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Buying Yarn...

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Because of the stashbusting thread and my own issues with buying yarn I wondered about other peoples buying habits. So I was curious...


Do you only buy yarn for specific project in mind, or do you buy yarns then later have to figure out what to do with them?


I'm really bad about buying yarn with out a real plan for using it. Then it sits forgotten while I buy more yarn for a project I decided on. And then I have also bought yarn for a specific project then changed my mind and it has no use, so it joins the pile. :think

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I have limited space to store yarn, so I find a project I make and then go and buy yarn for it. I figure out how many ounces of each color I need, and then usually pick the colors out at the store. I also try to buy all the yarn at once for the project so I don't have to worry about different dye lots. I have a few skeins left over from other projects and I don't really know what to do with them, so they're just sitting around. I'd rather not have a lot of yarn that's not being put to use.

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Because of the stashbusting thread and my own issues with buying yarn I wondered about other peoples buying habits. So I was curious...


Do you only buy yarn for specific project in mind, or do you buy yarns then later have to figure out what to do with them?


I'm really bad about buying yarn with out a real plan for using it. Then it sits forgotten while I buy more yarn for a project I decided on. And then I have also bought yarn for a specific project then changed my mind and it has no use, so it joins the pile. :think


Sounds about normal to me! :lol I do the same thing, I am ALWAYS buying more yarn and then deciding on a different project that requires different yarn entirely. I don't know what I enjoy more - crocheting or just buying yarn! :lol

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I buy when it is on sale! Mainly on clearance, unless it's a type or color I cannot resist.


Other than that I'll buy when I have a specific project in mind. And I'll only buy it then if I have a coupon or it is on sale.

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I usually only buy yarn when I have a project in mind. However, there was some really cool pink, fuzzy type yarn in the discount bin at the store here... so I couldn't help myself... and I bought two skeins.


But I have to use a lot of restraint to not buy everything I want. haha.

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I also don't have much storage space so I try to buy it just when I have a project in mind. However...sometimes I go to the store to buy said yarn and something else will catch my eye. I will also buy randomly when there is a good sale (like back in December when Joann had Vanna's on sale for 1.99.) Then I stock up. :hook

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Hmmm, I buy for a project, and I buy if it is something I really think is cool, but to justify buying it, I will find a pattern book to go along with the yarn and of course if it is a jacket that requires buttons, I will buy then as well. :rofl If hubby only knew how many WIP i have and then future projects as well, he would have a fit.

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I'm really bad about buying yarn with out a real plan for using it. Then it sits forgotten while I buy more yarn for a project I decided on. And then I have also bought yarn for a specific project then changed my mind and it has no use, so it joins the pile. :think

Are you reading my mind and looking at my stash???:yarn:yarn

I have a room that is very unorganized that my stash is in. I can not resist a sale table that has deeply reduced yarn. I am getting better at avoiding novelty yarns since I have a humungous teasure trove of it and there are only so many projects one can make from it. One thing I do check before I buy yarn is how to care for it since I recently made a beautiful baby ghan and noticed after I finished it that the care label says hand wash and dry flat--not too practical (it is a beautiful baby ghan if I may say so myself:)). This is an interesting thread and I am happy to see that I am not so "odd" about my yarn lol!

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I just buy yarn. Period. On sale, not on sale. For a project, not for a project. I just buy yarn. :blush:blush


Me too!


I have gotten better lately. We recently moved from Oklahoma to WA State, and I had to really clear out a lot of yarn before we left. That made me realize that I needed to be more careful with what I purchased in the future. Nowadays if I buy yarn that I don't have a current plan for, it's usually just RHSS or another basic yarn that will eventually be used for something. No more novelty yarn purchases for me. :blush

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I have an ENORMOUS tote box full of yarn that I bought just to buy! It sucks! I cannot bring myself to use it for anything. So, I am now in the "I only buy for a specific project" camp.

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I buy yarn on a whim. And yes, I buy yarn on discount. :loco The bad thing is when I do decide to use it in a pattern that yarn may not be available anymore. That's why I have fallen in love with the little granny square afghans and quilt-ghans.:jumpyay


I bought (at WalMart) a three-drawer storage unit that has deep-wide drawers and it's perfect for storing my yarn even after I roll it into a ball.

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I buy on sale or clearance and only with a project in mind. I wasn't doing that before and that's how I wound up with all this yarn! :hook It's not helping me stash bust though. I'm pretty good at making up excuses to buy new yarn. Gotta work on that. :blush

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I buy sales too, especially when my favorites are on sale.....with a vague notion of what it will be used for. My stash is pretty big (to me) because my aunt and cousin gave me garbage bags full of yarn from their attics last year. Almost all RHSS. I still have to buy for specific projects. Like the scarf CAL! I have a theme and sometimes I don't have the correct theme color on hand, darn it!

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I buy yarn on sale or clearance mostly at Ollies or Big Lots, but also Michaels, or A.C. Moore's or even Hobby Lobby. But I also buy yarn at garage sales, flea markets, thrift stores, bulk mill end yarn from specific yarn makers and :ebay. I also buy yarn for specific projects if I don't already have that particular yarn. I store them in large, clear plastic totes that stack and seal so I can see what I have. My hubby keeps saying that he is going to build me one of those yarn shelves like they have in major yarn stores :rofl:laughroll but I am not holding my breath. But when I want to destash I either sell my yarn on ebay (thus giving me money to buy more yarn, patterns, or other crochet supplies:blush) or I donate it to my church's prayer shawl ministry. They can always use it. If you ever need to destash and can handle giving away some of your yarn, give it to someone who will use it for charity. Anyway that is my yarn buying saga. :2eek

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I usually buy just for a project that I have in mind. Right now I have about a garbage bag full of yarn that I bought at the thrift store. The sell it for 25-50 cents a skein so I have to buy it ALL when I find it. Other than that, just for the project I am on at the moment. I have limited income AND limited space.

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It all depends on the kind of yarn, and if I'm shopping a really good sale. I rarely buy yarn if it's not on sale.


I try to buy enough of the tougher acrylics (eg: Caron pounder, Red Heart Super Saver) that are beautiful to make a solid color afghan if I choose in the future. For softer acrylics (eg: Caron Simply Soft, Bernat Satin) , I try to buy enough to make a sweater.


If it's an unusual yarn for me, like novelty, or something that typically is expensive but is on sale (so it's a good time to try it out,) I'll buy a couple of skeins of one color to make something small like a scarf.

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Ahh, yes I forgot on sale or clearance yarns. I work at Michaels (Cake Decorator Instructor) so I am up there at least once a week, sometimes two to three times a week. :lol


It is always bad when we have yarns on clearance for under a buck! :eek On top of the good clearance prices I also get my employee discount on top of clearance price. So hard to pass up a good deal! :devil It is the sales that sucker me in too. :blush


Good to know I'm not alone. :yay

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Because of the stashbusting thread and my own issues with buying yarn I wondered about other peoples buying habits. So I was curious...


Do you only buy yarn for specific project in mind, or do you buy yarns then later have to figure out what to do with them?


I'm really bad about buying yarn with out a real plan for using it. Then it sits forgotten while I buy more yarn for a project I decided on. And then I have also bought yarn for a specific project then changed my mind and it has no use, so it joins the pile. :think



Yep, that about sums it up for me!!

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I buy yarn for all reasons, lol I buy it if I have a project in mind and don't have the kind/colo/etc. to make it. I buy yarn if I see it clearanced and think I will use it later. I buy yarn when there is a really good sale going on.

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When I first started crocheting, I was SO good. Only buying what I needed. But that went out the window fast. It really went south after I learned to stash it creatively in my very limited space.

I am terrible about buying yarn with no particular project in mind. BUT, my sick mind justifies it as long as I buy it on sale :lol Actually, since the hubby got laid off, I'm glad I have such a stash. I'd be in trouble if I didn't!

I usually stock up when JoAnn's or Michael's has good sales on Caron pounders or those big skeins of Bernat Berella 4. I"ve got TONS of those now that I will be using to make afghans, which will be Christmas gifts. I also stocked up on some cotton yarn I found on sale and will probably make some tote bags for gifts, too.

See, the quicker I can use it up, the quicker I can (hopefully) buy more :lol

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I'm really bad at buying yarn for almost any reason...I usually have a project in mind for it, but the reality is that I have so many projects in mind, I've probably got enough to keep me busy for quite some time. I do buy most of my yarn on clearance & when there are really great sales. It's pretty rare for me to pay full price for something.

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