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International Crochet Day!

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So, how is everyone spending International Crochet Day today?


I haven't decided whether I want to go sit out somewhere and crochet in public, or if I want to burn up gas and go visit AC Moore... :devil

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Shame on me, I almost forgot!:eek Thank you for the reminder :hug I did get alittle crochet in this morning and finished my Boteh scarf. I was just telling Hubby that I had nothing on my hook:( Guess I will dive in and start a new project tonight to work on over the rainy weekend.:hook Now I just have to decide which one it will be! Happy International Crochet Day Everyone!:clap

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I'm crocheting at home...didn't know it was Crochet Day, but most days are crochet days for me!


I am currently working on the lovely Yuletide Centerpiece that Kathy designed, as well as testing a pattern for her.

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I just had 3 crochet classes today at Amber's school. About 5 of the kids really picked up on it and I think we'll be having a weekly class friday afternoons.



Missionary work...such a noble cause! :devil

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I didn't realize it was International Crochet Day. Thank you for the reminder.

I will be crocheting at home this eveing. Too many interruptions as work.

Looking forward to relaxing and working on my afghan.:yay

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Right now? I'm cleaning house. I've been sick for about a week and it seems I'm the only one who knows how to turn on the washing machine or wash dishes lol!


Tonight though, I'll probably make some Amis.

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I have spent International Crochet Day crocheting here at my desk for a good part of the day, and in honor of the day, I went pattern-book shopping at Amazon. I managed to snag a good deal. I'm finally getting Stitch 'n Bitch, and I'm also getting The Encyclopedia of Crochet Techniques - for only £16.98 (FREE shipping!).


I was feeling too yucky (dental problems + getting a cold = YUCK) to want to go out anywhere, but I managed to have a little fun all by my lonesome. :hook

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Had a doctors appointment this morning, so I took a prayer shawl to work on (seemed appropriate). A great doctor, but when she saw me working on the shawl she said " oh how cool, you know how to knit". Oh well, it was a good checkup anyway :-) .


And like someone else said, every day is a crochet day for me! Beth

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Unfortunately didnt get ANY crocheting done today on International Crochet day cos today is my birthday. So went to work - then after work went to the theatre to see the 'Rat Pack' - then went for a meal - and not long home and havin a family party. Will try to make up for it tomorrow when I accompany my daughters to the hairdressers for 'hair trials' for the wedding. I will crochet while I watch and wait!

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Oops, I forgot all about it :blush Today was also The Monkees' 42nd anniversary, so I spent all day playing the CDs in my classroom and bugging my coworkers. After work, I picked up a cake and brought it home, my family each had some while watching Monkees DVDs :D Tomorrow, I'll make up for it by taking my yarn shopping with me.

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Celebrated by going to Michael's. Found some Vanna baby yarn on sale. Picked up a few skeins of cotton for some dishcloths. And all of that with a 25% off total purchase coupon. :cheer:cheer:cheer


Plan on doing some crocheting this weekend -- extending the celebration -- on a couple of scarves for the Special Olympics.

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