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I was at a grocery store

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And I saw this lady with a beautiful sweater. I guess I must have been looking too long cause she said can I help you? I said oh I'm sorry I was just trying to figure out how to crochet your sweater. LOL! She said oh you can buy it at JC Pennys! :P:lol

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Hello there!


I'm new here but couldn't resist to this thread first. Had me giggling for sure.


I'm awful. Always fussing at myself in the stores because I never have any paper in my purse preventing me from jotting down quick notes on all those wonderful crochet items that I just drooled all over!......lol.


Thanks for the snicker,




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Aren't we bad? I nearly stalked a woman who was wearing an interesting poncho - surreptiously started following her down a few aisles! Couldn't get

close enough to figure the stitches out, though - probably should have just

gone up and introduced myself!

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Working in a doctor's office I see many people all day long. One girl came in with an open work full length single button cotton sweater thing very much like filet crochet. it is a good thing she was a "frequent flyer" because when i asked her about the sweater she just laughed and told me that she would let me borrow it for a few weeks so I could figure it out. I borrowed it but never could figure it out.

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I do the same thing...most of the times I don't get "caught". Once I was looking at a women's purse for too long though...She gave me a nasty look and turned around and stormed off. I was only trying to "steal" the pattern. I guess she thought I was looking to "steal" her purse though.

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One of the ladies at our DMV had a beautiful crocheted open front sweater on one time when I was in, and I told her how much I liked it. I am a car dealer so I am always in DMV, anyway the next time I went in, she gave me a copy of the pattern. I haven't made it yet, but when the weather start to cool off, I am sure I will get the pattern out.

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I didn't think I did this until I just went to get me some lunch. On the elevator up was a lady with a nylon purse. I was looking to see if it was the same one another lady had, and it didn't look like it. I, of course, didn't reconize the person, just the purse! LOL. So I guess I do stare too long because I remember the other purse...

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That is so funny! :lol


The other day I saw a woman in the bathroom at work and kept looking at the shirt she had over a tank top and I finally asked her if she made it and she :lol ! Then she walked out as I was looking at it trying to figure out how to make it as she walked away and :eek I forgot to ask her where she got it!

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I work in a grocery store and see lots of crochet hats, bags, sweaters, etc. One lady was wearing a hat that looked like a frog on a lily pad. It's meant for kids, but she loves frogs so a friend gave her one as a gift. I couldn't get the pattern. It would make a neet stuffed toy.

Ellie 13

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We used to have a Fabric Bonanza stoe nearby. When they were going out of business, I bought some things on closeout. While I was on line to pay, the lady before me had matched up some yarn to complete her afghan. I had admired her afghan as I had never seen that stitch pattern, and I asked her if I could copy it while we were waiting on line. I took out some scrap paper from my purse and drew a diagram of the stitch pattern. I went home and while it was fresh on my mind I made a swatch. I made a sweater (no pattern) using that stitch and gave it to my daughter-in-law to be. Well, she gained weight and got rid of the sweater, and I lost my sample swatch, and I have never seen that stitch pattern since. Bummer.

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My MIL especially likes things that "appear handmade" and recently she's been buying crocheted purses. She has a couple that I just adore the stitches so I asked to borrow it for a couple hours...Didn't tell her why and I didn't even leave the house, just sat there and started jotting a sketch.

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maybe we should come up with a slogan on a shirt :

i'm not stareing (sp?) at you, i'm a crocheter or

i'm not a perv, i'm justing trying to figure what stitch was used

any other ideas ?

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