rough...Hope you made it through the holidays and are figuring out a working schedule with your new little guy.


Mary & Tracy ~ Wow! Your Irish Chain afghans are beautiful! :drool


Linda T. & Linda M ~ loved looking at your recent projects! You are both so talented. Every item is a true work of art.


Cara ~ Happy Belated Birthday! A new computer, GC for yarn shopping and good news at your doctor's appointment -- what a day! Congratulations on everything. Your Angel-ghan is beautiful. I am tempted to join all of you in starting it on February 1. Tomorrow, I will go down to the basement to check my bin of extra yarn.


Karen ~ The purple ATW is stunning! Has your niece received it, yet? She is going to be so thrilled with your gorgeous work.


Val ~ Welcome back from your cruise. :plane(sorry. Couldn't find a ship) Did you end up making a shawl or grabbing something you already had in your closet to keep warm?


Wendy ~ You have been busy, as always. It's warm down your way I hear. Soak up some of that heat, and if you have figured out a way to share it over the Internet, may I request a delivery? We have had temps -25 to -35 degrees for the past 10 days, and I am :wbrr The girls are going a bit stir-crazy, not being able to go out and play in the afternoons, but they have been running off energy by rollerblading, using their pogo sticks and having skipping races in the hallways. Ice skating and sledding will be a welcome change in the routine, soon.


Julie ~ we have not chatted in the past, but I do want to wish you well as you recover from your surgery, tomorrow.


Everyone Else ~ :hi I am sure I overlooked some photos and threads to which I wish I had replied, but please know I did not mean to leave anyone out. I am looking forward to being around more and getting to know you all better. What a chatty bunch you are! Love it :yes



Well, here it is:






The Double Irish Chain is finished. What a giant it turned out to be -- 86 inches by 92 inches. I donated it to the fundraising auction at the girls' school last Friday. The principal was tickled to have it (and, truth be told, I was pretty happy to say good-bye to it, as it feels as though I have been working with the Cape Cod Blue, Azure and Off-White yarn forever). She said she would like to display the IC in the school's gathering space for the two weeks before the auction to generate interest in the fundraiser. Isn't that great?!?


I rather feel as though I dropped-in and just ate & ran, but I hope to jump right back into the conversations tomorrow. Tonight, it is time to :sleep. G'night, All!


Hugs to you dusti! I'm sorry to hear about your miscarriage! I know that must be tough! Your Irish chain is gorgeous! Well done!

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Dusti, hugs coming your way...lots of them:manyheart

...and your IC is beautiful!


I have been sitting with my feet up, an audiobook playing and either playing games on the computer or crocheting all day long. I have done nothing more active than that. So there, too. And here is my new snowflake.


Linda, your work is gorgeous... I like your snowflakes a lot. They have a beautiful symmetry:clap

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Good Morning, ladies. :) We slept in til 8, which neither of us ever do. Usually Zoe and/or Maggie have me up by 6 so I guess they were tired, too. :lol


Hi Wendy ~ I think the dark green will be lovely for the Angel "border." When do the girls go back to school? Are you ready? ;)


I drew a blank when I started to make bi-color squares for the Penguin. Then I realized the IC was 625 solid squares and I hadn't made a bi-color in ages...so I went to Cara's site for a refresher course. :hook Cara, thank you again for your wonderful patterns. :manyheart


Yes school starts again Tuesday and I am so ready. :D Great progress on the Penguin, are you going to finish the Penguin or the IC before you start the Angel. You have about a week you know. :lol


I am definitely on the mend today. Head and chest both feel better. The trick now will be not to overdo it and relapse. Since everyone seemed convinced that I would have to come up with a new project over the weekend, I did. I've created another original snowflake. I just finished the initial flake. Now I need to do one in my sparkly thread and post the instructions. I'll post a picture when I get the tails hidden and have them blocked. :D


Im glad your feeling a bit better today. :hug



Oh what a day! :whew I went back to sleep this morning and didn't get up until 2:55! :eek So needless to say, I am seriously behind. Supper's done and so is everything else at least for the moment :yay Just gotta spend an hour or so catching up and keeping one ear out on my new audiobook. This is as close to multitasking that I come :rofl


Wow you sure sleep a lot dont you. :lol


I have been sitting with my feet up, an audiobook playing and either playing games on the computer or crocheting all day long. I have done nothing more active than that. So there, too. And here is my new snowflake.


Those are beautiful Linda :clap


Gorgeous pattern, Linda! And good for you for having a day all to yourself...I'm glad you're feeling a bit better. :yes


Hi Tabby ~ It's so good to see you here again! I hope you are all okay and that you don't have any more of those power outages this winter. :manyheart Do you have any crochet projects going since you finished that darling pink and green scarf?


DH and I went out for lunch and the rest of the day has been quiet - just the way I like it. :D I made some more Penguin squares this evening but haven't counted them yet. More joining is next. :hook


It will be an early morning, so will see you all tomorrow.


Im glad you and your DH had a great lunch and enjoyed the day.


Hello My Dear HYH Friends :waving I have missed you all SO much. I did not have Internet over the Christmas holidays with my folks, but I figured I would be able to catch up right after the New Year. Well, I suffered a miscarriage and was moving a little slow for a bit at the beginning of the month, but I am back on my feet, now :crocheting I am trying to catch up, bit-by-bit, though it may be another day before I am quite up-to-speed with your chatter. Off the top of my head, I want to say:

Wendy ~ You have been busy, as always. It's warm down your way I hear. Soak up some of that heat, and if you have figured out a way to share it over the Internet, may I request a delivery? We have had temps -25 to -35 degrees for the past 10 days, and I am :wbrr The girls are going a bit stir-crazy, not being able to go out and play in the afternoons, but they have been running off energy by rollerblading, using their pogo sticks and having skipping races in the hallways. Ice skating and sledding will be a welcome change in the routine, soon.



Well, here it is:






The Double Irish Chain is finished. What a giant it turned out to be -- 86 inches by 92 inches. I donated it to the fundraising auction at the girls' school last Friday. The principal was tickled to have it (and, truth be told, I was pretty happy to say good-bye to it, as it feels as though I have been working with the Cape Cod Blue, Azure and Off-White yarn forever). She said she would like to display the IC in the school's gathering space for the two weeks before the auction to generate interest in the fundraiser. Isn't that great?!?


I rather feel as though I dropped-in and just ate & ran, but I hope to jump right back into the conversations tomorrow. Tonight, it is time to :sleep. G'night, All!


Sorry to hear about your miscarriage. :hug Your blanket is just gorgeous. Love the colours :clap

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