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What's the sweetes thing your SO has done to further your craft?

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I know a lady who told me the other day that she used to love strappy high heeled shoes, but can't wear them anymore because of arthritis. Her husband came home the other day with such a pair of shoes. When she told him she appreciated them, but couldn't possibly walk around in them, he said, "I know, I thought you could just wear them when you crochet and they could be your crochet shoes". Now, isn't that sweet? So that got me to wondering, what's the sweetest thing your SO has done to help further your craft? :think

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Aww, how sweet. My boys would laugh if I crocheted in high heels lol but if you missed wearing them, I guess it would be nice. Just the thought is nice though.


My dh is very supportive of my crochet. He does lots of things incl buying me yarn when I haven't asked for it, looking for yarn when he goes to the flea mkt, & even sending me to Hobby Lobby when I had not planned a trip lol. The biggest gesture though was this...


we live in a large county with no trash pick up. You take your trash to dumpsters located everywhere. If you are dropping off something still usable or "repairable" our neighborhood is very considerate & places things in front of the dumpster instead of in it. One particular evening dh was dropping our trash off on an errand & saw a large crate with a wooden shelving unit in it & it looked n excellent condition so he brought the box home & put it in his outdoor shed. The next day he put it together & said it was my craft cabinet. :hug:clap (I have no idea why someone would toss it, it was fine!) It has 3 deep shelves & 2 cabinets underneath with a shelf inside those.


Prior to that I just stored my yarn in plastic rubbermaid bins or baskets. Dh really started my addiction to stashing yarn LOL because now a few yrs later I have it full as well as about 5 or 6 baskets full of yarn beside my craft cabinet. :lol

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Well, first, he is always interested in the things I've made over the years ... as often they are gifts.

But today ... and he doesn't know it yet (because he's still asleep) ... LOL! ... because of my recent back injury & I'm still not driving ... he's going to take me to Wally-Mart to pick up some new yarn.

He's the best!



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I posted this in a thread earlier this year:


I did a search on store locator using my ZIP code, and there's an A.C. Moore an hour south of here! I jokingly said to DBF "You know, it's not that far...." and he said "Sure, let's go, right after i take care of something for work." I thought was kidding, but he wasn't!! He's going to drive me an hour away just to look (and get) yarn!


Oh, it got better. I got some beading things, then hit the yarn section, got 8 of those giant Caron Rainbow Dreams skeins, and a few other cotton yarns (forgot the color name). They had a sale in the mill ends, so that section was just wiped out lol. The saleslady rang it up, said the price (not cheap), and while i was digging for my card, DBF handed her HIS card and told me 'Happy Birthday.'

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My hubby learned to weave in ends....


nuff said


I don't think anyone can beat that one...:lol

Mine went to WM the other day on a yarn errand (I sick) all by himself and called me asking me if I wanted one of each color :devil cause the colors were so pretty

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Mine bought a bunch of cube shelves and re aranged the family room to put all my yarn out here. It is now my Zen Happy palce. He also stops at every yard sale looking for new yarn for me!

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That was wonderful for that hubby to get them for her! But my husband looks and me says what did I do now?:thinkwhen I am working on a project and reading it:lolSo I am figuring that I most likely would not look good:eek sitting there in high heels as I crochet!:lolBesides most likely jam my heel into my leg as I always plop my legs up on the couch as I working:lol

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a hubby that can weave in ends???? That's fabulous!


My hubby doesn't weave, but he's so so so supportive! A few years ago for Valentines day he bought a giant plastic storage tub on wheels and then gave me a gift card to Joanns so I could fill it with yarn. He's always taking me to the yarn store and supporting my projects. I do a lot of charity work, and he packs things up and takes them to the post office for me.


Yesterday we were in Michaels. I saw this little yarn holder that I just loved, but I don't need. He saw that I liked it so he bought it for me.




It's GREAT! It keeps the yarn neat and clean, and is fabulous to take a project in the car or when I travel on the plane! :)

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Well, I can't beat the hubby weaving, but mine gave me a gift card for Hobby Lobby last year, and talked my son into giving me one, too. So I had approx. $100 to spend on yarn! He is very supportive of my crochet, brags about my projects to his family and co-workers all the time. He NEVER objects when I buy yarn, and likes to know what I am making with it. Recently when I received an order by UPS, he was grinning ear to ear when he brought the package in to me.

I support him in his woodworking projects too... in fact, some of the money he makes selling the dominoes and wishing wells goes to me, to buy more yarn! He is generous to a fault!

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Well, I can't beat the husband who weave in the ends. But my husband learned to read pattern's for me, so he could help read them while I crochet. And I didn't ask him to either, that was something he did on his own. That was really sweet. He also, buy's me yarn for little gift's.




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Well, I can't beat the husband who weave in the ends. But my husband learned to read pattern's for me, so he could help read them while I crochet. And I didn't ask him to either, that was something he did on his own. That was really sweet. He also, buy's me yarn for little gift's.





Hey i think that ranks up there with end-weaving lol

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This year for Christmas, my DH bought me 3 or 4 books of baby patterns. Knowing I'd want them to make things for our upcoming little one (born 6/1). The fact that he not only went into the craft store, but actually thought about the books he was picking up... made me melt.

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I so wanted the lite up crochet hooks but at almost 8 bucks i couldn't see spending that much on my self at x-mas time with 4 kids at home and grandkids and all to buy forbut i really thought they were cool!! I got every one micheals had for christmas except g&h wrapped up in weird ways 2 liter pop bottle, in with a fry pan, one tucked into an album picture frame, it was one of the funnest Christmas' ever!!

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My 'husbunny' untangles yarn knots for me (bless him!), learned how to wrap center-pull balls, helps whenever I need more hands for anything he can, as well as goes yarn shopping whenever I want (even if he has to sacrifice $$ he'd have spend on, say, those cookies he doesns't really need), we never leave wal-mart without at least looking at yarn, he even looked online and FOUND our local yarn shop for me and asked if I'd heard of it when I started to crochet, plus of course, he took me there the next weekend and bought me overly-expensive pretty yarn cos it was "the perfect color for my amies"... yeah, I am loved :manyheart


He is totally supportive of me trying to start an Etsy shop and loves to know what I have planned for all the yarns, he brags so much that his side of the fam all have wish-lists ffor crocheted things now. :eek


I'm sure if I asked him to weave ends he would, but I don't mind it so much (probably cos I haven't had tons to do yet, :lol).

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It wasn't Crochet but it was a Craft. I had to finish my son's wedding present (Blue Moon Angel by Lavedar and Lace and then Finish Mother's Tree by the same designer for my Mother's 70th Birthday. he did everything, from cooking and cleaning to doing laundry so I could sit and cross stitch and yes I finished both on time!!

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My husband and I have always been very supportive of each others hobbies. He is wonderful about going yarn shopping with me - he has a good eye for colors and tends to pet the yarn to find the soft stuff. :D Probably the sweetest thing was when we were out of town and went to a Hobby Lobby for the first time (we don't have one here). I was having a hard time deciding what to buy (it all looked good!) and was trying to stuff it all in my shopping basket. He wandered off and found a cart for me. :D I asked him if he really wanted to turn me loose with a cart in the yarn section, and he said so long as it was stuff I couldn't get at home to go for it.

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Mine doesn't do anything like that. But a few weeks ago I wanted really badly to make a fish rug for my son. He gave me the money to buy the yarn. We keep our money seperate so he gave me his own money. That may not sound like much to others but he doesn't just give away money for any reason lol. It made me feel good.

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My DH hasn't done one particular thing, but he generally brags on my crocheting and commissioned me to make some multi-colored bright place mats. They didn't really go with our decor, but he was so enthusiastic that I made them and they're on my table right now!

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