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Friendship-ghan Square CAL...UPDATED IN POST 1


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I feel terrible about the postage due:eek ! In my rush to get the squares out in the mail a few days earlier, I had the envelopes weighed on our office scale and used my personal stamps instead of waiting until the weekend when I could get to the post office. I wont be doing that again!


I am thrilled that you enjoyed the square and note. :hug


Welcome aboard Faith! I don't know if you're new or not but haven't noticed you on here. :blush But since I have now, just wanted to shout out Welcome!!!




Good Morning Ladies. I am so sorry, as I said before, I have squares done but just have not put them in packages. Haven't been feeling well lately and it takes extra energy to pack them I guess. I am going to do my very best to get them out this weekend for sure. Doesn't help if I make the squares and then don't send them to anyone.:blush

Everyone squares look great. I think it's time for me to spread mine out and see what I have. I have no idea what color to edge mine in. I really don't think I want black or white so I guess once I lay them out maybe a color will come to me.

Well, I really do need to get to work since I'm already late since I'm not feeling so hot. Oh well, onward. Have a great day everyone.


Sure hope you get to feeling better quick, Pat!! :hug

Thank you so much, karishema ( Mary) for the 2 beautiful squares you sent for the comfortghan for my step-dad. I will post the pics later but today is not a good day. My mother died yesterday all of a sudden and I'm still in shock and just trying to get things done. She never wanted a funeral, but to be cremated (which is hard for me). We will have a wake/ memorial service Saturday evening though for her so we can properly have closure and her sisters will have that chance also. She died of a sudden heart attack. Just keep me and my family in your prayers please. Now we have a lot of decisions to make concerning my step-dad because he cannot afford to keep their house without her as it took the both of them. But material things are so unimportant. My main wish is that he get well. Thank you in advance!!

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Good Morning Ladies. I am so sorry, as I said before, I have squares done but just have not put them in packages. Haven't been feeling well lately and it takes extra energy to pack them I guess. I am going to do my very best to get them out this weekend for sure. Doesn't help if I make the squares and then don't send them to anyone.:blush

Everyone squares look great. I think it's time for me to spread mine out and see what I have. I have no idea what color to edge mine in. I really don't think I want black or white so I guess once I lay them out maybe a color will come to me.

Well, I really do need to get to work since I'm already late since I'm not feeling so hot. Oh well, onward. Have a great day everyone.

Sending gentle healing hugs your way! :hug:hug:hug


/˚ •* ˚ ˚˚ ˛★* ˛° *

/*˛˚ •˚ ˚Good Late Morning! ** ~*

/ \ ˚. ★ *˛ ˚.˚* ˚ ★ ˚. ★ *˛

˚* ˚ ˚* ˛˚ .. : ) ° ˚ • ★ *˚ .


Just want to pop in and say :hi HI.

Sorry I have been so hit and miss lately!

I have a couple more squares I need to mail out tomorrow!!!

hope all is well with you ladies. I can see by all the squares being shown... that you all have been staying very busy! :hook


okay... catch up more later



Hope your back is feeling better! I'm working on squares, but they aren't cooperating today! :lol


Sure hope you get to feeling better quick, Pat!! :hug


Thank you so much, karishema ( Mary) for the 2 beautiful squares you sent for the comfortghan for my step-dad. I will post the pics later but today is not a good day. My mother died yesterday all of a sudden and I'm still in shock and just trying to get things done. She never wanted a funeral, but to be cremated (which is hard for me). We will have a wake/ memorial service Saturday evening though for her so we can properly have closure and her sisters will have that chance also. She died of a sudden heart attack. Just keep me and my family in your prayers please. Now we have a lot of decisions to make concerning my step-dad because he cannot afford to keep their house without her as it took the both of them. But material things are so unimportant. My main wish is that he get well. Thank you in advance!!

I'm so sorry! I will keep you and your family in my thoughs and prayers. :hug

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Ty Katie for the 2 squares (one for madyson one for me) They are lovely!


Mady only needs 4 more squares for her blanket (any extra i'll suprise her with a pillowcase)


and I only need 5 more!! Then I can join them :)..

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Pat, praying you feel better soon.


Michelle, :hug :hug :hug. I'm so sorry. Praying for your stepdad, you and the whole family. I sent the one square out yesterday but let me know if you need more later.

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Thank you so much to KatyAllen8090 for the gorgeous square yesterday. It it perfect I can't wait to add it to my afghan!!


Thank you so much for thinking of me!


Ty Katie for the 2 squares (one for madyson one for me) They are lovely!


Mady only needs 4 more squares for her blanket (any extra i'll suprise her with a pillowcase)


and I only need 5 more!! Then I can join them :)..

You are all welcome, thanks for letting me help!!


Sure hope you get to feeling better quick, Pat!! :hug


Thank you so much, karishema ( Mary) for the 2 beautiful squares you sent for the comfortghan for my step-dad. I will post the pics later but today is not a good day. My mother died yesterday all of a sudden and I'm still in shock and just trying to get things done. She never wanted a funeral, but to be cremated (which is hard for me). We will have a wake/ memorial service Saturday evening though for her so we can properly have closure and her sisters will have that chance also. She died of a sudden heart attack. Just keep me and my family in your prayers please. Now we have a lot of decisions to make concerning my step-dad because he cannot afford to keep their house without her as it took the both of them. But material things are so unimportant. My main wish is that he get well. Thank you in advance!!

OH MY gosh Hershey, I am so very sorry....Thoughts are with you and yours!

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Sure hope you get to feeling better quick, Pat!! :hug


Thank you so much, karishema ( Mary) for the 2 beautiful squares you sent for the comfortghan for my step-dad. I will post the pics later but today is not a good day. My mother died yesterday all of a sudden and I'm still in shock and just trying to get things done. She never wanted a funeral, but to be cremated (which is hard for me). We will have a wake/ memorial service Saturday evening though for her so we can properly have closure and her sisters will have that chance also. She died of a sudden heart attack. Just keep me and my family in your prayers please. Now we have a lot of decisions to make concerning my step-dad because he cannot afford to keep their house without her as it took the both of them. But material things are so unimportant. My main wish is that he get well. Thank you in advance!!


Oh honey...................:hug :hug :hug

I'm so sorry!!!!

Praying Praying Praying!!!



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Sure hope you get to feeling better quick, Pat!! :hug


Thank you so much, karishema ( Mary) for the 2 beautiful squares you sent for the comfortghan for my step-dad. I will post the pics later but today is not a good day. My mother died yesterday all of a sudden and I'm still in shock and just trying to get things done. She never wanted a funeral, but to be cremated (which is hard for me). We will have a wake/ memorial service Saturday evening though for her so we can properly have closure and her sisters will have that chance also. She died of a sudden heart attack. Just keep me and my family in your prayers please. Now we have a lot of decisions to make concerning my step-dad because he cannot afford to keep their house without her as it took the both of them. But material things are so unimportant. My main wish is that he get well. Thank you in advance!!


You and your family will be in my thoughts and prayers:hug

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Just popping in to let y'all know I made it home safely. It was terrible traveling with the baby (she apparently doesn't travel well) but we all survived. I got a square in the mail while I was gone; I will post pics tomorrow when I'm not so beat. Unfortunately, when I was cutting open the envelope, one of the corners was near the top and a thread of yarn got cut. I have the exact match to it though so I should be able to repair it.


Thank you for the square, bgs! I LOVE it! So does my baby. She couldn't stop cooing at it and waving it around! I'm sad that I nicked it but I'm sure I can fix it.


:eek I am so sorry. Maybe you could pull the last row off and use it that way.


My mother died yesterday all of a sudden and I'm still in shock and just trying to get things done. She never wanted a funeral, but to be cremated (which is hard for me). We will have a wake/ memorial service Saturday evening though for her so we can properly have closure and her sisters will have that chance also. She died of a sudden heart attack. Just keep me and my family in your prayers please. Now we have a lot of decisions to make concerning my step-dad because he cannot afford to keep their house without her as it took the both of them. But material things are so unimportant. My main wish is that he get well. Thank you in advance!!



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Good Morning Ladies. I am so sorry, as I said before, I have squares done but just have not put them in packages. Haven't been feeling well lately and it takes extra energy to pack them I guess. I am going to do my very best to get them out this weekend for sure. Doesn't help if I make the squares and then don't send them to anyone.:blush

Everyone squares look great. I think it's time for me to spread mine out and see what I have. I have no idea what color to edge mine in. I really don't think I want black or white so I guess once I lay them out maybe a color will come to me.

Well, I really do need to get to work since I'm already late since I'm not feeling so hot. Oh well, onward. Have a great day everyone.


Feel better Pat! Have Nick give you a :hug from me!


Sure hope you get to feeling better quick, Pat!! :hug


Thank you so much, karishema ( Mary) for the 2 beautiful squares you sent for the comfortghan for my step-dad. I will post the pics later but today is not a good day. My mother died yesterday all of a sudden and I'm still in shock and just trying to get things done. She never wanted a funeral, but to be cremated (which is hard for me). We will have a wake/ memorial service Saturday evening though for her so we can properly have closure and her sisters will have that chance also. She died of a sudden heart attack. Just keep me and my family in your prayers please. Now we have a lot of decisions to make concerning my step-dad because he cannot afford to keep their house without her as it took the both of them. But material things are so unimportant. My main wish is that he get well. Thank you in advance!!


I missed so much and didn't see what your step dad was going through. I'm so sorry about losing your Mom. :hug :hug :hug



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My mother died yesterday all of a sudden and I'm still in shock and just trying to get things done. She never wanted a funeral, but to be cremated (which is hard for me). We will have a wake/ memorial service Saturday evening though for her so we can properly have closure and her sisters will have that chance also. She died of a sudden heart attack. Just keep me and my family in your prayers please. Now we have a lot of decisions to make concerning my step-dad because he cannot afford to keep their house without her as it took the both of them. But material things are so unimportant. My main wish is that he get well. Thank you in advance!!

My heartfelt condolences and prayers for you and your family!:hug:hug

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Sure hope you get to feeling better quick, Pat!! :hug


Thank you so much, karishema ( Mary) for the 2 beautiful squares you sent for the comfortghan for my step-dad. I will post the pics later but today is not a good day. My mother died yesterday all of a sudden and I'm still in shock and just trying to get things done. She never wanted a funeral, but to be cremated (which is hard for me). We will have a wake/ memorial service Saturday evening though for her so we can properly have closure and her sisters will have that chance also. She died of a sudden heart attack. Just keep me and my family in your prayers please. Now we have a lot of decisions to make concerning my step-dad because he cannot afford to keep their house without her as it took the both of them. But material things are so unimportant. My main wish is that he get well. Thank you in advance!!


You are so very welcome, and I am so sorry about your mother. Prayers and blessings are with you.

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Thank you katyallen8090. Katyallen sent me the most gorgeous squAres. I am thrilled I have received my first 2 squares! Thanks a bunch..... I'll get a photo posted as soon as I can.


Your quite welcome, I enjoyed working with the pretty pastels!

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well, i think that accounts for most of mine that have gone out, minus a couple from way back, but what the hey, huh, Im going to run a tally of how many I have sent out so far, for my own records, but it must be a bunch, cause my tote is getting e m t! Just have to start duplicating if that happens, I think! Got enough made for a couple more mailings though, so the next couple of weeks are set! Take care, have a good evening!;) Must touch yarn now!!!!:yarn:yarn:yarn

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Thank you everyone for all the warm thoughts, concern and especially prayers. This is such a loving, wonderful place!

Thank you Karishema for the 2 beautiful blue squares for Arthur's comfortghan! It will be even more comforting when finished now. My camera is doing good, but just could not get around to taking pics today, but I will soon.

Also thank you Tam for the exquisite white basketweave square I recieved today. I will post a pic when I get karishema's posted.

:hug:hug:hug to all.

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Hi everyone! Is it too late to join in??? :2blush


I recently tracked down a (amazingly affordable!) copy of 101 Crochet Squares and have already gotten started on hooking all 101. lol I'd love to send some out to the fabulous hookers of Crochetville and thought this would be perfect! :woo


I really want to start a Friendship-ghan of my own, how fun! :c9 I would love any squares, any size, any pattern in any and all shades of pink! Acrylic yarns would be awesome!


Thanks! :hook

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Just popping in to let y'all know I made it home safely. It was terrible traveling with the baby (she apparently doesn't travel well) but we all survived. I got a square in the mail while I was gone; I will post pics tomorrow when I'm not so beat. Unfortunately, when I was cutting open the envelope, one of the corners was near the top and a thread of yarn got cut. I have the exact match to it though so I should be able to repair it.


Thank you for the square, bgs! I LOVE it! So does my baby. She couldn't stop cooing at it and waving it around! I'm sad that I nicked it but I'm sure I can fix it.



I'm so glad you got your squares. Also thrilled you like them.

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Hi everyone! Is it too late to join in??? :2blush


I recently tracked down a (amazingly affordable!) copy of 101 Crochet Squares and have already gotten started on hooking all 101. lol I'd love to send some out to the fabulous hookers of Crochetville and thought this would be perfect! :woo


I really want to start a Friendship-ghan of my own, how fun! :c9 I would love any squares, any size, any pattern in any and all shades of pink! Acrylic yarns would be awesome!


Thanks! :hook


:welcome Send a pm to turtlelvr in the original post and she will add you to the list. Give her your address, and what kind of squares you want and your email so she can send you a list as well. :U

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I've been visiting this thread for a while and I would like to join as well. I can just imagine cuddling under a friendship-ghan that the nice people of crochetville helped make :)

I'm looking for 12 inch squares (any color, design) in acrylic.

Thanks so much! :manyheart

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I've been visiting this thread for a while and I would like to join as well. I can just imagine cuddling under a friendship-ghan that the nice people of crochetville helped make :)

I'm looking for 12 inch squares (any color, design) in acrylic.

Thanks so much! :manyheart


:hi Nira, please see my post above yours for instructions on how to be added. Welcome to the group. :U

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