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Friendship-ghan Square CAL...UPDATED IN POST 1


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Alrighty ladies a little update on my end. It's been decided that James is going to join the army and I couldn't be more proud and scared at the same time. No one was calling him back for job offers and he tells me this is something that has always intrigued him so I told him if it was what he wanted to do he has my support. He has to get them all the stuff they need before they can take him but aside from that he has already taken the practice test and scored an 84 with the minimum you can get being 31 and the maximum being 100 I believe. Needless to say I've been a mess lately and have had a lot on my mind. Anyhoo ladies that is my update and I am still sorry I haven't been on lately and I hope every single one of ya has a Happy Mother's Day. From the mommas with the fur babehs to the mamas with the not so fur babehs I love you all and miss you so much have a great day!


Good for James! I'm proud of him too! :cheer We'll be here to support you through all of this, you just need to visit us! :hug


Any update on an address? I still have you on hold. :think



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♥ ☼♥ ☼♥ ☼♥ ☼Happy Mother’s Day ♥ ☼♥ ☼♥ ☼










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i figured it out: you know you crochet for too long of a period of time when half the side of your thumb is bruised from it! :eek yeah, i saw that earlier while we were out eating and just remembered! :D hope everyone had a beautiful mothers day!!

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Good for James! I'm proud of him too! :cheer We'll be here to support you through all of this, you just need to visit us! :hug


Any update on an address? I still have you on hold. :think




If you want and don't mind as sad as it sounds with james not having a job we are living with my dad atm so I can either resend that address to you or if you have it you can go ahead and use that one. I know I've moved so much lately and with the military its only going to continue lol. But yeah just let me know either on here or on facebook and I can send it to you. I also am going to get back into the swing of sending squares out myself so if you could please send me and updated addy list I'd very much appreciate it :). Love you all and I hope all your mother's days were wonderful. We went to the park and had spaghetti and salad for dinner :manyheart.

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If you want and don't mind as sad as it sounds with james not having a job we are living with my dad atm so I can either resend that address to you or if you have it you can go ahead and use that one. I know I've moved so much lately and with the military its only going to continue lol. But yeah just let me know either on here or on facebook and I can send it to you. I also am going to get back into the swing of sending squares out myself so if you could please send me and updated addy list I'd very much appreciate it :). Love you all and I hope all your mother's days were wonderful. We went to the park and had spaghetti and salad for dinner :manyheart.


Send me your Dad's address again. I sent the list to you. :) I miss you around here. :(





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Hope everyone had a great Mothers Day! :cheer I've been slacking a little on my squares, I've been helping mom make some gifts and I have started 1 (outta 2) Bearghan's for a friend that just had twins. :hook I've been wanting to make some sort of blanket, so now I get to make 2. :yay:D lol

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I have a sinus infection. :( Turles won't stop fighting so I had to rearrange them. Put the baby in a smaller tank so I can move Bella into the one he was in and leave Jake alone in the big tank. They're driving me nuts. I had even separated them in the big tank and they fought through the divider! UGH!



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Sue sorry about your sinus infection, I know what its like. Im always fighting my sinus , Ive lost my smelling again, I hate that. :hug


Thanks Evelyn. :hug I've been a bit of a bum (besides dealing with these PITA turtles) and made some squares. I finished 6 and those are going to 3 people. A few more and I'll be done with the list for once! :lol



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I have a sinus infection. :( Turles won't stop fighting so I had to rearrange them. Put the baby in a smaller tank so I can move Bella into the one he was in and leave Jake alone in the big tank. They're driving me nuts. I had even separated them in the big tank and they fought through the divider! UGH!




:rofl thought you meant that you had to rearrange your sinuses OH boy I need my brain or eyes or most likely both this morning...

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I have some updated addresses for some people. So anyone wanting a new list please let me know. :)




I would like one please. Thank you.

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:rofl thought you meant that you had to rearrange your sinuses OH boy I need my brain or eyes or most likely both this morning...


My sinuses could use some rearranging too. :rofl


I would like one please. Thank you.


Sent! :)



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Almost a villager.. and yes I know you've said we dont "really" need to be.. but I figure it'd make it easier. And to make sure to myself that I will stick around this nice place XD.

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Almost a villager.. and yes I know you've said we dont "really" need to be.. but I figure it'd make it easier. And to make sure to myself that I will stick around this nice place XD.



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Sue, thanks for the list. ;)


Dragonracer, love your tagline! "Drive defensively, buy a tank." It's tourist season here. We can't shoot them but a tank... hmmmm :lol

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