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My New Years Resolution/Pic post #7!

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Okay, my resolution is to finish up those ufo's that are stored everywhere. I kind of have to. You see, my dd had a sleepover for New Years Eve. When it came time for bed, I couldn't find the air mattress. It is usually near the treadmill. (Not used for exercise mind you, but as a clothes hanger :blush) I pulled down the part that you walk on and the darndest thing happened. It seems that my yarn stash and ufo pile had multiplied all on it own! :eek So while I was sitting on the floor surrounded by various plastic bags filled with yarn and projects, in walks the hubby. Needless to say, I'm busted :yes. So now I have to finish up some of these projects. The first one I am tackling is the wedding ring quilt from Red Heart. All the pieces are made, now I am putting them together. The happy couple only got married 10 months ago. I think I'll save it for an anniversary gift for them. Anyone else care to join me in my resolution?

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I had kinda the same revelation recently when I needed something from closet & I ended up with a roomful of bags filled with yarn and UFOs. I'm joining the Crochet Games during the olympics to finish up mine (or as many as possible!!) You are welcome to join me there in February while I scramble to get some things done. In the mean time I haven't worried about them so much, because I have a plan. :D Having a room full of UFOs isn't so bad if you have a plan, right?

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My daughter and I did the ultimate stash busting when the house burned down. In the three weeks since then, we have acquired a large bin full of yarn, mostly donated by sympathetic crafters! Now we have to find projects to use the yarn (which isn't necessarily what we would have chosen, but still a lovely gesture from friends).

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Once again, my goal this year is to start early on gift making and to use primarily out of my "stash". I haven't bought any yarn in almost 5 months now and that has to be a record, for me. I am caught up on all my WIPS (that took most of the summer and fall).


I do have a box of projects to "frog" that I am no longer interested in completing, so that is on my goal list as well.


Over this snowy and cold winter's start, I have begun the chore of weeding out the hundreds of crafting magazines I have accumulated over the last 40 years. The goal here is to reduce the piles to only a few boxes. Now that I am retired and have a bit of time, I have already edited over 200 magazines, keeping what I want and recycling the rest. I put the project pages into page protectors and then into my craft binders. At last I am finding those long lost patterns that "I just knew I had kept"...lol.


Lastly, I am determined to meld crocheting into my many other crafting interests: sewing, embroidery, card making, quilting and so on. I am sure I can find a way to add an edging, embellishment or focal point composed of some crochet facet to many other projects.


OK, so now it's time to put this plan into ACTION, right?


Have a great crafting day.

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I'm making good progress on the wedding ring afghan. Dh is going away skiing this weekend so I should have some uninterrupted time to finish it. I'm going to go thru the other ufo's little by little. Those that I know I won't finish, I'm just going to frog. I feel days of "rippit, rippit" coming! :rofl

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I finally got the Wedding Ring afghan done! Lesson learned on that one, weave in as I go! It took me over 2 hours to weave in all the ends. My dd compared it to learning division! :rofl Here are some pics, sorry they are not that bright



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Your not alone with wips I have several around here like you I also have afghan that just needs the strips sewn together. I love your afghan it is really beautiful and love your colors that you used. Congrats on finishing it.

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Well, I got married almost 33 years ago when do I get mine....:P I am just kidding with you. You afghan turned out beautiful, I love the color choices! Wonderful job!

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Beautiful afghan! I started up a CAL where people can do their UFOs or multi-crafts related projects with a goal of finishing them up in a year's deadline. It can overlap with other CALs. It's 52 Projects in 52 Weeks. (or any numbers of projects in 52 weeks - Ex: 12 afghans in 52 weeks.)


I started this CAL based on a lady's idea of finish many UFOs in a year on her own. Please feel free to join us for extra motivation. I also have tons of UFOs stuffed in the bedroom closet in total denial. :lol


I am working on few projects in turns. Most are knitting UFOs as I finished up almost all crochetting UFOs last year.

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Thank you all for your comments. My goal now is to downsize some of my scrap yarn, so I am now making child sized scrap afghans for the kids in the family and whatever is left over will be made into charity projects. And I will be weaving in as I go! Hi ho the dairio, a weaving I will go! :lol

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