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I've got to stop stashing

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I so wish I could walk into a craft store and walk out with only what i need. :eek


I went to Michael's because I needed to get up and away from my desk to wake up and I needed 2 white t-shirts for my son for tye-dying at camp tomorrow and they were on sale 2 for $5! Well, I walked out $39 later. :eek


I did however need the large eye plastic needles for weaving in ends.


And well, I mentioned my Godson's wife is pregnant and he grew up in the Army and is now an Army Ranger himself, so I saw RRSS camo and this really pretty light sage green. Hmmm....I though to myself. I'll make the new baby boy or girl a round ripple with this. The light color will be ok if it is a girl or boy and the camo will be the accent color so it'll work for either being they are a military family and will be for quiet awhile as he loves his job dearly.


Then I saw a skein of varigated that matched one of the one I received my one of the holiday elves and next to that was a very pretty light purple and I thought, wow they look nice together, so I had to buy another varigated and two purple in order to make a charity afghan or two.


Then of course I saw a really cute little lunchbox that is miniature for my son that's black with while outlines of skulls and crossbones on it that he can put his psp games or pokemon cards in.


I think that's all I bought. Didn't have any coupons or anything since it was going on a whim, but now I think I am at the point of needing to make a list of things I want to make. :eek


Anyone else in this situation too?

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Stash addiction? Who? Me? Never :laughroll It never ceases to amaze me that a simple trip to the craft store for that one thing can lead into hours in the :yarn department. My husband now comes in with me rather than wait in the car because he thinks that he can help me choose faster. :rofl Have yarn, will stash should be my motto. :hook

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I used to be so good....buying yarn only when it was needed. :( Those days are LONG gone!

I've gotten into the terrible 'skein-or-two' habit. I've been picking up a skein-or-two here and there, thinking that it will be good for hats and scarves for chartiy, and even some squares....and they have been! BUT, all these little skein-or-two's ADD UP! They certainly add up much faster than I can crochet! LOL

I can't remember which post/thread it was in, but someone mentioned that their yarn seemed to multiply like bunnies :lol Seems that the ILTY I've been skein-or-two-ing is quite the 'fertile myrtle' because I've suddenly accumulated a ton of it. I even broke my own steadfast rule - NEVER buy unless it is on sale.....so I'm officially a YARN HYPOCRITE :eek

Ohhhh the terrible things we do for love of yarn! NONE of which seems to be making a to-do list for the yarn I have, and to STOP picking up what I don't need :lol

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I so wish I could walk into a craft store and walk out with only what i need. :eek/quote]


I read everything you bought... I'm so bad I think you needed it all!:lol


My mom has a bigger stash than me. She knits, as did my Dad's mom. Whenever my Dad says something about my mother's "addiction" she alwasy says, "But you Mom always told me to buy lots of yarn when it was on sale... even if you don't know what you're going to make!" It's very hard for my father to argue with the memory of his mother!

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That sounds very reminiscent of a trip I made to Jo-Ann's recently! I just went in for ONE skein for a contrast color for an afghan I was working on. Just one $3 skein. I ended up paying $31 for that and three of this really pretty stripey boucle yarn and the skein that I had forgotten to put down when I decided it wasn't the color I wanted. Well, it went home with me too!


Darn that yarn! It's just so darn pretty and NEEDS to go home with me. :lol


I read everything you bought... I'm so bad I think you needed it all!:lol


Also, I completely agree!

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Now for me, I'm a Clearance girl myself. If it's cheap and pretty, it ends up at my house. I swear the :yarn just jumps in my cart!:lol


I have to physically force myself to stay out of the stores. My husband thinks I'm nuts when he sees my stash. He claims that this isn't a Michaels' store and we shouldn't have this much yarn, books, patterns, etc.


But I just can't help it. The yarn just calls my name.



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You're not bad until you walk into a chain store that sells ordinary yarns and buy up all of the three yarns that you liked.



and you end up with 64 balls.



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I'm going to see my in-laws halfway across the country... and my biggest thrill is that I'm going to get to go to my first hobby lobby while I'm there.


... I hope we have room to bring me back in the car by the time I'm done. :devil

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OMG sounds like Proudmama762003:lol She went into Joann's to pick up a couple skeins of boucle (on sale) for a friend (while my DGD an I waited in the car) and ended up coming out with alot more than 2..this one and this one match the other ones I got from so and so and I really don't have any of this color and I've always wanted to pick up a couple of this color..:rofl It is really a good thing I am not experienced enuf yet to know what I want to do with a certain color..'cuz one of us in the house is more than plenty..:U

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I came home with 42 skeins of yarn yesterday. I just keep telling myself that I am stocking up for winter...LOL. Now this weekend I am headed for my girlfriends and a "girls" weekend and don't you know that is where the Hobby Lobby is ... I have this feeling...LOL

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oh no! I checked out the smiley site and guess what? they are having a sale in September cash only about 40 minutes from my house! how can I not go?!?!?!? cash and carry and it's open for 4 hours. i'm hoping my son has a hockey game that day for my marriage sake :lol and i'm hoping not because i can't imagine all they will have there! :yay

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I can't help myself either....I'll go to our local craft chain store for something completely unrelated and I feel naked if I don't come out with yarn.


Seriously I just de-stashed a whole heap of yarn, and was all proud because I'd reduced my stash from two wardrobes and several tubs, to one wardrobe and a few tubs. Well...it's been a month since then and I've already bought more than a couple of dozen skeins....what's worse, someone just told me about an Aussie website selling yarns from the US....my first visit and I bought 10 skeins of Red Heart Super Saver in one colour. What on earth was I thinking! I forgot those skeins are 4 times as large as normal skein size in Australia!


My worst habit is that I don't just buy one or two skeins though. I buy enough at every shop to make an entire afghan. When I make an afghan that's 20 skeins minimum.

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I work at a local Michaels. Therefore I see the mark downs first. Need I say more. I have learnes to control myself in the grocery store. I can go only once a week and stick to my list.

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I SOOOOOOO identify with all of you...and I also can't crochet fast enough to use up my stash...esp since I keep adding to it:devil

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It's a disease we are ALL afflicted with <LOL>. Right now, I'm trying to destash by only knitting and crocheting what I have on hand, although the temptation is relentless.

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I walked out of a store with 45 skeins Wednesday, then went back and bought 25 more (for my mom).


I'm heading back today because, would you ever guess it, I didn't get enough of a specific color last time...



I go through phases, when we aren't paying out the wazoo for my car repairs, I'm stashing up yarns. When my car comes back from the shop, I have to take a month's haitus (starting tomorrow actually, 'cause we just got the bill for my car yesterday... ouch!)

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I work at a local Michaels. Therefore I see the mark downs first. Need I say more. I have learnes to control myself in the grocery store. I can go only once a week and stick to my list.


Maybe that's what I need to do! I've been looking at possibly getting a second job for a while...I could apply at Joanns....on second thought, that probably wouldn't help, huh? :devil

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The only place locally I can get yarn is walmart, so I just say I'm stashing for when walmart stops selling yarn completely. Our walmart has a pretty nice department and still has its fabric. So when I get to go to different stores its a real treat.:D:yes


Sure ~ we'll all stop stashing when all the stars wink out!


Right On!!!!:hook:dance:yes

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I was good yesterday! I was in Michael's and walked out with NOTHING! DH asked if I was sick. :sick I wanted a certain type of bear they have and they were out of them. I didn't even look at the yarns. :hook

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I was good yesterday! I was in Michael's and walked out with NOTHING! DH asked if I was sick. :sick I wanted a certain type of bear they have and they were out of them. I didn't even look at the yarns. :hook


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I was good yesterday! I was in Michael's and walked out with NOTHING! DH asked if I was sick. :sick I wanted a certain type of bear they have and they were out of them. I didn't even look at the yarns. :hook



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