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Do you know how many WIPs, UFOs, etc. you have?

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Along with the: I've-been-meaning-to-get-to-that




I-really-oughtn't-put-that-off categories,


can you actually say you know how many WIPs and UFOs you have here, there, and uh, somewhere?


Mine are mostly stuffed in their respective take-along-project bags on the top shelf of a closet, except for a few on the crochet table, and one in the living room and one next to the bed and one by the dresser....


Have you got an overview of yours?

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My UFO's are only 2.. a lapghan for hubby's grandpa, and the 5th b-day blanket for my now 5 1/4 year old :blush


My Wip's are a peach and cream ghan for hubby's grandma, a babette, and the ongoing assembly of comfortghans, and project for the month or the charity blitz, so right now I have a snuggle as a Wip


SO that's what 6 ufo's/wip's in total...


It's my WIM list that gets out of control... if I started 1/2 of what I think of I'd be drowning under all the UFO's and WIP's

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I have quite a few too... The Catherdral window, Flower square (Krystal 16's design) blanket for daughter, I love Scraps afghan, a thread doiley and a thread barbie dress that looks like my sisters wedding dress. And they are stashed all over the place!! Hidding from Hubby.:devil

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As I have just finished about 12 comfortghans and given them away - only have one completed left in my house - I'm down to 2 actually in progress. One is a mile-a-minute in varigated and purples, the other is a scarf from Plymouth "Paris Rainbow" yarn that was given to me.


Of course we're not talking about the yarn set aside with pattern just waiting for the time when nothing else feels like being made.


That time I think, is coming soon. I'm having knee replacement surgery next month and I'm accumulating enough yarn to carry me through the recovery period. And have a neighbor who is willing to match colors for me at JoAnn's or Michaels.

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I've got alot! I'm in the middle of the Cathedral Rose Window, 2 daisy square afghans (from Krystal's square pattern), Dot's scrap afghan, 2 purses for a swap, and a 12" square. Wow, its more than I first thought!

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I've got an overview, and it isn't pretty. :lol


I have so many things that I have started that at this point, unless it is something that I started after the first of the year, I'm going to have to go back and just frog everything and start again because in most cases I don't even remember where I was on the thing. I have a FBB that's about halfway done, but the marker yarn has come out of it, so I have no idea where I need to start reducing (or was it increasing?, I can't remember where I was!) :eek, I have a lion that was an Annie's free pattern one day that I printed out that I can PROBABLY salvage because it's made in parts, I'll just have to frog the part that is currently not finished and start it again so that I'm sure nothing gets left out. Most of my WIPs are now officially just unrecognizable UFOs and will be torn down to be reconstructed into other things. I have to be careful in the future, because I get all gung ho about starting something new that I see, but then I see something ELSE that I want to start, and the first thing I wanted to start gets put down and all but forgotten about. I probably have the worst case of crochet ADD that ever was! :lol

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I've got alot! I'm in the middle of the Cathedral Rose Window, 2 daisy square afghans (from Krystal's square pattern), Dot's scrap afghan, 2 purses for a swap, and a 12" square. Wow, its more than I first thought!


Thank goodness my Cathedral Rose Window 'ghan was one that I started just recently! I would hate to have to frog that sucker and start over again. I have the center portion assembled with the pentagons going around the big center part, and I have all of my other pentagons crocheted already, I just have to buckle down and start crocheting everything ELSE that holds them together!

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Only five right now.


A baby dress that needs the ends tucked in and some buttons selected and sewn on the back.


A baby hat that needs the ruffle put on. (This matches the dress) They are both for the fair.


A hot pink rr that needs a lot of work.


A red, white and blue rr that needs rows of red added and then a border.


And a varigated rr that needs more rows and an edge to it.


I guess that's not too long of a list, compared to others.



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I'm to embarrassed to admit to how many I actually have :embar.


And it's even worse since I've taken up knitting.


I blame it all on the 'Vill :yes. I used to be so good about finishing projects before I would let myself start another but since joining here I keep seeing patterns and yarn I just have to try.

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I'm to embarrassed to admit to how many I actually have :embar.


And it's even worse since I've taken up knitting.


I blame it all on the 'Vill :yes. I used to be so good about finishing projects before I would let myself start another but since joining here I keep seeing patterns and yarn I just have to try.


When in doubt blame the Ville.... :rofl

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I have 3 WIP. That is one more than I like. I have my bedspread, My angel tree skirt and a runner design I am working on. I don't like to have more than 2 at a time. I finish my projects better that way.

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I don't know how many I have. I've tucked them away and every now and then I'll find one and finish it. My goal is to finish the granny square afghan I had tucked away for a while before I start something else.

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I have 2 threadies: a doily for Mother's Day Gift and a Christening dress almost done!

And 2 yarn ones: the Cathedral Rose and an afghan for a Christmas present!

And believe me..I normally only take on one or two at a time...4 is really pushing it for me! :crocheting

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Oh My! I have a stegasarus head somewhere looking for his body, a Stargazer RR (I ran out of the yarn though), a Gwendolyn Doll that's this close to being done, and probably a couple more that I can't think of right now. I get bored and hop from project to project. LOL.

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Hmm... lemme see if I can remember them all. I've got the ones in my signature line...


'Poppin' Squares' afghan ~ 1/21/06 - ?? ~ 60/100 squares done.

Plaid Afghan ~ 7/14/06 - ?? ~ 30% done main body.

Burgundy 'Pinwheel' Afghan ~ 8/28/06 - ?? ~ 21/61 motifs done.

Rubies & Pearls Afghan ~ 3/1/08 - ??

I think the only other project I have is an afghan I started around 5+ years ago. It is a bunch of flower motifs. I probably am 50% done making the yellow centers... and that's it!


Most of my projects / stash and *sniff* all of my crochet books got packed up a couple of weeks ago. I won't be able to get them back until sometime in the future when we move. I hope that the two I have left here can tide me over.

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36_1_11.gif I finished my hat, so now I am down to four UFO's.


Now when I finish the dress, it will be just three. Horray!



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