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2010 Stashbusting CAL - NOW CLOSED!!!


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Not a biggie - Just wanted to be able to say that I Shot the Moon - first time in a loooong time. :hookAnd boy, was it a blast to do!! :yay :yay

Thanks for fixing the score. I'll be posting this week's scores Sunday after church.

Congratulations! And enjoy your new yarn! :yarn:drool:yarn :yarn :yarn

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I know, I'm a day late and a dollar short...


I've had a SAD backslide in my yarn stashbusting...I'm making a sweater for a Christmas present, and NONE of the yarn I had would work. I have a lot of 1 and 2 skeins of colors, and the only colors I have in multiple skeins are enough for me, but not for a larger-sized sweater. So I went to the LYS, intending to get 8 skeins of Plymouth Encore, when the saleslady brought out the bag of 10. It seemed like a waste for her to separate 8 skeins when I could just buy all 10, already packaged nicely...




Stashbuster Total: WTD -20 YTD +1

:blush :blush:blush:blush

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Well, I broke down on Sunday and bought yarn for the first time this year. :yarn Only 2 skeins, one to finish off one of the blankets that's been hanging around since last year, and another for my swap partner's gift. It felt so good!! :lol Patty


How did manage to abstain from buying yarn for almost a whole year?? I think I would have gone insane!! Congrats on being able to hold out for so long and also on having some new yarn to play with. :hook

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How did manage to abstain from buying yarn for almost a whole year?? I think I would have gone insane!! Congrats on being able to hold out for so long and also on having some new yarn to play with. :hook

Because SweetPea65 gave me five boxes of her yard sale finds last year and I told myself I'd use that and not buy yarn this year. I tried, I really tried to find a color in my yarn, not Sweetpea65's, that matched what I wanted to make for my swap, but I couldn't. I'm really astonished at myself, too. I mean, I'm pretty good at will power, and didn't have my second job again till a few weeks ago, so having a strict budget helped, but still....

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I finally finished the wool eater afghan I've been working on for most of the year!:yay Turns out I used 31 skeins of yarn (no wonder it took forever).:lol

Anywho, here's a link if anyone's curious: http://www.crochetville.org/forum/showthread.php?t=119671


It's BEAUTIFUL!! You should be very proud of yourself! I made one last year and it is definately a challenge. Congrats on a great job :cheer

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Please have your weekly scores posted by late Saturday night. I have had a change of plans on Sunday, so instead of posting scores AFTER church, it will now be BEFORE church. Like around 7:30ish in the a.m. Thanks!!!

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My last 3 weekends have been very busy, so please excuse my lack of posting. :lol I promise I will do my best to post my scores this week! :hook

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Finished 2 more skeins on my golf club covers - I love them! for a WTD of +4 and YTD -8. I ordered 8 more skeins I need to make 3 more sets of covers, but don't know when they will arrive.

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Working really hard to offset that negative score from last week. So far I have gone thru one skein and pretty sure I can thru one more before we post scores again. Now that an afghan is on the hook, I think this is possible. Before, I was working on connecting a lot of little yo yos.

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I'm having a hard time getting through a skein this week, too! I'm working on the Granny Stripe afghan, using 9 different colors, so I'm not using up one skein quickly. Also, the sweater I bought all the yarn for next week is only in its beginning stages... :crocheting

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2010 Stashbusting CAL: WTD: +3 / YTD: +8


I finished off three small balls on these yo-yo's and round two of a rectangular granny strip for my charity blanket:




That's the last of the bag of multi-coloreds I had assembled. There might be some solids buried in my stash somewhere...




2010 Stashbusting CAL: WTD: +3/YTD: +8 (Shot the moon 06/06/10 with -28)

Yo Yo’s for Charity

Dishcloths of 2010 CAL

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well today used up another ball of yarn another +1 for me. Well forgot to mention I have a skein of yarn so -2. There though I haven't done too bad this week.

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