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2009 Stashbusting CAL


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It's not too late to join in is it? I'm slowly working on getting through some of this massive stash I've accumulated. The bad thing is that I'm not alone in adding to it! My stepmom sends me packages full of yarn from clearance bins and thrift stores all the time! Oh well. If it's not too late then I'd love to join in. I'll probably be at zero, until the next box comes in the mail at least. :hook

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"I solemnly swear that before 2010 I will make at least one thing that is for me and only for me and not because I need it, but because I want it. And it's about time too."


Kaylana, I like your resolution. I never make anything for myself. I always make something and intend it for me, but somebody always says they like it, so I give it to them.:think

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I might end up having to buy more yarn to finish my hat so there goes my score going down further oh no but it's ok because making hats is fun

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Cool. I have never been there as we don't travel much, but, I have been to Waterloo and Cedar Rapids at least once in my life time.

It is really nice to hear from folks that have relation or friends here in Iowa!!!



Diane, I saw you were from Iowa. My husband is from a small town called La Porte City. It is around Waterloo and close to Cedar Rapids. My in-laws live there.
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I like this as well. If something I am making is not already earmarked for someone else all my mom or anyone has to say is. "oh. I really like that" and then it is theirs, even if I was making it for myself!!!!



"I solemnly swear that before 2010 I will make at least one thing that is for me and only for me and not because I need it, but because I want it. And it's about time too."


Kaylana, I like your resolution. I never make anything for myself. I always make something and intend it for me, but somebody always says they like it, so I give it to them.:think

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I am now in two CALs, Snowflake Monday and Stashbusting, and I hope between the two I can make a big dent in my threads and small yarns.:yes But, of course, at lunch today I went to the local thrift shop looking for yarn instead of eating:devil.

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ummm, should I be a weight loss guru?!:rofl NOT!:heehee



you're too funny:clap Rose!


I just wanted to stop by and post that I've finished another skein working on my round ripple Yey!! :yay


Have a great day everyone! :hug

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Sure, join in! the more the merrier here!


I'm trying desperately to finish the second chenille blanket. LOL I need all the points in the positive I can get because I'm due to get some yarn from my mother to finish some of my WIPs/WIMs.

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Turned a skein into a ball last night so +1 for me. But my bf's grandmother was visiting for a few days and she got really interested in my crocheting. She said there is a little market near where she lives and her friend got a whole box full of yarn for a couple of bucks! So she is going to check it out and I may be going waaay into the negatives soon! Oh well, my stash is only taking up one giant rubbermaid tub so it can stand to grow a little, haha.

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I must say since joining this stashbusting,I have stuck to use up what I have first,and so far it has worked,I was almost tempted yesterday,to get a skein just incase,but set it down and walked away.

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I counted a while back how many large bins and large plastic storage bags I have, but..:thinkI forget!!!!:lol

I have been doing real well since we started this cal to use up what I have as well. I am determened to get quite a bit of stash done before I buy any more. Well, I did well except for the first week.:hook but, I have been doing well since then!!!!!!!!:manyheart

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Jain!! Only ONE giant rubbermaid tub?????


haha yes, I joined this out of curiosity about how much I use in a year rather than an actual need to destash. I'm a stay at home mom with no income so I don't buy much at all. Most of my stash is handed down from my grandmother or bought with gift cards I get at Christmas time. I have one burning a hole in my pocket right now!

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Jain. Understand!!!!! I am pretty much a stay at home mom also.. NO... can't say that really. Your youngest is 10 and I do work a day or 2 a week for 3 - 4 hours a time. I also help out my folks getting them to doc visits and such. My job helps me in my yarn habit!!!!

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I think this CAL will be good for me, I play on the computer tooooo much and maybe this way I will finally find a way to work more on my crocheting (LOL)

oh I do the same thing! I hate it, I some days wish I had no internet! Ugh, I will sit on ebay for 3 hours and not buy anything, just look! I need to be off here and doing something!!! And yet...here I am!!!:eek:lol

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I did again like I said earlier I needed more yarn for my hat and I did it Michael's didn't have want I wanted because they are moving to a bigger location so went to Joann's and used my Micael's coupon my fiance didn't think that Joann's would take the coupon asked the cashier and she said yes and I got the 40% off on the yarn so only paid $1.58 I told him that I saved him money yikes so I'll be in the whole again

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I rolled a skein into a ball finally. :yay +1 making my WTD +3 but I've got to go use my coupon at HL for 1 skein of yarn so hopefully I can only come out of there with 1 skein :D

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My life is never boring...


last night I finally finished a pounder (A Pounder!!!) by making a flower for an upcoming scarf :yay


But now I need that yarn for a different flower and it may not be finished after all... stay tuned. :hook


On the up side, I am almost finished with another skein working on a hat. this can be done fer shure!

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