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2009 Stashbusting CAL


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Okay, so I go to actually wind what's left of that purple one pound skein that I used for my class project with this bobbin winder, and I got about halfway through the skein when I discovered a knot in the yarn. Operating on the theory that two smaller cakes would be easier to manage than one big one, I untied the knot, finished up that section of yarn and wound myself another cake with the rest of the yarn. So, my question is: how do I count these? Do they count as one ball each? Or do they count for the fact that I started with a single skein?


BTW, here's a picture of the finished cakes with a complete one pound skein for scale.


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Since they were originally one full skein and are now two half skeins I would count them as two balls. You got a -2 when you bought the skein or yarn, there for you would get +2 when you use it up, rather than +4.

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I bought two skeins of yarn at WallyWorld yesterday so that I can make a couple of bonnets. One is Eco Simply Soft in lavendar, and the other is Bonbon from RH.


I used up a ball of yarn last night, so I am at a -3.


I have to get up to Zero this week. I don't like being in the negatives.



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I've been trying to post for 2 days, but my mean old computer wouldn't let me. Let's try again: I finished a skein on the sweater. WTD +2, YTD -69. TexasSugar, catch me if you can!!!

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I didn't get to post on Sat. but I used a ball and rolled 2 skeins down (+3) :clap. I've made 13 of the 48 squares I need. I hope I don't need to get more :yarn. This week I'm back in the positives :cheer.

WTD: + 3 YTD: + 79

Ellie 13

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Whew, I haven't posted in forever. I haven't done any crocheting either, been so busy with other things. But I got my copy of Crochet World in the mail today and found the perfect project for my cousin's son's birthday next month: The Dinosaur Hoodie. Going to try to go get yarn for it soon.

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TexasSugar, catch me if you can!!!


Oh I'm trying! If I didn't need and have plans for the yarn that really sent me under I would say you and I should donate yarn to someone with a big positive number. :laughroll:devil:laughroll



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Just for kicks, I looked up the first STASHBUSTING CAL I started originally, and we've been busting stash for over two and a half years! :woo Jan 20, 2007 was when I first started and I have to say I'm moderately recovered. Thanks to those people that have taken over tallying scores over the years!!! :ty

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Oh I'm trying! If I didn't need and have plans for the yarn that really sent me under I would say you and I should donate yarn to someone with a big positive number. :laughroll:devil:laughroll



But I don't have yarn, I have projects that haven't been started yet! Thanks to stashbusting, I don't buy random yarn any more. I have a purpose or plan for it before I add it to the stash -- most of the time. Some sale items are just too good to pass up.:devil:yarn:yarn:yarn

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Just for kicks, I looked up the first STASHBUSTING CAL I started originally, and we've been busting stash for over two and a half years! :woo Jan 20, 2007 was when I first started and I have to say I'm moderately recovered. Thanks to those people that have taken over tallying scores over the years!!! :ty


Wow! This has been going on for a long time!!! I wonder how many skeins of yarn have been busted from stash during that time?:think Congratulations on a great idea 2 1/2 years ago!!!

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OKay so far I haven't bought anymore yarn, though I know in my heart of hearts I will have to soon. I need to finish the hot pink afghan's border that I ran out of white I am using. So I put it on the side for now. I have been working on the peridot blanket and man does it take a lot of yarn to make. I did finish up two baby quilts on sunday as well. Oh and Saturday I straightened my yarn room ( we use to call it my office.. hmm now you can't find the computer or exercise machine for the yarn nor most of the floor). Anyway, I pulled everything out of the bags on the floor and put it onto my bed ( in another room) photographed it and then placed it into boxes as per the yarns color. The yarn on the shelf stayed on the shelf, but I photograph it as well. Now this doesn't include the yarn I have upstairs in my guest room. I wasn't feeling up to climbing the stairs on Saturday. Anyway, ladies for your viewing pleasure. I give you my stash, well more like a partial stash. mind you this is about half of it. DGHM










Photos of the two quilts I did, one for little baby Pete and one for baby girl Liana









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I agree with Basjordan. :)

Krystal16, this CAL was a wonderful idea. :cheer Thanks for getting it rolling.


Wow! This has been going on for a long time!!! I wonder how many skeins of yarn have been busted from stash during that time?:think Congratulations on a great idea 2 1/2 years ago!!!
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so far so good this week + 10 and it's only WED:cheer


i do like 3 oz skeins and i'd better finish the rest of them as i have some purchases on the horizon:blush

at least i am staying positive for the year:hook:devil

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My mother commissioned a summer cardigan and I am planning a cardigan for me, so -14 for her yarn and -40 for my yarn?

I bought 2 bags of Factory Mill Ends Canada that each have 10 skeins in them. That counts as 20 skeins, right? I couldn't pass up all that cotton yarn for $6.50/lb!

And I just found out I need another skein to finish a baby dress I am making right now - and I can't substitute. :sigh

Total is -54 for the week, -52 for the year! :)


Now to go :box knock out :tryme that cardigan so that I can get my score back down.


Zan :yarn


P.S. I got the Mill Ends from A.C. Moore's in VA Beach while visiting. I wish there was an A.C. Moore's in Richmond!

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I saw a skein at Goodwill that perfectly matched another skein that I'd bought there a few weeks ago....so...ummm...I HAD to get it, right? :lol


I'm still ahead for the week though, + 11 so far. :clap

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completed a skein of yarn so -2 for me for today though tomorrow I'm going to try and get another skein of yarn so I can finish the scarf I started to make

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@ Tracey... I love your stash and your quilts. I miss doing patchwork so much. :sigh


I am getting a tad peeved here...Ii am crocheting and knitting and crocheting and nary a skein is completed. I think I need a new plan... this one ain't working :rofl

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I finally rolled a skein into a ball. :whew I haven't been working on any project real hard but I haven't been buying any either. :D


WTD +1

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