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What are the other things you do while crocheting?

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I always have coffee while crocheting. See my cluttered computer table. It's always a combo crochet-coffee-computer, a 3C task! :hook:lol




I first set up the PC, login into blogs, forums, etc then set it to where you want to read first. Crochet, crochet, crochet, alt + tab, sip, crochet, crochet, crochet. :c9 That's why I have so many WIPs now. :lol Everytime I see new inspirations, I would get a new set of tools then start a new one.

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I crochet almost daily, usually in front of tv along with a drink and snacks. (Thank you, my adored DVR and Netflix!)


I also crochet when I commute on the subway, plane and the car (as a passenger!). My friends and family are used to see me crochetting when I visit them. I am able to watch them signing to me, even if it slow my crochetting time. I only crochet when I feel it 's polite to do so.


I used to go in chatrooms and lurk, watch posts flying by while I crochet. Now there are not any good free chatrooms. Anyone know of one ?

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Yes, I too crochet while watching tv, riding in a car, waiting for someone (happens alot, sons & husband) and while surfing.


I often thought it would be great if someone would invent a way to control your computer with your foot. Like a mouse for your foot. Heck, my mom had a sewing machine that you used the side of your knee to push a lever to control the machine.


That way your hands would be free for kids, babies and of course crocheting!!!! :D



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Vacation is in 2 weeks :D. I've already planned to take a couple of projects with me. I look forward to viewing the ocean and listening to the waves while working on projects.:hook


Ahhhhh... sounds like heaven on earth!!! :c9

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For the audio book people see if your local library is a NetLibrary participant if so and you have an MP3 player that is not an iPod and is compatible with Media Player you can download books for free! You can keep them on your player for three weeks! At least in my area it is really great! I too listen to music,surf the web, watch TV,go to the Renn Faire if you are in Maryland I can be found most Sundays at The White Hart crocheting stage left.

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I often do the internet, or read (loosely bound hardback books are the best, such as the Tintin three-books-in-ones), or watch Answers in Genesis videos, or listen to audiobooks, but maybe my favorite thing to do while I crochet is to watch a disney animated dvd and put on the french soundtrack. I just borrowed the Bambi special edition, and because my library is doing something with it's catalog, I get to keep it until OCTOBER THE FIFTH!!!! Woohoo!

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Heck, my mom had a sewing machine that you used the side of your knee to push a lever to control the machine.


That way your hands would be free for kids, babies and of course crocheting!!!! :D





That's amazing! Wish we could also do something like that. But for transcriptionist, there is actually a pedal attach to your computer where you can control play/pause/rewind/forward while listening/watching the recording so your hands are busy transcribing. :eek

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I crochet constantly, unless I'm working, sleeping, or in a restaurant :). I do most of it in front of the TV or in the car on the way to/from work (DH driving). I've even been known to crochet on the exercise bike so I don't have to put down my hook to exercise.


Funny you should mention WOW. My husband's trying to get me to play LOTR Online. He just got another point in favor :).

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I crochet constantly, unless I'm working, sleeping, or in a restaurant :). I do most of it in front of the TV or in the car on the way to/from work (DH driving). I've even been known to crochet on the exercise bike so I don't have to put down my hook to exercise.


Funny you should mention WOW. My husband's trying to get me to play LOTR Online. He just got another point in favor :).


:lol Thank God for exercise bikes!

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I crochet at:

soccer games

football games

school board meetings

Town meeting

intermissions at school plays and concerts

baseball games


I wish I had the nerve to crochet during sermons ... it would enable me to listen all the better. Truly!

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I crochet while watching TV, talking to my family (especially my daughter-the-knitter, who is knitting at the same time), waiting in doctors' and therapists' offices for my mother, traveling and while my embroidery machine is stitching out designs.

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On warm spring, summer, fall days I like to sit in the back yard in the swing and enjoy the flowers and birds. It is so peaceful. When I'm inside the T.V. is always on so it is background noise. Since hubby retired usually something I don't really want to watch.


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I crochet while watching TV and playing games on the computer while waiting for the game to start or my turn.


I have also tried crocheting in the shower. Well, yarn + hot water = felt right? You have to crochet really really fast thou to get it done before it starts to felt. (just checking to see if anyone is awake)

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I am like most of you guys. I tend to crochet, log on to computer, crochet some more, check out e-mail, crochet, check out blogs, crochet, crochet, and check crochetville, of course. I also love to listen to podcats and watch T.V. and then crochet some more!

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My tv is on ALL the time here -- since I'm single and it keeps me company. I do crochet while watching tv, but not as much as I would like since I have five cats. So I do some crocheting while the TV is going.


I crochet on my lunch hour at work. In the evening, I usually go into the bedroom -- where the cats are NOT allowed -- and crochet for about an hour or maybe an hour and a half before going to bed.


I take my crochet projects with me wherever I go -- to a doctor appointment, when I am meeting someone for lunch/dinner -- you just never know when you might have time for a few stitches.


Yes, I am definitely addicted to crocheting. A day without crocheting is a wasted day.

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I do the usual, watch tv or movies, listen to music (while singing along), at work, in the car, walking home from dropping my youngest off at school, etc. I also crochet while I'm playing FFXI since the wait times for a party can be long at times. On my facebook account, it says I get paid to crochet while taking breaks to take rents from tenents and show apartments to possible tenents. The tenents usually stop by my office to see what I'm working on whenever I'm in there since it's usually something different each time.


I guess a better question for me is when don't I crochet which is when I'm sleeping, on the net or going to the bathroom.


Hugs and Cookies

Auntie K

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