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Friendship-ghan Square CAL...UPDATED IN POST 1


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Went to the doc and found out it is not a simple pinched nerve. I have a temporary condition called Bell's Palsy. Mine is mild. It generally will fix itself but it's very frustrating only having half my face working properly. I have an appointment for acupuncture for next Saturday. We think it may be linked to the fact that my son just had an ear infection. Not 100% sure though. It's a relief to put a name to it and the fact that the condition is not generally a serious one. Now I must go look through my stash and see if I have any cotton. Bright colors huh? :lol

Hi Nira,

had that myself, 25 years ago, when I was pregnant to boot! I went to countless visits to the ear nose and throat specilist, but they never nailed it down, however my final visit with gynocologist for baby, looked at me, and said exactly this, "you have bells palsey"

He was an older more experienced doctor, granted, but why oh why didn't the dang specialists diagnose it right! Anyway, he told me, it will probably clear on it's own, in severe cases, it will do some damage. I was deaf in the one side, my eye was droopy, my face looked lopsided, after delivery, it progressively got better, till it was all gone. Now the only thing i have to remember to tell the eye doctor when i go, is I had bells palsey years ago, cause they always think concussion, as my affected pupil is to this day, a bit smaller or larger, can't remember which, anyways, they always think concussion,! NOT. But other than that, it all cleared on its' own. Good luck, don't stress, as that i was told is a possible cause along with other things, such as a virus or lowered bodily defenses for whatever reason. :hug

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Feeling better this morning. Imanurse55: how long did yours last? I just hit the week marker today.

Well, lots to do today. I am determined to do atleast one small pumpkin bag done. I have 5 to make. It was a free pattern off ravelry. Also try to get one square done to add to my stack. I have a bbq to go to @ 5:30 then my fiancee's family is coming in from out of state. They always get here really late.

I hope everyone has a wonderful day! :D I know I will!

Hi there,

If I recall I think it lasted about a month to 6 weeks. Each case is different. Mine was fairly mild, with the most annoying thing the inability to blink on my Left side- I had to put eye drops in my L eye several times throughout the day, light bothered my eye since I couldn't blink and I slept with a patch on my eye to keep it closed. I wore sunglasses all the time since the light seemed to bother it---even inside! Thank goodness I had prescription sunglasses....


Hope your episode is short-lived:hug

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Thanks for the info. I can blink my right eye with effort. It is making it slightly harder to breathe though. I read on wiki that it is more common in pregnant women but I never really trust wiki.

This is the bag I'm making - Pumpkin Pouch I'm thinking of doing it smaller and the string in black. These are gifts for 2 nephews, A friends two little girls and my son. Gonna fill it with some treats! :)

Hey kuddlekubs - how do you feel about orange? :D

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I had that before took over a month to come back, and it looks freaky as heck when only one side of your mouth works.


I got mine from driving on the highway, with the windows down. Air in my ears.


It does take a while to come back, but at least its not painful




Went to the doc and found out it is not a simple pinched nerve. I have a temporary condition called Bell's Palsy. Mine is mild. It generally will fix itself but it's very frustrating only having half my face working properly. I have an appointment for acupuncture for next Saturday. We think it may be linked to the fact that my son just had an ear infection. Not 100% sure though. It's a relief to put a name to it and the fact that the condition is not generally a serious one. Now I must go look through my stash and see if I have any cotton. Bright colors huh? :lol
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Thanks for the info. I can blink my right eye with effort. It is making it slightly harder to breathe though. I read on wiki that it is more common in pregnant women but I never really trust wiki.

This is the bag I'm making - Pumpkin Pouch I'm thinking of doing it smaller and the string in black. These are gifts for 2 nephews, A friends two little girls and my son. Gonna fill it with some treats! :)

Hey kuddlekubs - how do you feel about orange? :D

Thanks for the link! I found it earlier and saved it. :D That's the one I'm thinking of making for my grandkids. I just finished making my pumpkin fridgie! I had to get it out of my head before going to bed tonight! :lol

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Welcome Kuddlekubs! Cotton is not big in Australia. We can not buy it in stores, only online. So I'm afraid you will be on the last squares list with the other cotton lovers. I fully understand everyone's love with it though. If I remember, Pat sent me some gorgeous vari cotton with my squares and it was beautiful to work with. I made my goddaughter some very pretty burp clothes with them. Karishema- I received your square today. I love the pattern and the Angel pin is adorable!! I am so tempted to have a little break from my afghans and start bordering the squares and joining them together!!!

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Welcome Kuddlekubs! Cotton is not big in Australia. We can not buy it in stores, only online. So I'm afraid you will be on the last squares list with the other cotton lovers. I fully understand everyone's love with it though. If I remember, Pat sent me some gorgeous vari cotton with my squares and it was beautiful to work with. I made my goddaughter some very pretty burp clothes with them. Karishema- I received your square today. I love the pattern and the Angel pin is adorable!! I am so tempted to have a little break from my afghans and start bordering the squares and joining them together!!!


:hug Oh, I am so glad it arrived safely, and I am glad you like it, and

my little angel.

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I received a beautiful square from Mom w/a motif on Thursday. I had Fri, Sat and Sun off so I had to wait until I came back to work today to post. I will post a picture later this week, I just wanted Tina to know that I received it and "LOVE IT". It is going to go so well with the others.:mail:ty

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I'm glad you love it. :) And you're welcome. :manyheart


I received a beautiful square from Mom w/a motif on Thursday. I had Fri, Sat and Sun off so I had to wait until I came back to work today to post. I will post a picture later this week, I just wanted Tina to know that I received it and "LOVE IT". It is going to go so well with the others.:mail:ty
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So yah.. my cat's dying.. Up at the parent's house.. and I cant be there because gram isnt likely to let me drive her car and shes not up to that long of a travel her self.. but I can feel him in my head kinda like esp i suppose.. its always been like that with us. I'll know that somethings wrong before others do and he'll know when somethings wrong with me before others aswell.. I know hes dying and i want to be there I knew he was gonna die soon.. hes been lookin real scraggly more and more lately. Dad called not too long ago and said he was gettin real bad...

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So yah.. my cat's dying.. Up at the parent's house.. and I cant be there because gram isnt likely to let me drive her car and shes not up to that long of a travel her self.. but I can feel him in my head kinda like esp i suppose.. its always been like that with us. I'll know that somethings wrong before others do and he'll know when somethings wrong with me before others aswell.. I know hes dying and i want to be there I knew he was gonna die soon.. hes been lookin real scraggly more and more lately. Dad called not too long ago and said he was gettin real bad...

I'm so sorry. It's so hard to lose our furbabies. If you have such a close connection, then he knows that you are thinking of him and are with him. :hug:hug:hug

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So yah.. my cat's dying.. Up at the parent's house.. and I cant be there because gram isnt likely to let me drive her car and shes not up to that long of a travel her self.. but I can feel him in my head kinda like esp i suppose.. its always been like that with us. I'll know that somethings wrong before others do and he'll know when somethings wrong with me before others aswell.. I know hes dying and i want to be there I knew he was gonna die soon.. hes been lookin real scraggly more and more lately. Dad called not too long ago and said he was gettin real bad...

:hugSo Sorry!!! It's so hard to let go...

Hope everyone has been having a good Labor Day!! Rained cats and dogs here all day!! Got some squares edged for Arthur's comfortghan. Please remember him in your prayers. He is still in hospital and not doing good. I've been sad all day. We just lost mom 1 month ago. :(

Nira, glad that it is "only" Bell's Palsy and not anything more serious with your neck!! Although, I know that's serious enough!! :hug

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[quote name='dragonracer3']So yah.. my cat's dying.. Up at the parent's house.. and I cant be there because gram isnt likely to let me drive her car and shes not up to that long of a travel her self.. but I can feel him in my head kinda like esp i suppose.. its always been like that with us. I'll know that somethings wrong before others do and he'll know when somethings wrong with me before others aswell.. I know hes dying and i want to be there I knew he was gonna die soon.. hes been lookin real scraggly more and more lately. Dad called not too long ago and said he was gettin real bad...[/QUOTE]

:hug I'm so sorry. :hug

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Thankyou for all of your kind words. He passed in his sleep. Mom said he looked very peaceful. I'm glad hes not suffering anymore.


I am truly sorry for the loss, Ive been through it and I feel your pain. :cry


:hug :hug:hug:hug:hug:hug:hug:hug:hug:hug:hug:hug:hug


just know that he will always be in your heart

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Okay my pal Sue twisted my arm (didn't take much) and asked me to join in here! So she added me to the list on the first post and I'll be starting to make some squares to send out!


Thanks for letting Mama Kuddles join in the fun!


PS just noticed my listing doesn't say cotton, but I would like my squares to be cotton.......thanks!


Welcome, kuddlekubs, I know you will enjoy all of your new friends.


Went to the doc and found out it is not a simple pinched nerve. I have a temporary condition called Bell's Palsy. Mine is mild. It generally will fix itself but it's very frustrating only having half my


I wondered about that when you first posted. My grandson has had it twice and the Dr. said it was from driving with the window down. Some

thing about the wind in your face, or ear. Hope it gets better soon.


One year they had (I wasn't ther) over 6000 (not a typo) washback babies! :eek


I can't even imagine feeding that many. :think

Sue, please send me a new list, in PDL



Thankyou for all of your kind words. He passed in his sleep. Mom said he looked very peaceful. I'm glad hes not suffering anymore.


So sorry for your loss. He is at peace now,




Thanks Grannieannie, what a beautiful square. I received it Saturday, but

have had a busy weekend. My ds and dil arrived from Thailand, for an extended visit, looking for work for a few years, then they will go back to

Thailand, where their home is.

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..................:: Good Morning all ::.................


My apologies for not being around at all the last handfull of days!

I have been super busy getting stuff done for hubbys fundraiser and the craft fair.

Been busy with the boys.... we needed to take them shopping for more school clothes.

Had to go get my turtle "Daytona" a new tank... he needed more room BAD! He's a happier guy now! :D

dragonracer... so sorry about your cat! :hug

mamaK.... hey honey! good to see you hear!!! :bday



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Nira....hope it gets better soon!! I can't imagine how flustering it is! :hug


sue...good luck and wishes for a easy wash back season, turtle mama!!!


I have so much energy now since my heart procedure and getting all those drugs flushed out of my system!! I'm finally off 'couch potato' rest and I'm getting ready to take a ride out on my Harley this morning. Sshhhh dh is out elk hunting for a week, he will never know!! I do have a haul for the post office for Thursday....

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Thankyou for all of your kind words. He passed in his sleep. Mom said he looked very peaceful. I'm glad hes not suffering anymore.

so sorry. It was noted once long ago by a man that had lost his best friend, his dog, and totally distraught thinking that his beloved pet wouldn't go to heaven. Then he heard the a gentle voice from above. "My son, it would not be heaven without the animals too." That ended all doubt for me. You kitty is well, and happy and young, and enjoying his time at Rainbow bridge, where he awaits his loved ones. My condolences. :hug

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Dragonracer, so sorry about your cat. I know it hurts. Katyallen, love that sentiment.


:hi Kuddles! Good to see you here.


Nira, hope you get over it quickly.


:hi to all you others as well. Not been on as much lately but I am back crocheting after a couple weeks not feeling up to it so :yay for that. Hope you all have a great week.

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