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Our House [Archive 1]


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Julie, I hope everything is okay...and I could tell the difference with Tabby. Without you as her comic partner she was way too serious...and QUIET!!!:lol

Tabby, maybe you can get an a/c soon...there are usually some sales in July, I think. There's nothing worse than trying to crochet when the yarn is sticking to your fingers!!:(


Well, now you've met the REAL me. That's what i'm like most of the time unless i'm really comfy with ya. In other words if I know that you won't jet or cry the first time I stick my foot in my mouth then i'm more open. Only a few selected peeps have the honor of hearing me chatter non-stop although I doubt they think it's an honor. I know my Hubby would think it's an honor if i'de shut up. :lol


I think it took awhile for Julie to get me to talk much too in the beginning. :yes



Thanks about the AC, hopefully we'll get one soon. I did make some more little gingham squares but i'll save the sewing for a cooler day. :hook

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Yeah! Julie's back. :cheer


Take all the time you need to recover. Don't feel like you have to come back gangbusters. I at least would rather have a little bit of Julie all the time than not have any Julie at all for a while. I missed you, too. :hug


Linda Y

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That works!!:yes


Well it didn't last long. They woke back up after about an hour and are still up. :sigh One day they'll go to bed at a decent hour and actually stay asleep. They are playing the thirsty card this month to stay up.


These vertical rows are harder then I anticipated so the quilt probably won't be done tonight. I've moved the goal to tomorrow. I could probably do it tonight but I'd have to stay up till 4 in the morning. Not going to happen :lol



Yeah! Julie's back. :cheer


Take all the time you need to recover. Don't feel like you have to come back gangbusters. I at least would rather have a little bit of Julie all the time than not have any Julie at all for a while. I missed you, too. :hug


Linda Y


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Donna - That sounds just like my DD she's 4 and bedtime is 8 but it's always around 10 or later on the norm for her to stop coming out asking questions or saying she's thirsty and to go to sleep. I think she actually did go to sleep by 9:30 which is early for her. I guess she gets it from me I'm a night owl. The good thing is she's always been good at sleeping late in the morning :lol


I'm just making little squares tonight. I'm making many different colors for about 2 projects going at once for a little variety :haha I'm sort of starting the pinwheels quilt, but I'm doing it with scraps so it will be a long process since I'm just going to make a block when I get down to the end of a skein used for something else.

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Can we use ARNOLD for the fatted calf ? And I don't care for barbecue, so I'll pass my portion on to Tab . Give her one of them big MEATY cheeks. She could share it with her whole family .


Mary- yes, you ARE well behaved. You get a gold star -- :sstar


Tab-don't you let up on good old Shenandoah ......


I think Sam thought he MIGHT get some quiet this week, but I tried keeping him entertained as often as I could. As soon as I was AWAKE , my mouth started running, and it ran til i fell back asleep .


I actually thought I'd embarrass him enough that he'd leave the room when they were drawing my blood. They asked me for about the 12th time if I was allergic to LATEX .


I told them that , NO, one of my Pole Dancing Outfits is made of Latex and IT never makes me break out . :D

I got a good chuckle from the Employees in the room, but Sam looked like he wanted to dig a hole through the floor and ESCAPE .

He's a very low-key ,quiet person in public,and doesn't ever do anything to draw attention to himself. SO..... I have to do it FOR him .


Thanks Linda,

I'll just drop in a little at first, to get you guys re-adjusted to my non-stop blabbering about everything in the world. You guys seemed much more FOCUSED on your Crochet without me here, so I am probably not the best leader for the job. I tend to keep you guys occupied with other stuff when I should be focusing you on your projects.

Oh well, it shows what TOUGH STUFF you guys need to be made out of, to be able to read my posts nonstop and STILL get your projects done.

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Sam looked like he wanted to dig a hole through the floor and ESCAPE .

He's a very low-key ,quiet person in public,and doesn't ever do anything to draw attention to himself. SO..... I have to do it FOR him .


You guys seemed much more FOCUSED on your Crochet without me here, so I am probably not the best leader for the job. I tend to keep you guys occupied with other stuff when I should be focusing you on your projects.

Oh well, it shows what TOUGH STUFF you guys need to be made out of, to be able to read my posts nonstop and STILL get your projects done.

My DH, Phil, is EXACTLY the same as your Sam!!:lol The things that drew them to us when we met them are the same things that can make them crazy in later years!!


...and we may have been crocheting...but - speaking for myself, at least - we weren't having nearly as much fun:(


You are a vital part of this place, my friend:hug :manyheart

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Thanks Judy

I think you guys were doing great without me. I'm just kinda like the Court Jester. Once in awhile, I need to come in and do a little JIG and say a funny line, but the palace runs fine without me .


It's weird how me and Sam ever hooked up -- our personalites are EXACT opposite. Nothing about us is the same. He always says opposites attract, i guess that's why we have been married 30 years. No other explanation. :think



Yea, I havent been doing much the last few days,so it certainly is a good time to get to work on my WB . Guess that's what I should be doing right now, huh ?

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Julie, you know we love you. :hug:manyheart We just want you to be back 100% healthy so you can keep us stirred up.


My DH and I are really alike in some ways and really different in others. It's made for a really interesting :think:eek:D marriage. Oh well, so far so good. :devil

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Tab-don't you let up on good old Shenandoah ......


I think Sam thought he MIGHT get some quiet this week, but I tried keeping him entertained as often as I could. As soon as I was AWAKE , my mouth started running, and it ran til i fell back asleep .


I actually thought I'd embarrass him enough that he'd leave the room when they were drawing my blood. They asked me for about the 12th time if I was allergic to LATEX .


I told them that , NO, one of my Pole Dancing Outfits is made of Latex and IT never makes me break out . :D

I got a good chuckle from the Employees in the room, but Sam looked like he wanted to dig a hole through the floor and ESCAPE .

He's a very low-key ,quiet person in public,and doesn't ever do anything to draw attention to himself. SO..... I have to do it FOR him .




:rofl :rofl :rofl:nworthy :nworthy

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I actually thought I'd embarrass him enough that he'd leave the room when they were drawing my blood. They asked me for about the 12th time if I was allergic to LATEX .


I told them that , NO, one of my Pole Dancing Outfits is made of Latex and IT never makes me break out . :D

I got a good chuckle from the Employees in the room, but Sam looked like he wanted to dig a hole through the floor and ESCAPE .

He's a very low-key ,quiet person in public,and doesn't ever do anything to draw attention to himself. SO..... I have to do it FOR him .

:rofl :rofl :rofl



Heather, yeah mine don't sleep in usually. Meaghan (3 yo) is usually up anywhere between 7:30 and 8:30. These girls are crabby if they don't get 12 hours of sleep.

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[quote name=JulieKay;845118

I actually thought I'd embarrass him enough that he'd leave the room when they were drawing my blood. They asked me for about the 12th time if I was allergic to LATEX .


I told them that ' date=' NO, one of my Pole Dancing Outfits is made of Latex and IT never makes me break out . :D

I got a good chuckle from the Employees in the room, but Sam looked like he wanted to dig a hole through the floor and ESCAPE .

He's a very low-key ,quiet person in public,and doesn't ever do anything to draw attention to himself. SO..... I have to do it FOR him .




:rofl :rofl :rofl Julie that is so funny.


Glad to have you back.:hug

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...and we may have been crocheting...but - speaking for myself, at least - we weren't having nearly as much fun:(


No we weren't :no


Personally, I'd rather my projects took longer :hook

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Good Morning everyone! It's wonderful to check in here and see Julie's posts again. :) And she gave me a gold star...that may be the highlight of my day. :lol


DH and I are making all the arrangements to move MIL Friday or Saturday from the Rehab facility to a private care home. Lots of details and we made a list, so we're both making phone calls, etc. While he is out of town from this afternoon until Thursday night, I'm going to crochet as much as I can. :hook

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Well, Mary and Cara


I am with you guys on the Arnold thing. I'd like to BBQ the little runt too, but guess I'll have to get rid of him the HARD way and crochet him away. Each little square means about 7 ounces of him will be gone.

Those chipmunk cheeks of his alone are each worth about 80 squares.


Shoot, why couldn't Krystal have picked a real BONY person ?


Oh well, I'll take my punishment like a man ...


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okay I have to share and this board is the sweetist and friendliest so...

A co-worker went to Ireland a few weeks ago and I asked him to pick me up some yarn, (Colinette) and this is what he brought me back. 3 skiens of Colinette in the blue color, and 2 skeins of some wool yarn, and 2 shot glasses for my dh who collects them. And the cost for me on yarn... 36.50. I am so happy with my beautiful new yarn



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You are definitely dealing with some trying times . I keep wondering how we'll do when we are faced with the nursing home choices, etc .

Thankfully our parents are all still pretty healthy, considering their ages ,and seem to be fending well for themselves at this point .



(((AND TAB- no comments from you thinking that I will soon be nursing home material..... I have at least a year or 2 left before I have to do that.... you young whippersnapper, you ))))):lol

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Donna I am very lucky to have great co-workers. He actually was my graphic arts instructor, and then moved up to dean so he helped me get my job. And since he teaches graphic arts, I felt comfortable letting him pick colors. LOL.


Julie, I'm not sure what I wanna do yet, but I am leaning to a blanket. In one of my crochet magazines it had a ripple that they used different colors and yarn types together.

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Amanda, the yarn is beautiful! Too bad we all didnt know he was going yarn shopping before he left:lol

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Oh well, I'll take my punishment like a man ...

. :rolleyes:2eek:thumbdown:sweat:scared:embar:shrug:badidea:ohdear


What you mean you're gonna complain about it and try to get someone else to do it? :rofl :rofl :rofl

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Wow, Amanda! Nice haul! :yes $36.50 is excellent for that much yarn. I find European yarns are very expensive. You couldn't even get the shipping for that probably. Lucky you, enjoy it :manyheart:hug

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