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Why don't people understand?

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A friend of mine wants for me to make her something. I said okay, but as long as you pay me for the supplies (yarn) or you pick out what yarn you want and I'll make it.. so she said " can't you use up all your leftover yarns?" .. sorry but yarn doesn't grow on trees and niether does money! My hands are already busy making birthday and holiday gifts right now. I only bought yarn for the stuff I'm making .. which I put on hold to get my gifts finished first.. and right now my hands need a little break so they don't get strained.

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Been there done that!

Making something for someone can be a challenge ...... once I used my own yarn and made something for free & they still weren't satisfied.

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Me too. Everytime I complete something for someone everyone oohhss and aahhhs over it and says 'I want one' to which I reply, sure. I tell them they buy the yarn and bring it to me and I'll make it at no charge.


So far only 1 person has actually asked me to calculate how much yarn for their specific afghan they would need to purchase, and then went out and priced it.


They stopped asking. I much rather make them for whomever the mood strikes me.


I made afghans for Christmas one year for all 3 of my kids and they still use them to this day. Gives me a warm fuzzy feeling.:c9

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i know how you feel i have a niece who always tells people i will make them something and then is upset when i tell her that it does not work like that i will make it if you buy the supples but she sure won't buy it to her it's me me me only boy that sure does upset me ...

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I know exactly what you mean. My mother asked me yesterday how long it would take me to make a rr (I made her and all of my sister rr's for xmas last year) for her Dr. I asked how big and what color, and she has no idea, she said she would find out what the Dr. favorite color. I will do this because my mother asked me too but it is very hard to make something for someone you don't know and know nothing about. I don't know if this lady will even like something like this. And my neighbor asked me to make another rr as a wedding present for the son of one of her church friends. He is getting married and she wants me to make the rr as her wedding present. Again I don't know the people involved, and she isn't specific about what she wants. She just said she wanted white or light yellow.


Again I will do this project as well but it will be in my own time (wedding is not until May 09) At least she didn't want it fast.

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People that don't do arts and crafts have no idea the time and effort we put into things, they assume we could just whip out things and make it like that. I have a freind that paints one time she gave it to me as a gift, I saw another one that she did that I really liked so I asked if she would make one for me. I did not give her a deadline, and I asked how many things she needed and what size .. what kind of paint.. how many etc... I paid for that myself and some extra for her time.

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It's true...people who don't make things just really don't understand what goes into making something from scratch. When I first learned to spin wool, my son asked for me to make him an earflap hat, which I did, and which he still wears. But after I finished making it, I took it to work to show everyone (it was the first thing I had ever made from handspun). One of the guys really liked it and asked, "how much would you charge to make one of those" I shrugged, and since he was a friend, said $25. He said, "Twenty-five dollars! REI has them for $20!" to which I replied, "I started with nothing but a pile of dirty hair!!! Besides, they DON'T have any like THIS at REI!!!!" Made me so stinkin' mad!!! Next time he asks it will be $50!!! :thair

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I know what you mean! I actually just had this happen- a friend asked me to make a baby afghan for her preemie niece. I asked her what colors she would like and she had no idea. I even sent her photos of some blankets I have made, and she did pick out one pattern but still said she didn't knwo what colors she wanted. Then she asked me how much I would charge and since she is a friend I said I would only charge for the yarn, which would be about $15...she still hasn't gotten back to me. $15 for a hand-made afghan is a steal, IMO, but I guess people who don't do crafts, don't know that.

Also the other day I was working on a shawl for dh's aunt (for Christmas) and dh said, "hey, why don't you whip up one of those for my mom, too?" I was like, uh first of all, I can't just "whip it up." Second, she doesn't appreciate handmade gifts so she would just shove it into the back of her closet. Plus I don't have the yarn to make another one just yet and he doesn't understand why I can't just "use what I have." But I only buy yarn specifically for certain projects, too, so I already have plans for what I have.

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Bet if you asked your friend to make you 5 pounds of homemade candies and fudge , the first thing she would say is well you need to buy the ingredients because they are really expensive.


People don't get that yarn isn't cheap. They equate homemade with cheap alot of times and that is so far from the truth. Just tell her sorry, but you don't have any leftover yarn. All your yarn is for designated projects. You don't have any extra.....:hug

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Jennifer, your friend needs an education!!


A very good friend of mine (I'm godmother to one of her DDs) asked me to make a RR for her 20 yo...and said she will pay me for it before I even opened my mouth. SHe saw the pretty one I made my goddaughter and wanted one, too...but hers will me different. Yarn, multiplied by 2.5 (or 3.5, for a complicated pattern) = price:hook

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My mother does the same thing to me all the time. She does not understand the time involved, and she used to knit, so she should know better. But, at least she always appreciates anything that I make.


That being said, I agree with what another person said about how homemade very often seems to equal cheap for some people. They never factor in the cost of time, and rarely have a clue as to how much the materials cost. My usual response is "you buy the yarn and bring it to me, and then I will make you want you want." I have never had the response of "can't you use left-over yarn." But, a sure-fire way to fix that problem is to say "Why yes, in a very interesting shade of road-cone orange" or some other color you know they don't like (I look terrible in bright orange, but not offense to those that like the color) and that will hopefully solve that issue.

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so why dont you just say " sure, i'd be glad to... the cost of the yarn is X my time is X per hr, it will take me X number of hours; so you owe me: X. and i'll need a 50% non refundable down payment" say it with a smile of course!

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I want some yarn tree seeds too, please. I'll be happy to pay for them, but I just never have enough yarn.........lol


I do feel your pain, though. I made a bag for my youngest daughter for her birthday in July. The next day 8 of her neighbors were asking for bags. Right up until they found out it would cost them $40 bux! Yarn, fabric and time are not cheap. I spend 12 bux just on yarn for this bag, I am not making it for free! I do have one person who wanted one and is providing their own yarn and I agreed to line it for free as she is a pregnant nursing student on a very limited budget.


I love when people tell me how wonderful something feels or looks that I've made. The thing that gets on my nerves is when they proceed to shove it into a drawer or closet and I never see them use it. I make bags that can stand up to toddlers! Use the durn things!

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It really is frustrating! I know only a few people who have asked me for things, one of whom is a good friend who cuts and colors my hair for free-so for her I'd gladly give my time and money. Everyone else I explain the cost in time and money and they usually understand. In this day and age, with mass production and overseas sweatshop labor, when things can be had cheaply and easily, you can't blame most people for their ignorance. Just try to educate them.

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This is exactly why I only crochet gifts, or anything for that matter, for people who crochet... other than my son or a very select few people. It is incredibly difficult to put a price on your time and effort... AND people do NOT understand that in one afghan, there are thousands of stitches! :lol I would be offended if someone asked me to make them something and expect me to supply the yarn. I love making things for people all of the time without expecting a thing in return, but if someone specifically asks you to make it, it's just common courtesy. Not doing so is like telling someone, "I am coming over to your house and you are going to cook me a fancy meal and pay for all of the food."


And about the misconception that crocheted items are cheap... :lol Some things are inexpensive to crochet (fridgies and little what-nots), but most of the time if you want to use a nicer yarn or make a larger project it gets pretty costly (afghans, wearables, etc). I would love to make a pair of socks, but I can't justify the price of the yarn.. sounds so silly, doesn't it?? LOL

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