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2009 Stashbusting CAL


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yikes Crissie!!! LOL

I did get two dishcloths finished and finished a scarf with LB chenille I had ordered so that is three projects done today!! I now just have to decide what to get into next. I have some mittens started and that is it for WIP's, but I have other things I want to do too. I also have to decide if I am working tomorrow or not. I still have the strep, cannot hear very good (wooshing sound all the time) and my voice is still shot. So how can I talk with people and answer phones and sell customers work???? I think not, my Sonshine is supposed to be off until Thursday and my direct Mgr said to stay home if I want. I think I want!!! heehee

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Mwa?? Deny myself yarn....:rofl now that's hilarious :rofl:laughroll





consider me train wrecked, because....just today...just a couple hours ago...the Michael's cargo train pulled right out in front of me...and I came outta there with 10 skeins (yes, 10) of yarn ...4 baby yarns that were on sale and they were just in the cutest colors, 3 skeins for a magic ball swap, 2 fuzzy pink ones on clearance (they looked lonely in the bin by themselves) and 1 skein of varigated just b/c i liked it to make squares out of...

...and 1 skein of purple thread (i don't have that color, honest)


So that's a big -22 for today added to what I already posted earlier from Friday & last Saturday...


sorry gals....i just couldn't help it. I am a yarn addict. :yes and i have really yummy stuff to play with :c9 if i get myself organized...so but really, if you think about it, this is incentive to get myself back on track. :hooksounded good anyway


Hey-- it's not like the yarn will go bad... or go to waste... it won't be neglected or harmed in any way... you're just giving it a happy, loving, new home... does that sound like a good justification? And, besides, you can't just quit cold turkey with an addiction like this, you have to wean yourself off of it very slowly...

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I am happy to say that I shipped off 25 skeins of yarn to new homes today-- but I had 2 50% off coupons for Joann... and the Moda Dea bamboo wool was on sale for such a good price so 4 of those came home with me. So +42 so far this week. And I used one of my coupons to get some Space Bags into which I could put more yarn if I wanted too...

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I used up a small ball and rolled a skein down (+2) :cheer. 15 + 1/2 squares done 20 + 1/2 more to go. I'm not looking forward to joining them :sigh. As long as I keep using my stash and not buying more, it'll be worth it :D.

WTD Score: + 2

Ellie 13

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I am so far behind now, I'm almost caught up with my own tail. I have been trying to clean house for a housekeeping inspection, Thursday the 19th.

I have to go through this every 6 months. I don't do much house work otherwise. Maybe I'll get some projects done when it is over. I have so many projects I want to do, I don't know what to start on first.:clap:clap:clap. I did get the Harvest Mouse done today. so I can put it on my FO list.:eek:eek:eek

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I bought 5 more skeins tonight at Michaels. One of the down falls to working there. So I'm down to -8 now. Guess I need to work on my afghan some more to night and finish the current skein so I can work on that number. :think

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I actually went to Walmart and did not even go to the yarn aisle... totally WOW!


I also finished a skein yesterday. I had finished a shawl I was making and just started on a hat (watching Fireproof->> Great Movie) with the bit of yarn that was left over. I had just enough yarn to 'join with a slip stitch' and about 3 inches to weave in. Now that was close. :yay


That plus 2 will sure help my score but some more of them would be even better.


Crissie... :ghug

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Okay, I busted through a skein of Vanna's choice today (the 7 0Z variety) so that's +2 to start the week out with. YAY!!!!


WTD:+2 YTD:-234


(my negative score is going down for now but I'll be recieving an order from joanns this week sometime bearing skeins of cotton yarn)

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I'm really lucking out...my total fo this week is two skeins. The yarn for the afghan I'm crocheting comes in tiny little skeins, so it's proving easy so far to up my total <LOL>.

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well I think I am heading out to work for a few hours today. I did okay the past few days even though I really feel terrible and haven't done much. But I got a scarf done, and three washcloths done. I have a set of mittens I want to work on some more and some more new washcloth patterns to try. We'll see how tired I am from work. But at least I got +6!!!

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well I think I am heading out to work for a few hours today. I did okay the past few days even though I really feel terrible and haven't done much. But I got a scarf done, and three washcloths done. I have a set of mittens I want to work on some more and some more new washcloth patterns to try. We'll see how tired I am from work. But at least I got +6!!!

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my last yarn order finally got here-- only took a month- they lost it somewhere in Nebraska

so now i am -5 :blush

but with a shawl and an afghan on hook i should be able to get back into the positive before Saturday post time:hook

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I finished of a skein last night on my lattice hat. +2! My Seraphina is coming along nicely but I doubt I will use the whole skein. My boyfriend wanted me to make him a vest with my 14 smallish skeins of baby yarn so I might start that tonight and get to racking up the points.


I've actually gotten to the point where I don't really have the yarn I need to make much of anything anymore - it's all one skein here and one skein there. But don't worry, I have a birthday coming up and I've already said all I want are gift cards to JoAnn's! And I have a gift card to Hancock's that I still need to get out and use.

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Stayed up super late working on my afghan and watching the Sex in the City movie. I got closer and closer to the end of the skein and just couldn't talk myself into going to bed before it. So I get to add a +2 to try to work on balancing out the 5 skeins I got yesterday.


Maybe this website isn't gonna be good for my sleeping habits. HeHe.

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ok, lets just say there was this sale and I was a very bad girl and I walked out with 58 skiens of yarn. I didn't mean to do it, it kinda just happened.

anyway i also picked up a few knitting supplies and began to knit this week. so between knitting and crochet i should use up more yarn, i hope.

and the final tally (so far) is:

WTD -114, YTD -152


This is so pathetic:loser

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