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Hooking For A Cure - UPDATE post #654


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what type of bird do you have daisy? I use to have lots of birds even sold babies:) Now I have nothing:(


all of you ladies have done awesome jobs here!! sorry i didn't get more done:( I had my hands into to many fires :sweat


anyway Daisy I mailed mine out to you today. it will be the small bag under all these BIG boxs:rofl

I only ended up with 14.:blush I had 20 but they were white and all I can say is white and :morcoffee do not go good together :2nono I should have known better than to leave them sitting there:bang




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Since you were okay with me not washing them... I did 3 more at lunch. So my total is 103. I'll do more this weekend and post on Monday. I may see what I can find for Periwinkle Blue. My former boss (who retired in December) just passed away and had stomach cancer (died from complications from it anyway). I also want to do some more teal (long story about why I don't have more). So I was going to do some yarn shopping for a new project (not really sure what) and will get some more for these squares.


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I am now up to 14 squares :cheer:cheer.

I don't think I would have any trouble stacking them!!!! I am not sure how many more I will get done, as my daughter is going into the hospital in about an hour to be induced. Her due date is April 4th, but her blood pressure is getting up there, so looks like I will have a second grandson tonight or tomorrow morning.

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I am now up to 14 squares :cheer:cheer.

I don't think I would have any trouble stacking them!!!! I am not sure how many more I will get done, as my daughter is going into the hospital in about an hour to be induced. Her due date is April 4th, but her blood pressure is getting up there, so looks like I will have a second grandson tonight or tomorrow morning.



Congratulations! You must be soooooo excited!!! :yay

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Sounds like your postal carrier is gonna need some muscle relaxants and a nap after making the deliveries to your house!!:D




Not only will she need the muscle relaxants and a nap, she is going to want a BIG tip! :eek:lol

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what type of bird do you have daisy? I use to have lots of birds even sold babies:) Now I have nothing:(


all of you ladies have done awesome jobs here!! sorry i didn't get more done:( I had my hands into to many fires :sweat


anyway Daisy I mailed mine out to you today. it will be the small bag under all these BIG boxs:rofl

I only ended up with 14.:blush I had 20 but they were white and all I can say is white and :morcoffee do not go good together :2nono I should have known better than to leave them sitting there:bang





I have a Lutino Ringneck Parakeet. She is much larger than a budgie and has a very long tail. She is clumbsy when she flies though. She is out of her cage much of the day and plays with her cardboard box. The funny thing is that she is a very tempermental bird. She doesn't like me, and I'm the one who gives her treats, feeds her, cleans her cage. She loves my hubby and my son. She will let them pet her, but when I come an try to pet her, she flies away. She has never bit me though. They say that animals will not bite the hand that feeds them, so maybe there is still hope.

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I am now up to 14 squares :cheer:cheer.

I don't think I would have any trouble stacking them!!!! I am not sure how many more I will get done, as my daughter is going into the hospital in about an hour to be induced. Her due date is April 4th, but her blood pressure is getting up there, so looks like I will have a second grandson tonight or tomorrow morning.


deedes, 14 squares is fabulous! Really! You have no idea how each one is so important. When the squares are laid out....14 makes a big hunk of afghan. Thank you so very very much! :hug:hug:hug

Congratulations on the upcoming arrival of your second grandson. :yay:cheer You must be :c9

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The hand is doing good today so I got one more for you. I am going to see if I can get a few more by monday.


What a sweetheart and trooper you are! You are so determined to get those squares done :hug That is true love of the craft and the cause. Be careful and don't re-injure that hand. Take it easy and don't overdue yourself. When your hand is all nicely healed, you will be able to do more. We all care about you! :hug:hug:hug

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What a sweetheart and trooper you are! You are so determined to get those squares done :hug That is true love of the craft and the cause. Be careful and don't re-injure that hand. Take it easy and don't overdue yourself. When your hand is all nicely healed, you will be able to do more. We all care about you! :hug:hug:hug



Thanks Daisy!:manyheart Believe me I wont overdue it becuase the last thing I want is to have to go through crochet withdrawl again. It was ot fun and I don't think I handeled it to well. I wil still try to weave in the ends but that is not going to well at the moment so if you dont mind i will try to keep making squares instead. :hook

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I sent off what I thought was all of my squares on Thursday. However, we were cleaning up my pile of WIP and yarn and found a small bag of the squares that were missed when I was stuffing them into the box. And I do mean stuffing them. LOL. I will send these out next week.


Way to go everyone on all the squares!!!!!!!!

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I sent off what I thought was all of my squares on Thursday. However, we were cleaning up my pile of WIP and yarn and found a small bag of the squares that were missed when I was stuffing them into the box. And I do mean stuffing them. LOL. I will send these out next week.


Way to go everyone on all the squares!!!!!!!!


See Candi, you made so many squares that they decided to get a mind of their own and hide from you. They must have seen you coming at them with a crochet hook in your hand :lol

It is frustrating, when you think you have everything all set to go and then find that you missed something. here are some hugs to make you feel better :hug:hug:hug

I can't wait to see all these gorgeous squares.

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You can't pack them already.....we still have 4 days!!!!!:eek



I wish I could do more... :( but I have so many other charities going on at the same time... :P

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I wish I could do more... :( but I have so many other charities going on at the same time... :P


You have done really great! 26 squares IS a lot! It's close enough to half an afghan. That is a lot of work! I thank you so very very much and I look forward to receiving them. :hug:hug:hug

I know what you mean about trying to work on more than one charity at a time. I found myself in that position more than once :lol

Take care and have a great weekend.

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Ladies, we just have 2 days left to go.


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I just wanted to show you all a picture of 63 of my 91 squares. I'm still trying to reach my 100 square goal. Only 9 more squares to go :cheer can I make it by the deadline? :think I hope so!

In the picture I have all of the cancer colors represented....every single color, LOL. It wasn't easy, but I did it. I made 2 squares for each color and 1 extra brown one for the colon cancer and walla, that made my 63.

Here it is: even though I still have to weave in the ends and arrange them in an order to assemble them. I only have them laid out here for show....not in the order of assembly.

The squares are all made from the "Circle of Friends" pattern, maybe that is why it took me so long to make them.

Hooking+for+a+Cure+Afghan-1.jpg Whatcha think?

If it is not clickable, you can see in on my blog and click on that one for a larger view.

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