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Crochet depression

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I have been experiencing a "crochet depression" since December. I've only made one thing to add to my website. I've made some hats and some afghans for charity and gifts, but had a hard time getting past this depression.


I'm not going to dump on all of you... :(:ohdear I know the weather is part of it as we are still having snow. It has snowed twice this week. I so want spring to come. It's been a long winter.


Just wanted to know if anyone has ideas to get out of "crochet depression"....


I've just been sad and that's why I haven't been here very much.

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I went through a "crochet depression" awhile back. I had finished making things for everyone and I just didn't even feel like picking back up my hooks. So I went looking around online and found a pattern the was cute, quick and best of all just for ME! It seemed that was all I needed was to make something just for me! I say go looking around for a cute, springy, pattern and make something just for yourself! It may just help to pull you out of your slump.

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I agree...either take a break and wait for inspiration to strike:idea, or start that project that you "always wanted to make" for yourself, but kept puting off! And if you get the chance - some fresh air might do some good...even if you have to bundle up:wcold.

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Try a new crochet technique? Buy yarn in a color that you normally wouldn't buy? Find a crochet night at a local craft store?


I agree that you should make something for yourself. :D

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Thank you for all the suggestions! :hug:hug I appreciate it so much!

Believe it or not, the sun has come out today...it's not very warm, but the sun is here. I think my daughter and I will take a walk.


I'm going to try and do some of the suggestions starting today.


It sure helped just writing it down and sharing with you!:manyheart

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i'm in some sort of depression right now due to health problems, mine and my parents, and haven't been crocheting much at all. i still love to come here and look at all of the beautiful things that have been made. i'm making a realistic list of things i might want to start. some are for just me.


from the number of posts you have, i know you know what a great place this is. come and talk to the folks here. they are great at encouraging, listening, showing sympathy and even some very straight talk on getting yourself together. i've been here for a little while and don't like to miss a day of visiting.


good luck to you on getting back on the hook. take care of yourself.

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I hear you. Sometimes I just get burned out with one thing that I've been obsessive about, and need to take a break for a while and learn something new.


After making Christmas presents for so long, I was tired of crocheting and took a three-month break. During that time I read LOTS of new books, learned to knit, and started learning how to sew. It was lots of fun! Now I have renewed enthusiasm for crocheting, plus I have some new skills.


Maybe you should try something new, or just get out and take a walk every day? I know I definitely need to get back in the swing of exercising...it releases all sorts of positive endorphins.

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Been there...sometimes you just have to take a break and believe that it will pass and you'll be back to crocheting before you know it. Everyone else has some really good tips...


Hang in there...spring's right around the corner...

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I went through the same thing just after Christmas. After crocheting everything that "needed" to get done for Christmas, just didn't feel like doing anything else crocheted for awhile. So I did take a couple of days and just vegged out, did some non-crochet related reading. After about 3 days of that, I did feel a little more like crocheting, but didn't want to do anything big. So I made a couple of dishcloths, no pressure. After allowing myself those few days, I felt better and more like crocheting.


So just give yourself a break. It's okay to do that, ya know. :hug:hug

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I think you're experiencing burnout rather than depression if you're pointing to crochet as the problem. Just put it aside for a while and do other things you enjoy.


It's no longer fun when you feel obligated to crochet (or do anything else) for your online business. If it's not fun, you're not going to want to do it.


I'm going through the same problem with teddybear making. Since they're not selling as well, I don't want to make them. Yet I look at all the fur I've accumulated so I feel "obligated" to get back into the craft.


We're caught between a rock and a hard place sometimes. Fortunately it passes.

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Hang in there girl! I too find my self in your postion a lot! I am blessed to have many hobbies that I enjoy, and yet I still get burned out. I have not really picked up a hook in months after the Christmas rush....but I started reading a new book, working crosswords, and caught up on mending the huge pile of sewing that always seems to show up!

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Hi Christina! I suffer from bi-polar disorder so I know a thing or two about depression. When I get depressed I can't seem to get anything done. I understand that you are depressed. I am going to give you some links that may be helpful.




I'd like to also suggest some exercise. I exercise a LOT and it really does make me feel better. Of course, I'm also on medication but the exercise seems to be helpful even more so. I have been to your site and I know you have children. I have my son do fun things with me. Now, I know it is snowing where you are at so doing some exercise in the house may be a helpful solution. There are many great DVDs. I personally use Leslie Sansone's Walking Away the Pounds. I have so much fun with her DVD's! I even have some for kids and teens. It's fun.


Also, I wanted to tell you I think you make up great patterns. I've made a few of the camo shirts and I love them! [if you want to see what I made I have a thread in the baby and children section]


If you want to just talk please feel free to PM me. I will listen. I hope you get to feeling better soon.

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I get into a mood where I hate everything I make and just frog it all. I think it looks like a preschooler did it! Then I'll make a hat or a pot holder and get back on track. I really get depressed when I'm working on wearables.

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Thank you everyone! Thank you for taking the time to write! Reading this thread helps...:)


FYI: My website is not for profit, it's just sharing my free patterns. But I did get some emails that were very "trying" and it got me down.


I've been reading books a lot lately.


I've been trying to exercise, but well, that's a whole different problem. ha ha!:lol

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I have been feeling the same way too because of the weather as well. I just finished a baby blanket and didn't know what to do. I felt that I had crochet depression!! So, I decided that I would challenge myself to use up lots of my little balls of yarn that are too small for a project. I am making an afghan with squares. I started with making 50 centers with a variegated yarn that I could use lots of colors with. I did them all. Now I have finished the second row with cream that was left over. Now I am on row 3 and using a light pink. If I run out, I'll do some with lavender. All the squares will not be the same. I'm using the never ending blanket square.



There is lots of different colors in it, so I know I can make something will lots of my leftover balls of yarn. I'm not sure how big the squares will be yet, but probably 8 inch or so. I am enjoying this challenge as I pray for sun on a rainy, rainy day!!!!! :hug

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I do know where you're coming from :hug

After finishing the Daffodil filet last year I found that I really didn't have the appetite for anything.

The only thing really was to put it all aside and come back when I could hear the yarn calling again.

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To recover from crochet burnout/seasonal depression, I like to go to the local LYS and touch all the great yarn! Lots of inspiration there. I also find a yarn I've never worked with and a pattern I've never done before and just start crocheting. It gets me back into my creative space every time! I also agree with the suggestion of exercise...but make it fun!


Hope that helps,


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Crochet depression.....I go through this sometimes too. In fact I was going through it when I found the Ville a month ago. At that time I didn't want to crochet and I didn't want to look at another piece of yarn. But when I found the Ville and joined, I saw all the neat charity items to crochet, and people asking for help making comfortghan squares etc... I thought aha, those are things that I can do. They don't take long to make plus I felt USEFUL. I felt like my work was finally being APPRECIATED. Plus I love helping people and doing nice things for others. It is just in my nature. So maybe doing just very small projects such as the charity items may help. Or something that you are not per se being "forced" to make or have a deadline to meet.


I agree with the others, just take some "me" time as I call it. Do things for yourself, or participate in other hobbies you enjoy or would like to learn. You will eventually rise above it. I did and being active in the Ville and talking with and sharing with all the wonderful people here sure does help.:ghug


Take care



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Depression is not a good thing...especially crochet depression.


I don't think I've ever gone through a "depression" just "burnout" when I'm not feeling motivated to work on something anymore. That happened to me about a month ago. Then I found about the Snuggles thing...and now, I don't miss a day crocheting. It warms my heart to think that what I'm crocheting is going to add comfort to an animal in the shelter. It's what keeps me motivated and going.


So, I guess what my advice is....find something or someone that motivates you. And like others say, while you're looking for your inspiration (don't rush, take as long as you want) do other hobbies or learn new ones.

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From your last post it sounds like some person or persons have made hurtful statements in emails to you that have made you sad and maybe want to turn away from crochet for a bit. Don't let others ruin your crocheting for you. You have lovely patterns that you can be proud of and you obviously enjoy sharing them. I agree with others, make something wonderful just for you! I hope you feel better soon.

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From your last post it sounds like some person or persons have made hurtful statements in emails to you that have made you sad and maybe want to turn away from crochet for a bit. Don't let others ruin your crocheting for you. You have lovely patterns that you can be proud of and you obviously enjoy sharing them. I agree with others, make something wonderful just for you! I hope you feel better soon.



Thank you for your kind words! I'm trying not to be sensitive and get back on my feet. I finally got a couple of ideas for some new things yesterday. I think I was trying not to complain here about the emails from people, but it just hurts my feelings. It's helping to talk to all of you and open up instead of letting things get me down.


My daughter lately has gotten made fun of from her crochet clothes and that had me concerned of what it was going to be like at Kindergarten in September.:(

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But I did get some emails that were very "trying" and it got me down.
My daughter lately has gotten made fun of from her crochet clothes and that had me concerned of what it was going to be like at Kindergarten in September.

I'm so sorry to hear that. People, rather in person or on the internet where they feel so much braver, can be extremely mean and no it is not jealousy. It's just mean. They don't like different, they don't like change, they don't like what they don't understand, etc.

I hope your daughter was okay. My daughter loves me to make her things and one of her favorite things is your Blue Plush Skirt (I made it with SS). We've gotten so many compliments on it.

Big :hug to you both.

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