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OMG! I learned how to knit!!!!! ha ha ha ha ha!! Wooooooopeeeeeeee! :wooMy tension is messed up and the stitches aren't even but that comes with practice. I've been trying for a couple of years to teach myself. People on here were talking about Continental vs. English style and that opened my eyes. I never even knew there was 2 styles!! I tried Continental this time. I guess it was the English style that was messing with my brain. It seemed too much like working backwards or left-handed. :think (I am right-handed) Then I just so happened to watch the right succession of videos (no one video demonstration was giving me all I needed) and suddenly it all clicked. Before, I wasn't even grasping the concept of putting a stitch on one needle and taking it off the other.


I'm sooooo proud of myself!! I have a pic. :D




I used big needles and chunky yarn. It's just the one stitch, garter, so far. I'll practice that a little more before trying something else. I see a pair of circular knitting needles in my near future. :devil I learned how to knit from hanging around a crochet forum. :lol

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Awesome! You know what I found? Bamboo needles tend to work better because stitches don't slide off as easily in which you may not lose stitches like I used to do all the time when I first started. Keep at it. So far so good. :)

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way to go! congrats bahaha.

i've been wanting to learn continental, what videos did you watch?


I first went to knittinghelp.com and watched a video of the long-tail cast on, because at that point I still couldn't even cast on and I thought maybe this would be easier for me. I couldn't grasp the concept of it there so I tried some videos from YouTube. This one was what brought it all together:



It was something he said, I think it was "let go of the yarn on your thumb and pull" or something like that and FINALLY I could cast on. :clap I wasn't letting go of the yarn on my thumb! Duh! I was never making a stitch, just a mess with the yarn. After that the videos from knittinghelp.com taught me the garter stitch. Last night I learned to purl. :yay I'm a little awkward with the needles and of course incredibly slow but practice will get me to be more familiar with what I'm doing. I still can't believe I'm doing it. I'd wanted to learn for so long and kept giving up and telling myself I was too clumsy to learn.


OK, so I want bamboo needles and a circular one. :D Yes, my stitches were/are slipping off the needles. Gotta keep those things pointing up or ziiiiip the whole thing falls off! :P

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  • 3 weeks later...

Congratulations! Knitting is a wonderful skill. You will love it.


It took me a long time to grasp the long tail cast-on, too. At first I used a knitted cast-on or a cable cast-on which were both easier for me to understand. The Knit Like A Man explanation was really good, Craw.

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I learned the Continental way several years ago. I made a scarf. But, I HATE knitting!!! I LOVE the look of it for wearables, but I don't like doing it. I hate to pearl, and it seems like it is so tedious and then you have to put the parts together. I'm glad that I just crochet, and have joined Crochetville to keep in touch with others who like to crochet. Congrats to you if you can knit and crochet. You are talented!!! :manyheart

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Well done you!


I can cast on and off, knit very slowly but cannot follow a pattern!

However I just love that sound the needles make when they click together so occasionally will pick up a pair and knit for an hour, then frog it and not start again. OMG I sound very strange lol

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Yay! I'm so happy you figured it out! :) I think I tried knitting once and it was a lot harder to figure out than crochet! Glad you were able to get the hang of it, and I'm sure you'll have the rows and stitches lining up in no time!

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  • 4 weeks later...

Congratulations. :clap I taught myself to knit pre-computer days with a 'Learn to Knit' book. The hardest part was learning to cast on. Once I got past that I could do it. :knit



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Congratulations!! :) Isn't the internet wonderful in aiding us newbies trying to figure things out!


I've been crocheting for a long time but knitting is a whole new experience all together. I still like crochet for things like amigurumi ( it looks better with crochet somehow, i'm biased) and afghans. But knitting is great for wearables!

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Copngratulations. I wanted to learn a way of knitting that didn't involve throwing each and every stitch. Seemed so time consuming. Then I saw a video where you hold the thread exactly the way you do in crochet and move the needles to pick up the thread. Finally something clicked, so I know how you feel.

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