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Woo Hoo...got my Ravelry invite!

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OK...I'm so in trouble now. I got my invite yesterday to Ravelry. I am afraid I will be spending a lot of time there...at least while I set everything up.


My only problem.....When I'm at work (I work in a school), Flikr is blocked because of the porn content. I can't see any pictures.....


By the way...I'm smokeyp81 there too!

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hehe I got mine yesterday and I spent most of the day there looking around and getting things set up. I'll probably be there all day today, too. I'm under RobynRenee there.

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I got mine today too. But I'm having a little trouble. I can't open the Flickr account because I can't get the yahoo account created. It takes all my information, but doesn't go anywhere when I click create account. I don't know why. I'm at work, but I wouldn't think that would matter. Any ideas?

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I got my invite yesterday, just had a few minutes to open my account and peek around a bit - I'm Crocus58 there too . . . . . I found the Crochetville group, but haven't joined yet. If I spend as much time on line as I want to, I can't get any crocheting done!!!!

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I got mine yesterday also. Not sure how much time I am going to spending there. I am just not sure about the site. I for one, will not set up a flicker account. I have a photobucket and that is where my photos are, I don't need 2 sites. Can someone explain to me what the big deal about Raverly is? I am crazycrochet on there. Thanks.

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I'm not crazy about the Flickr thing either...right now all my photos are on photobucket. I think I read somewhere that later on they may accept other photo hosting sites. But, what I love about the site is you can enter all the yarn you have in your stash into it and it will show you what other people have made with that same yarn...I think patterns too. You can also enter all the hooks and needles that you have so you can better track what you might need for a certain project. That is just the tip of the iceburg as far as what it will do for you. I only know this much from what I have read online. I have only just set up my profile. Maybe this weekend I will get a chance to start taking pictures of my yarn and such....Can't wait!

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I signed in yesterday as darski over there. I didn't even have a chance to look around as it was just before bedtime.


I think I may have a flikr account but never use it.


Well, I will go looking for the Ville group but I'm not seeing the attraction yet. Maybe it's an age thingy :grandma

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Ravelry seems pretty neat, I guess. I'm on over there. I like being able to put up all my stuff, but since I don't use patterns much.... it is a little frustrating. I can't seem to figure out how to navigate/use/see all the forums. I'm not sure, really, how much I'll use it... I like the setup here much better. I do like the fact that there is knitting there too, even though I don't knit. I still like seeing finished projects in both crafts.

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*Edit to add: never mind. I found it. :) That was quick--they've gone through several thousand people in the last two weeks! It said something like 18,000 when I signed up and now there are 8800 ahead of me.**



I saw a bunch of people in the other Ravelry thread talking about their place in line for invitations. How do you find that out? I signed up on the waiting list about two or so weeks ago.

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Hi gals, I'm fairly new on Ravelry but have found it rather addictive. I like having my pattern, pictures, WIMs and WIPs all in one place. I haven't found that I use the forum or group features very much - nothing compare to the 'ville - but it's fun. I'm CrochetCupcake if you want to say hi!



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I saw a bunch of people in the other Ravelry thread talking about their place in line for invitations. How do you find that out? I signed up on the waiting list about two or so weeks ago.



Here is the link waiting list checker..type in your e-mail addy and it will tell you.

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Ravelry is an interesting site for crochet and knit. It's currently still in Beta, which is why there's a waiting list to get on. They're gradually increasing the numbers of people to 'stress test' the servers and help look for bugs/suggest improvements. It's pretty cool. A nice place to organize your yarn/patterns/projects and to see what others are up to. The website is http://www.ravelry.com.

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