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He threw out my pattern magazine!

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I started making the Octopus from Crochet World (June 2009) in hot pink. I went out for the day and my stuff was all in a ball in a container by the sofa.


My stuff does tend to get unruly, and I know I should straighten it up more often.


So I've been looking for this magazine for a week or so now. Can't find it anywhere. Yarn and project are together, but not magazine. So I asked him. He said he threw out the magazines that were laying around. That included a Seventeen, a Rachel Ray and I guess my CW.


I just hate when he does things like that. So yesterday, I was at JoAnn's and I found a copy of the magazine that was tossed. So I picked up another one. He doesn't understand that crochet magazines are not like others. We save the patterns so that we can make something new later.


It was easier just to buy a new copy and put that in a good location, so it won't disappear again.


Has anyone else gone through this?



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That sounds like something my husband would do!!:angry But if I threw out some old magazine on cars or something...oh forget about it!!I would never hear the end of it:eek

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No. Never. I would so freak out completely.


I get a gentle reminder when my stuff starts spreading past the vicinity of my crochet chair.


My hubby decided to help one time and cleaned out the back room and put everything in totes. I couldn't find the yarn I needed for the ghan I was working in. I finally did in the last tote on the bottom. Needless to say - he hasn't done that again either.

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in Crystal Lake the past few days. My husband, with the help of my hairy-butts managed to kill at least 2, maybe 3 of the crochet mags I had stacked on the coffee table. They work as a tag team -- he "forgets" to put the gate up into the family room and while we are gone, they start their mission to seek and destroy. Came home the other night to a room full of shredded mags.

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No, I havent. My husband does needle work too, and he is neater at putting everything up when done(18 years in the Navy will do that to you), But he would never bother my stuff. He justs ask me to put it all up, and I remind him as long as it is neatly stacked, he should ignore it. Thankfully, he dosen't bother to try and get rid of what is laying around. Although he does wonder why I need so many crochet mags and patterns.

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I havent had that happen per say, but rather I was working on my own pattern, writing out my details. Well hubby needed to use my computer for a minute because his was at his office. well Thinking that if he closed it he would know to save changes at least or minimize it out of the way. NOPE! he closes it and chose do not save changes. I was mad. I was like why wouldnt you have asked me first! Luckily I remembered what I had written and what I have done. but still, this is why he does not use my computer!!!!

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No, I've never had that happen. Both dh and I are avid crafters and aware of each others projects, so we tend to be careful about moving craft stuff around. Glad you were able to find a replacement mag/pattern!

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DH is the pack rat, I tend to throw things out that have gotten in the way. If something was thrown out it would be my fault 100%.



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My ex did that once - threw out an older magazine that had a pattern that I'd used a couple of times to make sweaters.


Then he was all "Oh, I threw it out? Sorry. Why don't you get another?" when it was ten years old and I didn't have the title or pattern name.

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No, my hubby and I have not had that problem and we have been married over 20 years now. When we married we each had been living on our own for several years and so had to make two households one. I don't remember either of us throwing something out that was valuable to the other. I have been known to move things around in the kitchen and then he can't find what he is looking for there. We are both pack rats but he is much neater in storing his stuff in boxes and labeling the boxes than I am. I have a tendency to stack things any which way. He doesn't complain about my crochet patterns/magazines or yarn and I don't complain about his baseball cards.

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My DH has so much stuff everywhere that my little mess is nothing compared to his...it doesn't stand out in the least. The mess all just blurs together! :lol


Seriously, though...No, he wouldn't throw out my mags, but he never ever cleans, so it would be some kind of miracle if he actually decided to straighten up the place. I'm the one who tosses his things. But in my defense, if I didn't throw a few things away now and then, the house would be uninhabitable. He is a pro at bringing things INTO the house, but never goes through and gets rid of anything. There are clothes in our bedroom that are three sizes too small for him, but he won't go through them. His side of the bedroom and closet are packed with clothes. The double dresser is his, and there are still stacks of clothes on the floor. He wouldn't dream of getting rid of my things, just because he never gets rid of anything willingly.

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My ex did that once - threw out an older magazine that had a pattern that I'd used a couple of times to make sweaters.


Then he was all "Oh, I threw it out? Sorry. Why don't you get another?" when it was ten years old and I didn't have the title or pattern name.


That explains "ex"!:yes:yes:yes

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Because if he gets into my stuff I would have to kill him, I have 7 project going on in my family,getting ready for relay for life,so I think by now he knows better,if if he did it would cost him more in the long run,so did you kill him?:yay

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My deepest sympathies. Will you be holding a memorial service for him?





That was good! :clap


I'm lucky, I never have to worry about this kind of thing with my DH, and he's the one who does most of the cleaning, not me. He just knows that ANYTHING that has to do with yarn is off limits as far as being thrown out, and naturally that includes anything with pictures of yarn on the cover or the word "crochet" in it. That's probably why I have YEARS worth of Knit Picks catalogs sitting in baskets and old Annie's Attic catalogs everywhere you look, but I'd rather have it that way than have him tossing out things just because he thinks we no longer need them.

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My dh has learned the hard way not to touch ANY of my stuff. After doing 3 months of research, typing, organizing, etc., for a school paper last year, he reformatted my hard drive while I was at work because the computer wouldn't go online. It never occurred to him to call me-I could have told him I unplugged the modem the night before!!!!!!!!!! I lost all that work, got a 0 for 50 percent of my final grade, and he didn't hear the end of it for months. Now, he complains about my stuff, but since it's all in my room, he has no real issues with it. (yes, I now have my own little craft room-just me and my snake!)


However, he did just ask me why I need 4 different crochet mag subscriptions.............lol

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My dh and I had this out a few years ago. I told him that if anything of mine came up missing again, he would be missing a few of his favorite things, never to be seen again. Well, he had to test that so guess what, my things were gone and so were his. That was the end of that chapter. Did I mention that he does this to everyone around him? He has been in some mighty tight places but I have to say he learned my lesson real good. This was a case where action was better then a 1000 words!! lol smokey

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