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2009 Stashbusting CAL


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Oh, wait a minute... I just finished two skeins working on a multi hat. I used the tag ends of a couple of yarn bits that were not enough for anything else. :woo


Love it when a plan comes together. I'll take that plus 4 fer shure to add to my other plus 2 :yay

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I'm in the positives for the week, but still slightly negative for the year. I just really need to work hard and clear this matter up. It really bugs me to be negative for so long.


But a bright side is coming. I get to go to crochet/knitting group this morning, and I usually get a lot done.



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Checking in for the week. My ebay order arrived last night. Before I opened it I thought about my stash busting score, but then I gave myself over to yarn lust.:devil:yarn 12 skeins, mostly remnants of RHSS prints, and 6 balls for -30. Arrgh!:eek


Why do they always include an ugly green? Anyone want some ugly greens? I have an ugly pea green and an ugly dark olive green to offer (acrylic).


As for projects I have put the VJGC afghan together. I now I have to border it. I would like to use the Knit & Crochet Today shell edging, but I have to wait to see what the stitch count is. I wonder how one turns a corner with that. maybe you start anew on each edge. It should use up another skein of "fisherman."


2009 Stashbusting CAL: WTD: -30/YTD: -30




Stashbusting CAL: WTD: -30/YTD: -30


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I busted through one of the small skeins I bought last week at the thrift store. :yay +2 makes my wtd +5 so far. I hope to get at least one more ball if not more done by the deadline tomorrow.

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Green is my most favorite color. I'm always wearing something green. I'm always crocheting with it.


Speaking of green, I just went through my first skein and made a lovely little fashion scarf bringing my score to +2:yay

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Well at least you both didn't lose points right? Staying the same is better than losing.


I am so tired, I've been busy hosting a party and baking

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Well at least you both didn't lose points right? Staying the same is better than losing.


I am so tired, I've been busy hosting a party and baking


wow I wish I was at your house a baking party sounds great to me

I did forget to add I got the 63 crochet cable stitches at Joann's they're darn 3 day sale oh well it was well worth the money

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It wasnt a baking party, I hosted a jewelry party and did my baking right after, its my sons first birthday tomorrow and I baked him his very own little cake, plus I used the leftover batter to make cupcakes. I'm getting up in the morning early to ice and decorate it, plus I have the finish the favors tonight, and maybe get in some more crochet. I hate insomnia but at least I have time to get things done.

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I hope so. It's his to smash and get everywhere. A baking party does sound like fun though. Get all your friends together and try new recipes or something like that. I should do that when I'm not selling the jewelry, haha

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I haven't been on lately, but I'm still trying to bust stash. Haven't even spent any of my tax return on yarn and i make sure not to open emails from Jo Ann's. those always get me! So while I haven't contributed to the pile, I haven't really busted any lately either. I guess that's the upside and downside of not really feeling like crocheting! Just haven't had the bug bite me lately. But, so I don't forget by midnight tomorrow, I'll post my score now.


0 WTD/+38 YTD

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well I don't know what I will get done today but in case I forget I will post now and edit later if needed! I didn't add anything this week I guess, I had bought some last Sunday to do some Amigurumi pets and used up a ball on mittens, but haven't done anything all week! I am feeling better and don't think I am going anywhere today so I might get some in


-5 WTD/+15 YTD

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