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Your Crochet christmas list

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:hook Whats on your crochet Christmas list?


I like the idea or making specialized ornaments and the "Grocery Bag Dispenser " by crochet dude.. I think that is something everyone could use.


What about you?

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The only thing on my Christmas list right now is the afghan I am currently working on and had planned to give to a friend as a birthday present next week. It will not be finished for her birthday so now it will be her Christmas gift instead. I'm sure I will be making other gifts, just not sure what they are yet.

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I am a Principal of a small school, and each year I have crocheted gifts for all 25 of my staff. I had to start extra early this year as I am hoping to make these santa wall hangings for them! I was also hoping to crochet my new daughter her christmas dress.

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I am making Travelghans out of camo for my 4 grandkids, all different camo colors,the boys will have the greens/blacks/browns and my DGD will have pink camo.....better get going!!!

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oh boy where do I start?:ohdear


My parents are getting an afghan.

I'm making a blanket for my best friend's son.

I'll probably crochet something for our family gift exchange.

My dad and FIL are possibly getting slippers. As mom and MIL got one for mothers day, didn't get them done in time for Fathers day.:oops

I would like to make a blanket for my daughter and possibly a christmas dress.:ctree


I'm sure there is more but I can't think of them. .... oh plus I have all the christmas things I need to make for my shop. Ornaments, hats/scarfs, and what ever else I have time for.:wgrin


Wow better learn how to crochet faster!:morcoffee

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oh boy where do I start?:ohdear


My parents are getting an afghan.

I'm making a blanket for my best friend's son.

I'll probably crochet something for our family gift exchange.

My dad and FIL are possibly getting slippers. As mom and MIL got one for mothers day, didn't get them done in time for Fathers day.:oops

I would like to make a blanket for my daughter and possibly a christmas dress.:ctree


I'm sure there is more but I can't think of them. .... oh plus I have all the christmas things I need to make for my shop. Ornaments, hats/scarfs, and what ever else I have time for.:wgrin


Wow better learn how to crochet faster!:morcoffee

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A crocheted kippot for my husband with pearls and hand-made Stars of David, a couple of chenille purses for friends, some scarves, maybe a shawl for my mil if she likes the ones I'm working on when she visits in two weeks.

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I've actually parsed down my crochet list for Christmas since there are some things people want (i.e. silicone bake ware) that is just impossible to make.


So, right now I just need to get an afghan for my father and one for my sister. Also, maybe a pair of fingerless mittens (the ones that have the flap attached) for a friend in canada.


If I can, I want to get a stuffed animal done for the bf. He's been wanting a Moogle for a bit. (A creature that is from the final fantasy game series) I think he thinks I gave up on it. Just need to do it in secret so he doesn't find out!

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My list is insane and I have very little done or even started. I am about 3/4 done with a tote for SIL, started an afghan for mom, 4 stuffed animals (one for each child), totes for 2 friends... that's all I am sure of right now. However I also have 2 craft fair I do every Christmas...

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I like the idea of painting a snowscene (house, tree, snowpeople) on a crochet or knit "canvas". I have to finish the cotton swatch, wash it, and test it out...basically to see if it will work, and secondly how it will wash. If it doesn't work (or if I hate it) I will probably crochet oblongish squares and sew on snowpeople, gingerbread people and a house, maybe a snowcovered personalized mailbox on a stump, mittens, stockings, and xmas tree. If I whipstitched the squares together, I would also rustically sew over the seams with a black thread to give it a patchwork look, and I would also put that detail on the crocheted objects that I sew on. Then again, I don't know if I'd like how the reverse side of the project would look...unless I made two of each embellishment and sewed them onto both sides so the stitches wouldn't matter.....I don't know, but I feel a little bit obsessed with both of these ideas. If you like them, feel free to have at it.

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I have one thing done already, and one thing half way done!


The FO for Christmas ~ A Seraphina shawl, for my step mom


The WIP for Christmas ~ An afghan for my neighbor, he watches the dogs for me when I go out of town.


On my To-Do-List:

A long stocking cap ~ for my sister

Another Seraphina shawl ~ for my mom

A simple shawl ~ for my mother-in-law

A stuffed turtle (or) A spider man RR ~ for my son

A pie pan holder ~ for my other neighbor

And more if there is time!

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I'm working on two granny square afghans. One is black and white checkered and the other is red and black checkered. I know I want to do at least two more afghans for my friend. I don't know whatelse there will be, but I know there will be more.

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An afghan for my SIL, scarves for SIL, nieces, MIL. SnB purse IF I can make one for myself first (to make sure it's done right ;) ), and Christmas pins for colleagues. I'll remember more after my coffee. Maybe an afghan for my parents, even though they don't speak to me. And the EdgeryDoo will be used for some! (I'm going to try to try it this weekend; I have so much to do!!!!!!!)


Have a great day,


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Slippers, slippers and more slippers! I make just about everyone on my list slippers then I get them a little something to go with the slippers. Slippers are a comfort thing like chocolate!:ctree:gift

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3 afghans (yeah, I still think I can get these done... I have 2 half-way done)


2 FBB's for friends


1 poncho for my niece (it's already done!!)


Barbie clothes for my other niece (haven't started these yet)


Think I can get them all done??? :eek :eek

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I was planning on doing :


An outfit for my grown daughter -- granny skirt with matching jacket and a purse or two


A doily for my best friend, probably a purse too


A v-neck vest and hat for my grown son, maybe a lapghan if I get to it


A seraphina for my mother


A doll for my 5 yr old


My hubby gets nothing crocheted because he has this weirdy tactile thing that it makes his skin crawl if he touches anything soft :think



Wow -- I guess I better get started!

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Socks but I'm not sure how many pairs I will actually get done. It is Renn Faire season here and I am in retail so after October I have even less time to crochet.

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