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2009 Stashbusting CAL


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Well, I have managed to finish one and 1/2 skeins of country blue yarn on Ms Darski's Church on Sunday outfit. I would like to say :ty :ty to Darski for sharing such a cute pattern. Now I altered it a bit here and there to make it as an outfit for a 3 to 6 month baby. And I will buy a shirt, but I made the tie in Red. I was planning on putting a pocket in the jacket, but I plum forgot and I am not going to undo it at this point. I have only the hat to finish and the shoes. But this really came out cute. So again Darski Thank you for sharing such a cute outfit for a boy they are so rare to find.



Why thank you. I would love to see a pic if you can :dreaming.

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Wow! Knitting takes way less yarn than Crocheting. I'm working on a little baby sweater and I'm about halfway done with the top and I've only used half a skein so far. The yarn just doesn't go as fast as with crocheting. I sure hope that I place in the positives this week. After the last few weeks, I need a positive ending.



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I am getting close to finishing a 2nd skein after I finished one yesterday. Boy it sure takes a lot of crocheting to get to the end of a pounder :rofl


@ Linda. it takes 30% more yarn to crochet than to knit ... generally speaking. They actually tested this so we could know fer shure. :wlol

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Well I still have to finish the shoes, I am going to try and get that done today. And I am going to make a blanket in the same colors as the outfit. More than likely just a giant granny square. I haven't really decided yet, but here are the pictures of Ms. Darski's Church on Sunday outfit that is a free pattern located here on crochetville. And Darski, :applause:clap Again a very big thank you :ty for creating such a cute boy's outfit. You know you can find 1/2 million cute girls clothes, but only on a rare occasion do you find cute boys pattern. you are like a :wangel to the crochet world.


The hat picture is the correct color, the outfit is a dusty blue and it isn't showing it's true colors here. Agh the life of a camera.



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I have been rocking through my stash this week. I wish there were points for organizing stash. I'm getting ready to move, so I needed to get it organized and sorted. I'll post pictures soon of what I have. I've also been working on some smaller projects, scrap stuff, and wips. I also have some stash earmarked to give away to worthy charitable crocheters, and a friend to needs small bits for her current fun project. For this week I am up to +11. That meets my goal for the week of getting below -100!! Yipee!! Now if I can just stay out of the yarn shops for awhile.


What is really sad is the number of wips I have going. About 1/3 of the stash piles were projects I've already started that just need finished. There are 3 afghans, one that I started almost 15 years ago. I sure hope all the extra yarn is still in the bag. A lot of the rest is just stuff that I need to work in ends and/or block. I think I'm going to have to have a weekend or two where I just let myself work in ends. There are also a bunch of purses that need lined and that sort of thing.


Apparently procrastination and not finishing what I start are bigger problems of mine than I thought.

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Well I still have to finish the shoes, I am going to try and get that done today. And I am going to make a blanket in the same colors as the outfit. More than likely just a giant granny square. I haven't really decided yet, but here are the pictures of Ms. Darski's Church on Sunday outfit that is a free pattern located here on crochetville. And Darski, :applause:clap Again a very big thank you :ty for creating such a cute boy's outfit. You know you can find 1/2 million cute girls clothes, but only on a rare occasion do you find cute boys pattern. you are like a :wangel to the crochet world.


The hat picture is the correct color, the outfit is a dusty blue and it isn't showing it's true colors here. Agh the life of a camera.


I absolutely love that version of my pattern. Thanks for sharing the pics.


You might be interested in trying "Jingo" It is my favourite little guy pattern




I am thinking of posting a pic in the new system so you can see what it looks like.


give me a sec. :wlol

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Darski, Your Jingo is too cute. Oh if I have the time I will try to make that one as well. I will download it just to have in my stash of patterns for in the future. Little boy Pete was the last layette of three to get done and I still have three afghans to finish for September.

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hi gals!!! how have you all been, busy I see!

Sorry I went MIA a few months ago, after GM decided to yank the franchise at the dealership I work at, they traded me to another store within the company, so I am learning all about Toyota now. Not very happy with it all and not doing much fiber work right now. I am working on a CX piece and that is about it.

How have you all been???

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I'm making my dinosaur hoodie by frogging straight from an old ufo. They're both two toned so when I got to a brown stripe I had to roll that into a ball. -1 But I finished off a skein before I started frogging +2. That gives me a total of +1 for today.

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hi gals!!! how have you all been, busy I see!

Sorry I went MIA a few months ago, after GM decided to yank the franchise at the dealership I work at, they traded me to another store within the company, so I am learning all about Toyota now. Not very happy with it all and not doing much fiber work right now. I am working on a CX piece and that is about it.

How have you all been???



Well I'm doing pretty good though I bought a 120z skein of Bernat cotton yarn so that's -2 for me

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Well, our own very nice SweetPea65 stopped by and gave me some yarn yesterday--31 full skeins and 11 partial skeins. That's -73!! GULP!!! She busted my stashbusting! :lol All these will be used to make some teen-sized Project Linus blanklets, so all will go to a good cause. I'd been so proud of myself using up 3 little balls this week after a month of making no dent in the existing stash. I think this doubles my stash now.


Thank you, SweetPea65, you enabler!! And the rest of you can relax--I think this is going to be a hard score to beat this week. Patty

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I have just finished the last bit of the third pounder this week.


Granted I had those bits of ball sitting around for quite a while but they are now gone. I win :yay Pounders lose :yay



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I posted pics of my stash on the Flash your stash thread if anyone is interested. It doesn't look quite as bad as it really is, but it is a LOT! In my defense I am putting things together for craft shows this fall and winter. If I were to finish 2 of the WIP afghans that will help a lot as well. Unfortuneately, the priorities are projects that don't use up a ton of yarn.

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:woo:party:jumpyay:bowWoW Darski!! 3 pounders in one week!! That is impressive, that deserves a little party, but this is the best I can do...:cheer:yay


I appreciate the thought but it just means that I finally finished them. I don't count any points until a skein is done so a bunch can come together at once. I did make a doilyghan and sweater set that used up one pounder this week but the others were leftovers.


but :ty for the kind thoughts



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I am working on trying to finish another skein this week. I have yet to do the booties/ shoes for the church on sunday outfit. I have had to go to the auction several times this week and I don't enjoy going. Men can be such pigs. Anyway that in it's self has cut my crochet time as by the time I get home, I am too exhausted to do much of anything. Oh well such is life.

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I have been so bad about remembering to report my nukbers.

as of right now........... wtd - +10 / ytd - +183






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Well last night I finished a ball of yarn so +1 for me and I also completed a skein of yarn so +2 for me so for the week a grand total of +4 yeah for me for the week

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I finished (finally) a skein of pink yarn making that baby sweater, but then I picked up a skein of white Jiffy at a rummage sale for a quarter.


So my score remains the same.



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