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Who is your crocheting companion?

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My constant crocheting companion is a cat. She is constantly inquisitive. Loves nothing more than helping me with my tension whilst crocheting by hanging onto my wool with her claws as I try to work. Her name is Holly, she adopted us the week before Christmas hence her name. I found her cold and hungry showed her some kindness and she has chosen to stay with us. She is a lovely cat, but I spend a lot of time lately removing black hairs from my work. You can see a picture of her here on my blog in the midst of my stuff http://thetillymint.blogspot.com/2010/02/my-constant-companion.html


Who is your crocheting companion?

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Funny how they always know whom to adopt! :lol


My companion is my loveable kitty Franklin. He not only cuddles with me while I crochet, he also gets up and starts bothering me if he feels I've been at it too long. I swear he understands English and must have listened in on all those conversations about my tendonitis.


Every so often, he plays with the yarn, but for the most part, he behaves himself (wihle I'm in the room, anyway)! One time, I happened to go into the hallway, just in time to see him batting around a small ball of yarn. I say "small" because he'd managed to unravel it all the way back from the bedroom! It was reminiscent of those kitten days, when he used to toilet-paper the entire house! :rofl:rofl:rofl

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I had a hamster that would sit in the chair with me when I crocheted. He passed now. I have ever had one that would sit and crochet again.

Maybe the next one will like to crochet with me. I going to start to look for a new crochet friend this week.

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Mine are my faithfull sidekicks Faith and Harley, my two furry kids. They make sure my yarn balls dont escape by laying on top of them and test all afgans to make sure they are fluffy enough by burrowing under them as I work on them.

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My favorite buddy and companion when crocheting was my Sheba she was a beautiful black cat with green eyes she always love to get hugs especially when I was crocheting. I had her for almost 11 years and missed her very much. I hope by Spring to adopt another.

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Unfortunately I don't have any pets to keep me company while I crochet. I would like to get a cat when I move out of my parents' though. Currently, the person I spend the most time with while crocheting is the television, though sometimes it disappoints me by not showing anything interesting on during the daytime.

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Katie, my collie, is always laying by my feet when I crochet, but then, she's always laying by my feet no matter what I'm doing. :) Most of our cats are so used to seeing me crochet now that they don't get a thrill out of it any more, except Elizabeth. I really think Elizabeth was a crochetier in a former life, because she is just TOO interested in yarn for it to merely be a cat thing. She will go through the tote that the project I'm working on is in, and she'll take skeins of yarn and wander through the house with them in her mouth, crying out while she does it! This behavior baffles me completely, I can't think of any reason she might do this! Sometimes she'll start meowing and carrying on at the mere sight of a pile of yarn, and before I know it, the meowing is getting louder and when I look at her, she's off to wherever with a skein in her mouth, loudly announcing her presence along the way. Crazy cat! :lol

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Currently, the person I spend the most time with while crocheting is the television, though sometimes it disappoints me by not showing anything interesting on during the daytime.


I know, isn't it awful? The times I've stayed home from work were just dismal, unless I had some DVDs or things I'd taped from the night before. You'd think they'd put something decent on TV during the day. There are plenty of people who don't work outside the home, or who work a different shift, who deserve something to watch besides soaps and talk shows.

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My Persian Himalayan kitty named Django "Puddy" Sargent Pepper's Lonely Hearts Club Band. :)

He helps me with his long white fur....just in case the yarn I have isn't white enough or fluffy enough, he is more than happy to lend me his.

I also have an English Mastiff named Genghis Khan and he is really good at drooling on my ball of yarn...because slobber yarn is always easier to work with.


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Currently, the person I spend the most time with while crocheting is the television, though sometimes it disappoints me by not showing anything interesting on during the daytime.


I know, isn't it awful? The times I've stayed home from work were just dismal, unless I had some DVDs or things I'd taped from the night before. You'd think they'd put something decent on TV during the day. There are plenty of people who don't work outside the home, or who work a different shift, who deserve something to watch besides soaps and talk shows.


Mines TV too. And when I've been home or sick, nothing is on. I was talking with a friend who watched cartoons because she hated soaps. My mom watched soaps for "adult" conversation:P... well the best she could get. Dish is a little better sometimes, but not always. Unless it's a holiday and a good series is running on some station, I can sit and watch that.


So I crochet at night with the tv as my companion. Occassionally my dog bothers me wanting treats or belly rubs (with my foot) or outside. ;)

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Two little black chihuahuas and my bestie on the phone. lol


She scolds me if she thinks i'm not using the headset. (If i hold the phone between my shoulder and head I'll get cramps.) Plus she's always willing to remember how many chains I've made if I need to stop in the middle for a tinkle break.

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Mine is that pretty girl on my avatar. Wilma. She lays on the couch with me and puts her head on my leg and sleeps while I work.

Our other dog Morgan almost met an untimely end when I left the room last night and she spilled soda right where I was stacking all my granny squares for the baby blanket I'm making. Turns out she only got it on 5 out of the 31. I rinsed them out right away. I would never hurt her, but MAN! was I ever mad.

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Mine is our bunny Bun Bun. He likes to hop up on the couch when the yarn comes out. I just have to make sure I put it up when I leave the room, otherwise, I learned he is lonely, and starts to try to mate with the balls of yarn. :(:blush:(

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Every so often my roommate's cat will sit and watch me crochet. She also likes to watch the beads roll around when I'm making jewelry. One of my cats, who is a rescue, isn't too fond of getting snuggling up next to me, but loves to play in my yarn stash when I'm not around. I've come home to find balls of yarn strung all around the apartment, leading straight to the yarn bin. My roommate got a new bed recently which is very comfortable, and she found that a ball of yarn had mysteriously appeared on it one day.

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You'd think with 5 cats in the house I'd have lots of help, but none bother me while crocheting. The only time I've crocheted something and had them ALL want in the chair with me is when I made NicoleP's tote in December. My dog isn't a lap dog, so she doesn't help either. So its just me and the tv.


I had a hamster that would sit in the chair with me when I crocheted. He passed now. I have ever had one that would sit and crochet again.

Maybe the next one will like to crochet with me. I going to start to look for a new crochet friend this week.


I hope you find a new little buddy Kim!


Mine is our bunny Bun Bun. He likes to hop up on the couch when the yarn comes out. I just have to make sure I put it up when I leave the room, otherwise, I learned he is lonely, and starts to try to mate with the balls of yarn. :(:blush:(


:yarn:rabbit :rofl



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Katie, my collie, is always laying by my feet when I crochet, but then, she's always laying by my feet no matter what I'm doing. :) Most of our cats are so used to seeing me crochet now that they don't get a thrill out of it any more, except Elizabeth. I really think Elizabeth was a crochetier in a former life, because she is just TOO interested in yarn for it to merely be a cat thing. She will go through the tote that the project I'm working on is in, and she'll take skeins of yarn and wander through the house with them in her mouth, crying out while she does it! This behavior baffles me completely, I can't think of any reason she might do this! Sometimes she'll start meowing and carrying on at the mere sight of a pile of yarn, and before I know it, the meowing is getting louder and when I look at her, she's off to wherever with a skein in her mouth, loudly announcing her presence along the way. Crazy cat! :lol





Sage HAS to be on the crochet. Even if it's just a foot. And she acts the same way with milk rings that Elizabeth does with yarn. Carrying them around crying loudly.

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With my cat, Shadow,--it's dirty socks!! He doesn't want the clean ones--they have to be old and smelly!! :think Go figure!!

Shadow pretty much leaves my yarn alone, as long as I tell him to. But if I forget to tell him--there goes a paw--up to catch the yarn as it comes out of the skein!! :lol







Sage HAS to be on the crochet. Even if it's just a foot. And she acts the same way with milk rings that Elizabeth does with yarn. Carrying them around crying loudly.

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I really think Elizabeth was a crochetier in a former life, because she is just TOO interested in yarn for it to merely be a cat thing. She will go through the tote that the project I'm working on is in, and she'll take skeins of yarn and wander through the house with them in her mouth, crying out while she does it! This behavior baffles me completely, I can't think of any reason she might do this! Sometimes she'll start meowing and carrying on at the mere sight of a pile of yarn, and before I know it, the meowing is getting louder and when I look at her, she's off to wherever with a skein in her mouth, loudly announcing her presence along the way. Crazy cat! :lol


Does she consider them one of her "kittens" ? :think


My main crocheting companion is Moose... all 4.5lbs of him. He is a toy Fox Terrier that was a semi-rescue dog. He was only 2.5lbs at 5 months of age and skin and bones, had been sick and the other puppies picked on him. Nobody picks on him much now though :D

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Mine is that pretty girl on my avatar. Wilma. She lays on the couch with me and puts her head on my leg and sleeps while I work.

Our other dog Morgan almost met an untimely end when I left the room last night and she spilled soda right where I was stacking all my granny squares for the baby blanket I'm making. Turns out she only got it on 5 out of the 31. I rinsed them out right away. I would never hurt her, but MAN! was I ever mad.


What kind of dog is Wilma? she almost looks like an English Setter???

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