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My Snowflake Afghan in Pink


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Well, I think this afghan has taken me the longest ever to complete. I started this at the beginning of November and just finished it tonight. This is one of Anne Halliday's beautiful patterns that I modified (a little). You can find the original pattern here http://www.purplekittyyarns.com/leisure-arts/snowflake-winter-afghan-crochet-pattern. I originally wanted to enter this in the VC contest, but missed it (by a day!). Oh well, I have a home for it and will be mailing it to an old friend and former roommate later this week or early next. I used VC yarn in Rose & Lamb with an "H" hook. Thanks for looking! :)





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Just gorgeous! Love the soft color combination. There was a lot of work that went into that beautiful afghan. I'm sure your friend will treasure it for many years!

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Thank you all for your kind compliments. :manyheart It was one of those projects I didn't think I would ever finish.


To answer "happy stitcher's" question below, it is regular crochet (not tunisian). You don't carry the yarn, you change color at every row and the pattern is created by crocheting (dc) over the previous row. Where the color shows through, it was either a sc or dc in front of the previous row's stitch. Not sure if that makes sense, but I love these patterns. There are a lot of ends to weave in, but it's not really that bad. The pattern is also in A Year of Afghans (1998); pg 132.


I'm curious...


Is this done in Tunisian? Or is it all SC?

Do you carry the yarn under the stitch, or does it fall to the back?

I think I may have to add this pattern to my library!!! :P

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