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I was wondering Where and How everyone stores their Crochet Pattern books, magazines and loose paper patterns????? Please help!


I live ina small one bedroom apt and cannot figure out a neat, handy helpful way. I am disabled and have major back trouble, lifting those plactic storage totes and bending over to look through as become a big probpem. I appreciate any help from the "ville" :)


There has to be an easier way.

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Books and magazines I keep in a drawer in my dresser. There's not a ton of space in my room, and since I almost never wear the clothes in that drawer it's simplest to keep them in there along with them. :P For patterns off of yarn labels and those free sheets from the stores, me and my sister have a notebook we tape them into so they don't get lost or too wrinkled. It would probably work for other types of loose patterns as well.

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Books on a bookshelf, magazines and thin leaflets go into a magazine holder and then on the bookshelf. Printed patterns go into clear protective covers and into a binder then on the bookshelf. I haven't yet figured out a system for patterns that come on yarn labels.

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Books and magazines are on a bookshelf. All loose printed patterns go in a binder either in my current crochet bag or on the bookshelf ;)

this is what I do as well I have the binder by my recliner though tucked up under the curtain since that is where I tend to pull most of my patterns from I just leave it handy but the books and magazines are on the shelf

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I got a 4" ring binder (cheapo from WalMart) and some of the clear, pocket style sheet protectors that already had the holes punched in them. I put my patterns in there, and I have a pocket or two just for yarn labels. I keep it crammed under my end of the couch :lol

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I have mine in a few binders, in plastic page protectors, they are actually sorted and tabbed by type

IE: Afghans, baby, Home, Accessories....ect.


I hope to be able to break them up into their own binders and have a small bookshelf for them someday

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If you have access to a computer and scanner, scan the patterns from yarn sleeves, and single page patterns, and create a file of patterns. That's what I did. My other ones are in plastic bins. I'm lucky enough to have a craft room. (had to wait until my children grew up and away to get it, but i have it now.)

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Please keep you storage and organizer tips coming. So helpful!


I do have loose one in plastic page protectors as well as some from the yarn lables. And those plastic page protectors go into a binder.

I probably need to really seperate the patterns by catagory. I think that will be a BIG job!

I'll keep you all posted . Im meantim keep your tips! Thanks.

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Mine are on a bookshelf... binders are first w/ all of my loose leaf ones..and then the magazines..baby clothes, baby afghans, afghans, christmas, doilies, dishcloths, etc. I try to sort them a little so I don't have to go through all of them to get to a certain one! It works pretty good for me this way!

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Books and magazines are in a bookcase. Loose patterns are in plastic sheets in binders. Internet patterns are saved in PDF format. Binders are tabbed for easy retrieval (in a perfect world :lol - I'm still, and forever, working on it).

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I keep most of mine on my computer, either in Word or PDF. I find most of my patterns online. So far I only have 4 mags and no books . . . but I will most likely keep them in my office on a book shelf, right now the mags are in my crochet bag. I have only been at it maybe a little less then a year. I also keep a pictures of all my work off my digital Canon so I can refer back to any patter I have already done.

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I keep mine on shelves in the same cabinet that I use to store yarn. Printed patterns, leaflets, yarn label patterns are sorted by category and in separate labelled 3 ring binders. I buy binders with pockets in the front and back so that I have a place to tuck something immediately, instead of waiting until I have time to put it in a page protector or photocopy it to notebook sized paper.

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My books are in a plastic bin in the bottom of my closet.


My digital patterns are on my computer and backed up on disks. The backup disk are in the plastic bin also.


My printed patterns from the net are hole punched and put into one of my three 3-ring binders (labeled Children, Afghans, Adult/Misc.) These binders are also in the plastic bin in the bottom of my closet. The bin keeps them safe and organized without looking junky.


One of my real pleasures is sitting and going through my bin looking for a project. I can do it for hours. :manyheart

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Books on a bookshelf, magazines and thin leaflets go into a magazine holder and then on the bookshelf. Printed patterns go into clear protective covers and into a binder then on the bookshelf. I haven't yet figured out a system for patterns that come on yarn labels.

That's what I do. Also free flyers/tear offs go in protective covers in their own binder.

The yarn labels are in a pocket folder. I haven't done much else with them right now.

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Books on a bookshelf, magazines and thin leaflets go into a magazine holder and then on the bookshelf. Printed patterns go into clear protective covers and into a binder then on the bookshelf. I haven't yet figured out a system for patterns that come on yarn labels.


:D Have you been in my Craft Room? :D I also do the same with the books, mags and leaflets. I put the printed patterns and the patterns that come on yarn labels into those plastic sheets that can be put into binders.



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If I have a pattern on a yarn label that I like I try to find a printable version online or you could contact the company and see if they would be willing to send you one. I always end up losing the labels otherwise. and the print is tiny most of the time anyway.

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I handcopy my favorites into a hardback journal i have... it makes it easier to find a favorite, I can make notes about the pattern, and someday it'll be a beautiful gift for a child or kinperson interested.


All the originals live in binders and bookcases.

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My solution for patterns on a yarn label:


I try to find the same pattern online, and print it from there. If i can't find it, i make a color copy of the label, then put the label in a bag of yarn labels. The bag reads "This is not trash, this is a bag of patterns!" JUST in case someone gets rabid about cleaning.

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