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After holidays projects-What do you have planned?

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Well, first, I would like to say that I am excited that my law school finals are almost over. Once those are done, I plan on getting started on my 2008 projects. I would like to make a felted tote bag to keep my smaller projects in, a new ripple afghan dubbed the "Scotland afghan" because of the colors, a blue and black flannelghan, a couple of scarfs for me and two beret hats, and anything else that might help me use up some of my stash! If Santa was very nice, there might be some yarn under the tree to make an afghan out of that would be variegated shades of pink, yellow, green, blue and purple made into squares and then bordered in black. So, another busy year!:hook

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Here at the hotel we are opening a new gift shop, and our owner has told me that I can sell anything I make in there and he wants nothing from it, it will all be mine! So now I have to come up with some of my own patterns for things that I can make and put in the gift shop to sell. I'll probably spend a good portion of the winter and spring doing that, and hopefully next summer I will start my holiday crochet early. Yeah, yeah, I say that every year, and every year I'm caught in the last minute crunch to get things done because I didn't start until Thanksgiving. :lol



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sleep hehe jk i am going to go thru alot of my stash and try and sell what i don't need , which is alot i have decided to get rid of over half of it:eek:eek i know:clap:P then am going to focus on making things for my etsy shop:crocheting:crocheting:crocheting

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After Xmas I'm going to use the gift certificate from our LYS hubby gave me for our anniversary in October....I decided to not get any new yarn until I used up what I have. Believe me, it hasn't been easy. My first project will be the Boboletta Cocoon Jacket or the Lisette Shawl, both by Gourmet Crochet!



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I'll be back to making things for charity. Winter hats for children, blankets and bonnets and booties for babies, along with projects for the county fair.


I have enough WIM that I will stay busy for the year.



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I want to finish a couple of things.

An Indian blanket

The cable bag that I have been stumped on the pattern & laid aside to make gifts.


A vest or ss top, hopefully starting before New Years.


I haven't planned beyond those yet but I'd like to make a couple of tops or cardi's in 08 & also learn to write patterns finally (going to start with small things).

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a pastel van goh RR for my lil sis and her first baby

a shawl for my soon to be SIL to wear with her wedding dress

clothes for me but after I get close to my goal weight (makes for a good incentive to lose that weight)

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The first thing I am going to do is finish a sweater I started for myself three months ago. I knew better than to start it, but I did. lol


Then there's a whole list of stuff including a couple bags and some animals and toys to stash for the rescue squad I volunteer with to have on hand for children at medical calls and accidents.

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I will probably finish up some wip's that were going to be gifts for this Christmas, which now will be gifts for next Christmas!!:eek:lol And Santa is bringing me an "Edgerydoo"--so I will be playing with that.:crocheting My oldest dd's friend is having a boy this January--I plan on making a blanket for the baby. I will finally be able to work on some blankets for "Project Linus"!!:crocheting And, finally, to file ALL OF THE PATTERNS I have bought and downloaded for free, before they get lost!!:eek

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I have so many things I want to make this year. Shawls for my aunts, a nice big blanket for our bed, a dice bag for myself (I never make anything for myself!), gifts for next Christmas... I also hope to get a couple blankets made for Project Linus. I work with our local coordinator and I always feel guilty that I haven't gotten anything made for the project yet...

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Well I am going to make make myself a pentacle blanket. I am going to convert a filet pattern I found in Magical Needlework book.


I am moving the week of Christmas (nice huh?? :eek) So my WIM include curtains (since I found my sewing machine and will have the space), plastic canvas coasters, and "stuff" for the house. I planned on making a fleece blanket for my DD for her b-day in November then again planned for Christmas but see sewing problem above :D. I am not going to get all my Christmas gifts done so I have made a promise to some family members (bunch of grapes for Mom Mom, and start a nativity for Gram...etc)


My girlfriend is having her 1st baby and I have to make the most special layette and shawl for her.


Other than that I made a commitment for 12 toys for KristieMN's toy drive so I have 11 left to go.


The rest is just busy work. When I don't have commitments I crochet what I find then find homes for them.

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Let's see, where do I start?


1. Finish the Round-and-Round tablecloth for my mother--was supposed to be done by Christmas, but it ain't happenin'.

2. Continue working on the Summer Snowflake tablecloth for my grandmother for next Christmas.

3. Finish up the Anona Christening dress...the pattern is designed and written out, but the skirt is taking me FOREVER. (then again, i only have the patience to do a single round at a time)

4. Finish up a special project I started this week for next Christmas... I'm designing a 12 Days of Christmas Ornament set, which I hope to have finished for submission (4 down, 8 to go).

5. Continue plugging away at my maternity line...barely touched it since my brainstorming session in September.

6. Make a blue and white snowflake afghan for one of my aunts for next Christmas.

7. Make 5 sets of snowflake ornies for my family.


There's a long list of more, but these are the ones I can currently think of.

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