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Friendship-ghan Square CAL...UPDATED IN POST 1


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Hope everyone is well. Just got to come home from hospital. I had surgery today. Got some squares made to send, but don't know when I will get to P.O. since I can't drive for awhile.

But I plan on working on my step-dad's comfortghan and more squares while I'm "laid-out". Prayers going out for all on the east coast with Irene!

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That pic is adorable!! Grannieannie - she did!! We went driving today in residential areas then drove a back road into the mountains. Was all good until I saw how high the drop was the further we went up. So I was a bit worried about the drive back down. I did great and a passing policeman gave me the thumbs up :D

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Good Morning Everyone!

I'm up early again and already at my hook! :hook Not working on friendship squares this morning though, but maybe back to those this afternoon. I did mail out 8 envelopes on Tuesday. I thought it was six, but looked at the receipt and it was 8! :lol I am a bit concerned though and I didn't notice this at the time since I was mailing out a large package too. I was charged for large envelopes instead of parcels. There is a big difference in price. It was the post master that took care of me instead of the regular postal worker so I figure he knows what he's doing, right? What do you guys pay at? I hope no one gets charged for extra postage! Or would they just send them back to me? I'll definitely pay anyone if you have to pay postage! OMG, I'm so nervous now when I think about it! :(


oh wow...ive been working on my christmas gifts for my family the last few days. i figure i need to make almost 200 coasters and almost 100 bookmarks :eek i just hope i have enough yarn for it all? :think but if not, it just gives me an excuse to go buy more! :clap:manyheart but back to work for a while before i fall asleep :hook :hugs for all!

Wow, that's a lot of coasters and bookmarks! Back to work, no sleep for you!!!! :lol


Hope everyone is well. Just got to come home from hospital. I had surgery today. Got some squares made to send, but don't know when I will get to P.O. since I can't drive for awhile.

But I plan on working on my step-dad's comfortghan and more squares while I'm "laid-out". Prayers going out for all on the east coast with Irene!

Prayers for a speedy recovery! :hug


That pic is adorable!! Grannieannie - she did!! We went driving today in residential areas then drove a back road into the mountains. Was all good until I saw how high the drop was the further we went up. So I was a bit worried about the drive back down. I did great and a passing policeman gave me the thumbs up :D

Glad you got to go back out and into the mountains!!! :eek WTG on the thumbs up! :clap


Just a quick pop in to send :hug to all on the East Coast who may be affected by the imminent hurricane. Please know my thoughts are with you all! :manyheart Stay safe!

Thanks, I'm still hoping it goes out to sea, but it's not looking that way...

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Morning all! I sent out 2 squares yesterday! They should arrive next week. There was some good advice in this thread for those getting ready for the hurricane. Stay safe!

Those are awesome squares AbbyNormal and your son is adorable too! :)

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Hi ya, no news to report in the way of puffy's but thats ok too. I am attempting (yet again,) to do a new sqaure, with the dreaded POST STITCHES in it, I hate post stitches, lol , but am tring fresh today, when I get back, (leaving shortly) and am fresh and new, I think the few times I have tried this particular sqaure, I was tired, it was nighttime, I was hungry, something, cause I just couldn't get past the first cable do hikky, but it came to me overnight, what they meant in the pattern, duh, so I will give it another try here today, and let ya all know what becomes of it! I usually steer clear of post stitches but need a challenge so to speak, lol so we will see.

I must confess as well that no puffy's have gone out this week yet, and may not till next monday, and then I will send all seven remaining ones that I have made. So, thanks for being patient, you last few's are made, and will be mailed soon! Have a terrific day, and those of you bearing up for the storm in the east, our thoughts certainly are with you, keep safe!:yes

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I sent out 4 more yesterday, hopefully they will get where they are going.

I have not heard back from any of the ones I sent last week.

One of the ones yesterday I had to fill out of customs form. So you can guess where that one is going.

Have a great day, and for the East Coast stay safe.:hug

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Thank you so much for the wonderful surprise I got in the mail from Karishema!!!Beautiful and love the angel pin!!!! Sorry my DH put it in his work bag and forgot to give it me until last night!! MEN!! Have a wonderful weekend!! Thank you again! :hug

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It's great to see things moving around!! I love seeing the new squares and the new people!


I've got a stack to get to the post office, it's in the opposite direction of my life....Walmart, grocery store and work! Actually work should come first :lol


Sue I need a new list!!


So here's a story.....our work adopts a platoon at Christmas, one of our residents for the last 5 years has made over 200 stockings to send with them each year. They are a major hit with our soldiers, they hang them all over their the place! This year has not been the greatest so staff members are getting together and attempting to crochet the 200 stockings. Some have been crocheting for years, some can only do a chain and others don't even know what a hook is! They are all willing to contribute in some way.....I just love my job and the people I work with (most of the time :D)

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I love my pink and black square. Very nice. I was wondering how you could send them so cheap. LOL


Well i got it, and didnt have to pay no extra postage






Good Morning Everyone!

I'm up early again and already at my hook! :hook Not working on friendship squares this morning though, but maybe back to those this afternoon. I did mail out 8 envelopes on Tuesday. I thought it was six, but looked at the receipt and it was 8! :lol I am a bit concerned though and I didn't notice this at the time since I was mailing out a large package too. I was charged for large envelopes instead of parcels. There is a big difference in price. It was the post master that took care of me instead of the regular postal worker so I figure he knows what he's doing, right? What do you guys pay at? I hope no one gets charged for extra postage! Or would they just send them back to me? I'll definitely pay anyone if you have to pay postage! OMG, I'm so nervous now when I think about it! :(



Wow, that's a lot of coasters and bookmarks! Back to work, no sleep for you!!!! :lol



Prayers for a speedy recovery! :hug



Glad you got to go back out and into the mountains!!! :eek WTG on the thumbs up! :clap



Thanks, I'm still hoping it goes out to sea, but it's not looking that way...

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So here's a story.....our work adopts a platoon at Christmas, one of our residents for the last 5 years has made over 200 stockings to send with them each year. They are a major hit with our soldiers, they hang them all over their the place! This year has not been the greatest so staff members are getting together and attempting to crochet the 200 stockings. Some have been crocheting for years, some can only do a chain and others don't even know what a hook is! They are all willing to contribute in some way.....I just love my job and the people I work with (most of the time :D)


What a wonderful thing to do! And so cool of everyone to pitch in no matter what their skill level!

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Settling down in front if the telly with a new pattern that looks harder than I usually try. Fingers crossed it works! I love hearing about Soldier support.Smith,would you happen to be a fellow soldiers angel? :D

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[ATTACH]44490[/ATTACH]:clap:clap Thanks Gran! XD

You're very welcome!


I got the prettiest pink square in the mail today from GrannyAnnie! Thank you so much, I love it!!! Now time to get back to my hook so I can get some squares out myself! :hook

You're very welcome too!:)


It's great to see things moving around!! I love seeing the new squares and the new people!


I've got a stack to get to the post office, it's in the opposite direction of my life....Walmart, grocery store and work! Actually work should come first :lol


Sue I need a new list!!


So here's a story.....our work adopts a platoon at Christmas, one of our residents for the last 5 years has made over 200 stockings to send with them each year. They are a major hit with our soldiers, they hang them all over their the place! This year has not been the greatest so staff members are getting together and attempting to crochet the 200 stockings. Some have been crocheting for years, some can only do a chain and others don't even know what a hook is! They are all willing to contribute in some way.....I just love my job and the people I work with (most of the time :D)

How wonderful of everyone to be pitching in and helping out! So heartwarming!


I love my pink and black square. Very nice. I was wondering how you could send them so cheap. LOL


Well i got it, and didnt have to pay no extra postage

I'm so glad you like it! And very glad to know that you didn't have to pay any extra postage! WHEW! :lol


Settling down in front if the telly with a new pattern that looks harder than I usually try. Fingers crossed it works! I love hearing about Soldier support.Smith,would you happen to be a fellow soldiers angel? :D

Good luck with the new pattern! I love a new challenge every once in a while! :hook

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I got 2 great squares from grannyannie yesterday! I wasn't able to post until this morning after the kids went off to school and I had a moment to sit down...phew!

But anyway, Thank You very much!


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I finally sent out the two squares I made on my road trip last month. They should make it to their destination some time between monday and wednesday.


Good Morning Everyone!

I'm up early again and already at my hook! :hook Not working on friendship squares this morning though, but maybe back to those this afternoon. I did mail out 8 envelopes on Tuesday. I thought it was six, but looked at the receipt and it was 8! :lol I am a bit concerned though and I didn't notice this at the time since I was mailing out a large package too. I was charged for large envelopes instead of parcels. There is a big difference in price. It was the post master that took care of me instead of the regular postal worker so I figure he knows what he's doing, right? What do you guys pay at? I hope no one gets charged for extra postage! Or would they just send them back to me? I'll definitely pay anyone if you have to pay postage! OMG, I'm so nervous now when I think about it! :(


I get charged parcel price for bubble envelopes but only large envelope price for manila envelopes (depending on what is in them). The postmaster told me that small-med bubble envelopes always get charged parcel price because they are over 1/4" thick. Large envelopes, bubble or not, get charged large envelope price if they are no more than 3/4" thick.

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I finally sent out the two squares I made on my road trip last month. They should make it to their destination some time between monday and wednesday.




I get charged parcel price for bubble envelopes but only large envelope price for manila envelopes (depending on what is in them). The postmaster told me that small-med bubble envelopes always get charged parcel price because they are over 1/4" thick. Large envelopes, bubble or not, get charged large envelope price if they are no more than 3/4" thick.



That's good to know about bubble mailers. Thanks for sharing!

I sent my 2 in manila envelopes and as cheaply as I could. They should arrive to their destinations on Thursday! ;)

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Hi Everyone! :hi


It's normally $1.71 for me to ship a big square or 2 smaller ones. Not sure how they classify them.


I need to get back to making some now that I feel better. I only sent one out last week but I had 2 other packages go out as well. I found a new pattern I want to try. I have been in a traditional granny mode for a while now. It's so relaxing to me.


Oh yeah, I got kissed by an Alpaca yesterday!!! My friend's family used to have an animal rescue. Well, her parents have died so while she's not taking in more in, she still has a lot of animals. I took my mom and Brittany over to see them. This adorable Alpaca came walking up and she said he likes to kiss you. O--K-- So he is making kissy noises and I bend over. He touches his nose to mine and makes a perfect kissing sound. Then he backs up a bit and actually SMILES! I totally fell in love with him. She is trying to downsize so I could easily bring him home. I'm telling myself we do not need another animal but who can't resist a cute wooley guy that follows you around making kissy noises!!! :lol


Anyway, hope you are all doing great and have a great weekend! :hug

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:sun.........::Good Morning::............

How is everyone today?

The squares that are being sent out are just awesome!

I have a couple here I need to mail. I really need to make more!

I just wanted to pop in and say :hi HI and am thinking of you all!

Abby....... adorable pic of your son and the squares

Michelle.......... Prayers to you for fast healing! :hug

KatieBug.......... you can do it! You'll get those gifts done! I have faith!

Ann............. love ya honey! :hug So sorry about your headache!

I'm so sorry so many of you arent getting "Thank You's" I dont understand! I try my best to make sure I at least post here on thread my Thank you's ... but also try to get a personal PM out too.

Oh Susan........... that is awesome what the folks do at Christmas where you work! If you need an extra stocking or two... just yell... .I can help.

hey miss Stephanie.......... I love your alpaca story! I think you need to take that baby home! :D






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I mailed out a puffy today. Hopefully the one I mailed out last Tuesday hasn't gotten lost. Sometimes the mail takes forever, sometimes I am shocked by how fast it is. :think

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I still have 1 square from a month or so ago that I have not heard about, plus 3 more from a couple weeks ago I have not heard from.


I guess it really is send at your own risk.

I just want to know that they made it safe and didn't get lost in the mail.

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I got another square!

Thank you soooo much Karishema!

The angel pin will find a very good home here. I just have to have a battle with my daughter later to see who gets to keep it :lol




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