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Knit and Crochet are good for you

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I agree with that up to 99.9%!! When I am "hurriedly" trying to finish my Round Ripple, or to hurry and finish that "stuffed animal(because you can't wait to gift it to your grandchild or friends' baby), or you can't wait to finish that dishrag because you can't wait to see how that certain stitch on that new cotton yarn looks--my heart is pounding 100 beats per min.!! :eek :eek :eek Not very good on my health!! :lol :lol :lol

I agree that it does take your mind away from maybe stressful or unhappy situations!! Which nowadays are a lot!!

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It was a neat story.


Did anyone else notice that she was trying to knit with a "pencil hold"? Maybe she is a closet crocheter eh? :hook




Yeah I'm sure she probably is :lol I would have to agree with you there :hook


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:woo:ty for sharing this. For all the people out there that think crocheting or knitting are for "old" ladies, do you think we should explain to them the health benefits of what we are doing? :scrachin:rofl
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Thanks for the video! I've been telling hubby for the past couple of years that my crocheting is what keeps his family alive and healthy--maybe now he will believe me! :lol

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So next time I go to my doctor I should ask him for a prescription?


Take two skeins and call me in the morning?


Will medicare cover my crochet supplies?



Too funny. I always knew they were relaxing crafts, and now they have scientific proof.


Next time my husband wants me to stop crocheting, I'll just say that it's good for my health.



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That was great. I have tried to talk my coworker into learning to knit and crochet. All of them state they don't have enough time.



I saw a great line for that the other day that we can co-opt for our use...


"Do you want to crochet for 1 hour a day or do you want to be dead for 24 hours a day :? " :think


(ok the original was about exercising but I like mine better) :rofl

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I'm so glad you linked to this video! Thank you, fc1123! And I am so glad no less an authority than Mayo Clinic has taken repetitive handcrafts seriously enough to learn what we crafters have always known — our crafts are soothing and make us feel good! Although isn't it ironic that we have to have a study to prove what we already know? :lol Oh well, I don't care what it takes to validate our love of crochet or knitting, I'm just glad it is happening.


(Wonder if my husband, who is very good with his hands, could get any inspiration, especially from that older man who talked about not worrying about the economy while he crochets?)

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Last Thursday, I was sitting in a hospital waiting room "relaxing" with my crochet while we waited for my granddaughter who was having a C-section. I noticed that the longer the operation took, the faster I was crocheting. Everything went well, and I now have a new great-granddaughter and four more rows finished on her big brother's Spideyghan. :clap:clap:clap

Rita K.

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