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Been In The Hospital; Pinkroses

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there is "No Place Like Home "!!

I had to go to the hospital wed, night by life saving crew

I started getting ill after doing the dishes( my docotor came by Thrusday morning; He said

"I always knew washing dishes was dangerous !!":yes:lol

Went to the bathroom

Had done no 2.

and was pulling up my pants

We live in a old house

We have a commode as you go down to the basement off the kitchen

I was feeling funny when I was pulling up my pants

I remember getting very dizzy and the sweat pouring off.

I remembered ; I think I am going to past out.


I must have fell back onto the commodoe and hit my head against the door.

I heard Son hollering and asking if I was okay

I got up enough strength to come out and go into the kitchen to sit in a chair


said I had pasted out again.

He was trying to get me to let him call 911; but I didn't want him to.

I felt better to walk into the living room on the couch.

I took some pain pills and layed down

I woke up and was sitting on the couch ; when I started shaking un controlle-a-be

Son, called 911

He said he was sure I had a seizure.

He said my eyes rolled back in my head and I was white and shaking

He said I past out 4 times

Hubby was at another one of our hospitals helping with his dad who is in there

They took son-o-grams of my heart and the viens in my neck

a bunch of blood work

All of which turned out okay.

I came home Saturday morning. The temperautre here was only 7 :lol

Like to have froze getting home in the car.:yes

I have to go the our family doctor Friday morning.


I would appreciate prayers,

I hope they can find out why this happened, hugs Pinkroses

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Oh my gosh PinkRoses!! I am so sorry you went through this!! I sure pray they find out the cause and can make sure it doens't happen again, your family must have been so worried. PLEASE let us know what they come up with. I pray for the doctors too.

Hugs and Hooks

JoAnn :hug

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:hug:hug So sorry to hear that you have been ill. Sending out prayers and warm thoughts for you and your family. Hope they find out what is wrong, and help you to feel better very soon. Take care and try not to do too much, although I know it is hard when there is always chores to do.:hug:hug
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:eekhi sorry to hear this i myself have been feeling dizzy alot and found out i was having mini strokes but they cant find where they come from i am diabetic maybe its that .but i know how scared you feel i was myself i felt numb .I hope you get better did you eat?hows your bloodpressure?please take care and thank God you didnt crack your head be careful i will say a prayer for you good thing your son was there .be well dear.theresa:manyheart

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Pinkroses, I hope you didn't get hurt in falling back in the bathroom. They always say the bathroom is the most dangerous part of the house. Golly, you could have hit your head on the hard commode......not good! Now that you are home, I hope you are feeling somewhat better, but you gots to find out what caused this to happen to you. A seizure? That's frightening. Whatever is going on, I hope they can find it and treat it.

I'll be praying for you. Just take it easy and be good to yourself. :hug

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So sorry to hear you were so ill !!! Thank goodness your son was there with you and was able to help. Rest, put your feet up and crochet.... yes, it is too cold here in VA to do much of anything. :hook

My Mom had a similar experience while we were in a restaurant and was taken to the hospital (about 8 months ago). It turned out that it was the vasovagal (not sure if I am spelling it correctly) vein that was irritated and made her pass out and have what looked like a seizure - all the same symptoms as what you described. Spent a few days in the hospital for tests tho. For her it was a one time thing and she has been fine since then.


I will keep you in my prayers. Feel better !!!!! :manyheart

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Do take care and until you see your Dr., try not to be alone. You were lucky your son was home. This can be dangerous.

So sorry you had to make the trip to the hospital, which is no fun, and take care of yourself. Prayers are coming your way.:hook

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:mdustOh my goodnes...I pray you are back to normal...did they suggest that it could have been a virus?

My husband woke in the middle of the night (Saturday night) so dizzy he said it felt like some one lifted him off the bed. It passed. We went to the ED in the morning after a second occurance and they removed some wax from both ears and said he may have have a virus in his ears since the drums were normal...downside...the dizziness came back last night...he took the Ativert they prescribed. I hope he is better when he wakes.


I pray your primary care is able to give you some answers as to what caused that. Keep us posted. Blessings to you :hug!!!:mdust

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there is "No Place Like Home "!!

I had to go to the hospital wed, night by life saving crew

I started getting ill after doing the dishes( my docotor came by Thrusday morning; He said

"I always knew washing dishes was dangerous !!":yes:lol

Went to the bathroom

Had done no 2.

and was pulling up my pants

We live in a old house

We have a commode as you go down to the basement off the kitchen

I was feeling funny when I was pulling up my pants

I remember getting very dizzy and the sweat pouring off.

I remembered ; I think I am going to past out.


I must have fell back onto the commodoe and hit my head against the door.

I heard Son hollering and asking if I was okay

I got up enough strength to come out and go into the kitchen to sit in a chair


said I had pasted out again.

He was trying to get me to let him call 911; but I didn't want him to.

I felt better to walk into the living room on the couch.

I took some pain pills and layed down

I woke up and was sitting on the couch ; when I started shaking un controlle-a-be

Son, called 911

He said he was sure I had a seizure.

He said my eyes rolled back in my head and I was white and shaking

He said I past out 4 times

Hubby was at another one of our hospitals helping with his dad who is in there

They took son-o-grams of my heart and the viens in my neck

a bunch of blood work

All of which turned out okay.

I came home Saturday morning. The temperautre here was only 7 :lol

Like to have froze getting home in the car.:yes

I have to go the our family doctor Friday morning.


I would appreciate prayers,

I hope they can find out why this happened, hugs Pinkroses


I'm sorry this happened to you, I hope they find out quickly why. Prayers for you and your son certainly is a keeper.

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Many prayers and blessings for you to recover quickly and also to guide your doctors and medical tech's to find out quickly what is going on. Please keep us posted. Hugs!

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That sounds like it was a horribly scary experience for you! I'm so glad that your son was there and acted quickly and that you were not home alone!


I'll keep you in my prayers that it's nothing serious and that whatever it does turn out to be passes quickly, leaving you back to normal and better than ever!

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