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Apprehensive about new patterns?

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Anyone else get apprehensive about trying new patterns for things you haven't ever made before? I do, almost to the point that if the picture looks like its a complicated piece, then I won't even try it even if everyone says its a easy pattern and tons of people have successfully made it.


Its weird, like something bad is going to happen if the piece doesn't turn out right. I guess I just don't want to be dissapointed in myself if I can't make something. :blush


Like I haven't ever tried to make any wearables, even baby clothes b/c I am afraid I won't be able to.

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I get apprehensive about trying new patterns,too. I go as far as getting someone to help and show me what to do then it gets easier for me to do

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It's kind of normal to be afraid of new patterns, techniques, etc. We do what we get used to and then we do it again and again.


But you have to try, when you are ready, new things.


I made a few baby items, and that started me in baby clothes for charities.


I tried hats, and now I make those by the dozen for charities too.


But you just need to try.


Good luck trying new things. And we are always here to help you if you get stuck.



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The best advice I can offer is don't judge the pattern by the picture of the finished object. For instance, if you are a beginner, look at a beginner pattern, look at the picture, and if you like it, THEN read the pattern, but read it row by row...if at the end of the first row, you can say "yes, I can do that" then read the second row, and so on. If you look at patterns this way, you will find you can do a lot more than you think you can!! Once you have a working knowlege of stitches,, increases, decreases, etc. you will have it made! Just don't give up!!!

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I totally agree with you. I just recently tried a purse pattern and I could not understand it on the fourth row. I frogged it over and over and over and finally in just gave up. Total frustration and disappointed in myself that I couldn't do it. And I am leary of trying to make clothes too. Oh well, eventually get there. Don't worry, you are not alone.




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I am fairly new to crocheting again and I only try patterns that are marked beginner or easy. I am almost done with a baby afghan where the pattern is sc/2DC in same stitch- it looks really pretty. I still haven't tried crocheting in rounds, but with all the you tube video tutorials, I'm sure I'll be able to get it (at least I hope). The hardest thing is realizing that it may not be perfect the first try- (and as a perfectionist that is hard).:crocheting

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I'm the exact same way. I've been going through my magazines trying to find my next project, and each one seems pretty daunting. However, I'm bound and determined to learn a new stitch or method with each project, so I'm going to have to force myself to pick one and just get started.


Before starting, I do read each set of instructions all the way through so that I am not surprised by an unfamiliar stitch in the middle of a project. If I do seen an unfamiliar stitch, I look up videos online to see how others do it. I then practice it a few times so that I'm comfortable when I finally come across it in the pattern.

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I think I am the opposite of this. When I see a new square or technique I just have to try it right away.


I think it is more about us being individuals. I have always had a thirst (mania :hyper ) about learning new things. if I am not learning, I just go :loco


But the good Lord made all of us differently. ... somehow this old world goes around better because of it.

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I know how you feel. It took me a longtime to try a wearable other than a scarf. I finally said, I know the stitches, the measurements are what is holding me back. What if it doesn't fit? So, I made a vest for a girlfriend. I borrowed one of hers that she wore and measured the heck out of the one I was crocheting. It fit her just fine! Then I made a cardigan for myself. I had the gauge correct, but somehow ended up with more repeats. Probably due to lack of attention and I didn't measure this one. That I frogged! Since then I have crocheted a couple of tanks and just finished a short sleeve top. I looked for patterns that didn't have too much shaping and also looked for top down patterns for the tanks. On these projects I measured a lot. Of course, there are people here who whip those wearables out, but I have been always been intimidated a bit. As far as new stitches go,I learned this year to do the love knot. It looked so complicated in the pictures, but it isn't. Once you learn a new stitch, you will say, what was I nervous about?

Rambling along, sorry...

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For once, new patterns are something I don't feel anxious about. I actually get really excited...


and the nice thing about yarn is that you can frog and frog and frog all you want. Not like with regular material... where if you screw up one cut you're done!

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Glad others feel the same way. I have been crocheting for 11 years so its not like its something new to me, I just get anxious trying a new pattern for something I haven't ever made before but then afterwards I am glad I did if it turned out. Its weird.

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When I was just starting out (looooong time ago) a lot of patterns weren't marked with difficulty level, and I just dove in and made whatever struck my fancy. It never occurred to me that I COULDN'T do it (ah, youth :heehee). I think that's the best way to learn, being motivated to duplicate that pretty pattern picture that catches your eye.

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Usually I'm not daunted by a project unless its like a bedspread or something that would take me 30 yrs.... crochet is one of the only things that i've ever been able to actually stick with and finish projects. I usually just kind of go through the pattern row by row and try not to over think things until I get there.

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I always look at new patterns, and think "no way, that looks way to hard" . Then when I actually take the time to try some of the stitches its not that way at all, and I am glad I took the time to try.

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I'm leery of some patterns too - especially wearables. I would LOVE to try socks, too...I am determined to give it a try though. I don't seem to have good luck when I crochet in the round and have to use stitch markers...I end up with a huge mess. Tried some slippers once when I was still REALLY new to crochet, and I think it scarred me :lol But, I do intend to at least 'try' to get back on the proverbial horse. Problem is, I get in a comfort zone and enjoy the things I'm making, then have a hard time tearing myself away to try something new.

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I think I am the opposite of this. When I see a new square or technique I just have to try it right away.


I think it is more about us being individuals. I have always had a thirst (mania :hyper ) about learning new things. if I am not learning, I just go :loco


But the good Lord made all of us differently. ... somehow this old world goes around better because of it.


I have to agree with you here :yes


If I'm not learning something new on a project and it's not something small, it'll end up in a bag somewhere partially finished. Unless it's for a birthday or other gift with a time limit...then I just end up hating it the entire time I'm making it. :lol

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I remember that I used to be when I first started to crochet. And for a time there after, also. But as of late, I don't feel that way anymore. I'm not sure where I finally decided that I wasn't going to even look at the "difficulty scale" on patterns anymore, but I barely pay them any heed now.


I still feel like that once in a while now, but I figure... if it doesn't work out, I'll just pull it all back out and try it again. I'll eventually figure out how to do it right.

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