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Where do you buy yarn??

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This post was spawned by my other post about NatCroMo and a comment I got back from a lys here in Spokane trying to get them to do something to promote National Crochet Month. Their response was basically, "sorry but we dont have crochet customers" and thanked me for the suggestion. I was taken aback because this yarn shop has some REALLY nice stuff and I know the owner. I can't imagine they would be discouraging crochetiers and so I'm led to the question....


Where do you get your yarn??? If this is a typical situation that lys's are experiencing, then maybe crochet isn't so popular with them because crochetiers simply don't shop at lys's. Is that true??


Curions Jimbo would like to know.

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I buy most of mine from HL or Michaels because I love ILTY and Loops and Threads. The only LYS we have has only speciality yarn and to be honest I haven't found anything there that I would pay that much for. Sometimes in a pinch I will go to Walmart or shop online. Just wish we had a Joann's close by.

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I do shop at LYS that is local to the university my daughter attends. The majority of their customers are knitters, however the shop owner has fully embraced me (and the $$$ that I spend) and made me feel more than welcome. There was another discussion on this topic and I think the general census is that many crocheters are not made to feel comfortable at LYS.

I also do shop at my local Michaels and AC Moore when I dont have the time to travel to the LYS or to Hobby Lobby in PA. There are other LYS local to me but I havent had the time to do a stop by and get a feel for their acceptance of a crocheter.

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There is one LYC close to me and they do not encourage crocheters. I tried to tell them, that crocheters use more yarn in a project, but it was met with a yeah sure look.

I buy most of my yarn on the internet. The Michael's near me has very little, and the Joann's is not much better.

I buy from Peaches and Cream, Bernat, Caron, Herrschner's and Coats and Clark just to name a few.:hook

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When I still lived with my folks I did shop at the LYS she was very encouraging in fact she has had to move to a larger store and is getting in stuff for spinning as well. Now that I have moved I know there is a new yarn store in Wheaton that I want to check out. Mostly I too go to AC Moore,Michaels and sometimes Jo-Anns. Online is helpful for colors I can't find locally oh and I try to go to Maryland Sheep and Wool where I have been most welcome as well. Oh and Savage Mill as well. :)

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I buy most of my yarn online. I live in a small town, and as we all know, Walmart yarn is not what it used to be. I'll buy from Walmart in a pinch. There is a wonderful LYS (and very crochet friendly!) yarn store in a town about an hour from me, and I ALWAYS buy yarn when I'm in town. I really want to support the LYS's and show them that crocheters are good customers, too!!

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I buy my yarn at Hobby Lobby--either in the store or order it from their website. I really love I Love This Yarn (and Cotton). I no longer buy from Walmart as they carry a very limited selection and the Red Heart yarn is not as soft as ILTY.

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I buy yarn at Joann's, Michael's, WalMart and my LYS (not necessarily in that order :lol ). There is only 1 LYS locally here that I know of so I depend on the large chains for my yarn fix. Soon I'll be able to buy it at HL! We're getting one finally here in Daytona! :cheer



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I get most of mine at HL, but I do also shop at Michaels and Joanns. There is one LYS, but I have never been there yet. :( I really don't know why though.......:blush

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I buy yarn at both of my nearest LYS, about an hour away. recently while traveling, i checked Knitmap for LYS along the route and stopped at 2, and bought something at both. I have bought yarn at Hobby Lobby, Michaels, and Joanns. Also online. rarely, at Walmart. Hmmm, I guess I buy yarn just about anywhere I can:lol


One thing I rarely buy is hooks, because i have "heritage hooks" from the 70s, and seldom need a new one.

(sorry about that! :-) )

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Right now I'm shopping exclusively from my stash because there's so much of it!! LOL But when I do purchase, it's usually from Walmart as that's the only thing close... We go into the city once every month or two and I always make sure to hit Hobby Lobby and Michaels to see what they've got on sale. And for what I can't find in those places I order online. My favorite is shopcaron.com. They have an awesome deal on mill ends. :)

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Yes, I do shop at my LYS, and they are very friendly to people who do all manner of fiber related crafts. They have stuff for crocheters, knitters, people who do needlepoint, etc. I will even go so far as to say that I shop there pretty exclusively, ordering yarn online when I need enough of one color for a really huge project like an afghan.


While the yarn there is sometimes more expensive, I find that it is worth it as far as quality is concerned. Besides, you meet other like-minded people, which is always a good thing :hook

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I usually shop at my lys because they are great there. I talked to one of the owners and told her I had been to other ys and was treated like a third class person for crocheting. She laughed and said that when they opened they only crocheted and after being open for a while they decieded they had better learn to knit.

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I don't shop at LYS (my local ones or any place) because of the negativity I've gotten. I actually tried to buy some beautiful yarn and when I stated it was for a crochet project, they refused to sell it to me, saying it was for knitting only. -- Needless to say, they no longer get my hard earned money, it's not worth getting hassled.


If I need a little bit, (under six skeins) I'll go to one of the local craft stores: Joann's, Michaels, or AC Moores, more often than not, buying it at AC Moores because they have more variety. If I have a large project (stores usually don't carry enough of one color) I usually buy it online at the one who has it cheaper:


Mary Maxim

yarn and thread by Lisa



AC Moore

Annie's Attic

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Gosh, I buy yarn wherever I find fiber temptation! Jo-ann, HL, Michaels, Mary Maxim, online at Knit Picks, Jimmy Beans Wool, Smiley's... the list goes on. There happens to be a SUPERB LYS about 3 miles from my house-- I go once a month. Crafty Lady Trio (in Macomb, MI) offers both knitting and crochet classes (they have needlepoint too).


One time I went in there because I ran out of of silk yarn for a Seraphina shawl I was making. They didn't have that specific type of yarn, but they made suggestions on what to do. The knitters at the sit n stitch going on at the time were admiring the shawl-- one of ladies even said to me she wished she could crochet too. They only carry the very high end yarns-- so it can be very expensive. But, for me, there are some projects that are worth the extra money.


BTW, I am in no way associated with this store, I just really like it.

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I mostly shop online, for several reasons. I can browse at my liesure, no one asks about what I'm going to knit, (I'm not!) and my monitor has good color that is very close to what I see in the actual product. As for the shipping charges, well...I justify it this way: I don't have a vehicle, so...no car payments, insurance payments, upkeep, gas, etc. That pretty much covers it, as well as explains why I don't get to too many LYS. my online sources don't care WHAT I'm going to do with their yarn, as long as my payment is good!

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right now I get mine at Walmart since they have RHSS and that's all I use until I get better at crochet. I don't know any local craft or yarn places around here yet other than Michael's and they try charging more for RHSS so I don't trust that I'm getting even an ok deal on non-acrylic yarns.

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I get most of mine at Hobby Lobby. I load up when they have a good sale or clearance sale. Michael's and JoAnn's have a good selection, but higher prices.


And Hancock is outrageous with their prices.



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I buy at Wal Mart (has less and less of selection and quantity) and Hobby Lobby - especially like ILTY - and they seem to be having less variety of yarns too. I don't believe there is a LYS here; if so I haven't heard anything about it.

So only two choices, Wal Mart or Hobby Lobby. I've never ordered online but may have to look into it.

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I order online or shop at a LYS. Because of my location, internet is a more feasible option. The LYS that I use if very crochet friendly though.

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I usually buy from michaels, joanns, hobby lobby, or online. But a new LYS just opened not far from me in Clawson, MI and is very crochet friendly. I have been known to take a detour on my way to pick up my kids and stop in there once or twice :D. they have some delicious yarn that the other stores just dont carry.

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