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Poll: DO you ever wonder if you spend as much..

Do you spend precious crochet time on the internet ?  

86 members have voted

  1. 1. Do you spend precious crochet time on the internet ?

    • Yes, BLUSH
    • No way!

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So, do you ever wonder if you spent as much time here at the 'Ville as you did crocheting all the things you would have done by now???? :lol I KNOW I am

G-U-I-L-T-Y as sin spending to much time on the putor period.

soooo am I alone???

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Not really... I average about 3 hours on the internet per day... and 2/3 of that time is reading and answering email and on the other forum I belong to that is not related to crochet. I have to share time in the evenings with my hubby and son, during the week, so most of my computer time is in the mornings after they've gone to work. But I would have to say I spend most of my spare time crocheting rather than here. Sometimes I have more time on it over the weekend... when they are both busy doing other things. But not always.

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Actually around 1 pm the sun comes through the windows over my fire place right onto the chair where I crochet. My friend calls them my amnityville windows (same shape).

So for about an hour or so, I would have the sun on me or in my eyes, so off I go to the computer.:hook

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I am GUILTY as charged..I would have ALL my WIPS DONE by now..But I LOVE being here too..If ONLY I COULD crochete and type..But I can't walk and chew gum either..I tell myself just a little bit..But then I spend HOURS and HOURS on here, looking at everyone's finished projects..That's it..It's ALL YOUR FAULT I'm on here..If you'd STOP POSTING PICS I wouldn't look..:lol;)

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Guilty as charged!!!! It seems like I'm always here. Just like now, I was going to sit and crochet on a project, on the way to my chair, I thought I would check something out here on the 'Ville, and as I was scrolling, I saw this poll!! :lol:blush:hook Too funny!!

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I spend way too much time on the internet. I'd love to spend as much time at home crocheting, but it's just not possible, I spend at least 12 hours a day working...sigh.

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Lots of time in the early AM after I feed the dog and have my first (and second :D) cup of coffee. Sometimes I'm here a lot longer than intended :eek, especially if there are lots of pics :yes

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Guilty as charged. But I'm on Crochetville. And there's not just the great pictures, but patterns, conversations, telling what yarns buys you've gotten, learning new techniques, see who's doing what. Well, there is just so much. And there is helping the newbies. So ... what are we going to do?

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Guilty as charged, But, my computer sits right in front of the chair that I do all my crocheting in so I can do a few stitches, then click for the next post, or pick up my keyboard and type away for a sec. Then I just pick my work back up and continue. :D It sometimes takes a long time to get through all the posts, but when you are multi-tasking things should take a bit longer, right? :lol

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If I spent even a fraction of the time I spend online crocheting, I'd be up to my boo-tay in finished objects! Fortunately, I have a VERY understanding boss, so the 8 hours that I'm downstairs at the desk for work is my serious crochet time. My at-home time is when I'm usually online, although it's not unusual for me to be online and crocheting at the same time. So while it's not a total wash-out, I'd get a WHOLE lot more done if I went into "crochet-only" mode instead of trying to do both crocheting AND being online at the same time. It's not even so difficult trying to crochet and work a mouse at the same time, but it's just so bleddy inconvenient only having one set of eyes! :lol

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I'm guilty too...


but there is a lot that steals crochet time. The internet is probably the main culprit though. Between C'ville & another board that I am admin on (non craft board although there are a few misc crafters that share their work for the non crafty folks ), then there is email & pattern hunting lol...I get obsessed some days with finding new patterns. :lol Make my rounds of blogs, CPC, Ravelry, Crochet Poet, crochet rings, etc. :hook Then sometimes I get "hooked" on tv...I can crochet while watching but sometimes the show is too interesting & I stop crochet to watch attentively.


In my defense lol, I do crochet usually 2 hrs per day or longer, mostly at night & sometimes an hr in the afternoon. I love crocheting at night though. It is like how I used to read before bed. Now I crochet. It's relaxing. Not that reading is boring, but after reading on the computer for a few hrs a day, I'd rather set my eyes on yarn & hook. :)

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Hmmmm... guess I'm the only one who thinks that if you spend more time talking about it than actually doing it... you're not really a crochet addict. And seems that some people are addicted to buying yarn, or collecting patterns..(that would be me!) than USING those yarn and patterns. I have collected a lot of patterns... just can't resist printing out those I think I might use someday... and I would buy more yarn if I could afford it... LOVE those textures and colors! BUT I am no longer addicted to the internet. And I spend hours crocheting during the day... not all at one time, of course.. just here and there, when I'm taking a break or while watching t.v.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Nope, I only spend about 45 minutes to an hour a day. All I do is check emails, check some sites, and I am done. I would rather crochet than surf the net any day. :crocheting

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Mostly I'm on the computer while I'm nursing the baby...sometimes I'll hang around a little longer than necessary if he falls asleep. That's why I don't post much, too...I'm an awful one-handed typist. :D

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