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2008 Crochet Pattern A day Calendar

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Hello! I just thought I would let anyone who has been waiting on this calendar that they might want to check Barnes and Noble. I just got back from there and bought both the 2008 Knitting calendar and the 2008 Crochet calendar. It's so neat to see pictures on the calender from people I have "met" Like June from planetjune is on the inside flap of the box!! I haven't opened the crochet one yet, I'm looking through the knit one first. I want to be able to look longer at the Crochet calendar!!


Linda :cheer

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Thanks for sharing that info! I was so bummed cause I waited too long to get my hands on an 07 calendar, I'll have to jump on the 08! :clap

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I can't wait to go to Barnes and Noble to get mine! What a time for my daughter to switch jobs!;)


ps. I also noticed that on Amazon.com they have some of the Crochet pattern a Day "2007" in their listings some new and some used.

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Those of you who already have this calendar -- would you mind checking to see if CroshayQueen's Sexy SpiderWeave Shrug is in it? It was supposed to be in 2007's calendar and a lot of us bought that calendar specifically for that pattern and were pretty bummed that it was omitted. :( I don't think I'll bite this year unless that pattern shows up...

Crochet 2008 TOC (link). That was the last TOC I saw for it, and I couldn't see it in there... but maybe someone who has the calendar knows.

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Please tell me the Knitting one is better than last year...except for a few patterns, the 2007 Knitting calendar was the biggest waste of money I ever spent.

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Sorry! I looked for the pattern you wanted in the calendar and did not find it. :(




Crochet 2008 TOC (link). That was the last TOC I saw for it, and I couldn't see it in there... but maybe someone who has the calendar knows.


Thanks for checking for the pattern, Linda, and also, Debbi, thank you for posting the ToC; it was very helpful to see the variety of items this year. I do appreciate your help.


I haven't decided yet if I will get this year's, but at least there are a few items that sound interesting to me...

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What I'm going to do is look at the box at the store, on the back they usually put some pictures of the patterns in the calendar and that can help me decide. It does look like more patterns in the 2008 then the 2007, and I do like it, it's just nice to have at my desk at work.


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  • 4 weeks later...

I got the calendar at Borders today. I'm so excited as I've heard of, but never owned one of these.


I have, of course gone through all the patterns and saw several I want to start right now. But I'm restraining myself until I finish at least some of the eleventy-million projects I've already started. :D

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I haven't decided if I will buy it. I was disappointed with the 07 calander. Too many patterns were stretched into days that could have been on one or two sheets. Some patterns need a few days to get the whole pattern in, but some I feel were just stretched to stretch them.


For those who have bought it, give some examples of the patterns and I might consider it.



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from the Crochet 2008 TOC (link) it looks like there are quiet a few this year. Of course it looks like they probably put Sat/Sun together as usual. So it looks better then the 2007, which I was disappointed in too with the stretched out patterns for several days.


Anyone else purchase it yet? I'd have to go to a large bookstore, not close to me, to get it, I'm sure. I haven't saw it so far with the calendars in the stores by me.


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i just got the 2006 one at a yard sale for 50 cents! excited about that.

i was disappointed about 2007. i agree with some of you that patterns would go on forever! there were some that were 7 plus days long! and of course, they are patterns that i have NO interest in making. like that barbie wedding dress! i think that was around 10 days long. I don't even have a barbie.

anyway...i'm excited to see 2008. i got my 2007 at sam's club.

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