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another soldier needs our help, lizakayes son


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We were brought up to know that if you TRULY give something, you relinquish all control over the item.


My squares are now your squares. You may use them as your conscience guides you.

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Thanks so much y'all!!!

I'm finishing the border on Lisa's blanket this weekend and will be getting it delivered to her the first part of next week!! Lisa, I'll send you the DC#.....


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We were brought up to know that if you TRULY give something, you relinquish all control over the item.


My squares are now your squares. You may use them as your conscience guides you.


Can it be said any better? :manyheart

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I forgot to put a tag on mine too shame on me but you will be getting mine in a day or so . will be glad to help make more . like I said before My son in in SOI in Ca. he will be out in 5 wks he told his Dad after he got to his Duty station he would probably have to Go over. I dont know what else I can do but help as much as I could. When we went to his Graduation He told use that A lot of thse guys dont have anybody that cared about them and a lot never got so much as a post card.So maybe Lisas son knows some one like that over there that we could help. Dont mean to over whelm you with this ,just when you need a break let us know and Im sure that we could take turns doing the putting together. But just let me know how many more you need or want and Ill do all I can.

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christie, i say whatever ya want to do is fine. will try and make a few more soon. right now have to much going on with whats happening in our family



god bless you sweetie for doing this. wow is all i can say:cheer:cheer:cheer:cheer

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Dear Ladies (and I do mean DEAR),


Brandon says there are many soldiers that never receive anything, and he says it's the saddest thing to say a soldier walk away from mail call with nothing in his hands.

Friends, co-workers, family, have sent many care packages to him, and some of the things he needs and some of it he doesn't-and he always makes sure that his men get anything he can't use. At Christmas, he said pretty much every soldier in his group got something out of his care packages-cause he was very blessed with so much. So anything you want to send would be a blessing and he would make sure that the soldiers who don't receive anything would get it.

Just let me know what you'd like to do, and I'll ask him what's the best way to get it to them.......

He's still waiting for the beautiful afghan to arrive, and when it does, I'll post his message to you all. God bless all of you for taking the time to make those square, and a BIG thank you to Mythunderbird and CD Bear for all the time, trouble and effort in coordinating and putting the afghan together, you're very special women and will never be forgotten.

PM me or send me an e-mail - and we can talk about possibilities of helping other soldiers.

Take care :ghug wish I could give each of you a big hug!

Lisa, Proud Army Mom of Brandon,:heart serving in Iraq

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I read your post about our military and had something to share. I belong to Soldiers' Angels and our purpose is to support our military. As an angel, I am asked to write 1 letter a week and send 1 care package a month to my "adopted" soldier. I have never been more proud of anything I have ever done. Check out their website www.soldiersangels.org. If you have any questions, feel free to contact me.



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CDBear, sent you some more squares on Friday. Can't make anymore for a few days because of an injury to my hand, but will make some more soon if you need them.


LizaKaye, that breaks my heart to think of our troops being so far away from home and not receiving mail or goody boxes. I pray for our troops and their families daily. I found out last summer that when my dad was overseas in WWII that there was a period of over a year where my grandmother did not hear from him. I just can't imagine what my grandmother went through or my dad either. I just appreciate our troops so much. There are not enough words to express my gratitude to them and their families that sacrifice so much.

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CDBear would you like us to put tags on the squares that we send in for

the soldiers and military moms?:think Also is there a cut off date that you

have in mind so you can do your own stuff? I think it's great that you

are doing this!!:clap Have a Good One!!!

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Buttercup: It's not absolutely necessary for you to put tags on your squares.....I have plenty here.....but it does help. I just think it's neat for the recipient to be able to see just how many places the squares have come from.

There is no deadline to get squares in to me. I'm working on several different projects right now, and I can bounce between them with very little difficulty. I'll continue to put squares together, and either give them to a soldier's mom/wife or take them to the VA. Our Patriot Guard chapter plans a ride around Thanksgiving/Christmas each year to the VA hospital in Jackson, MS and another veteran's home near Jackson. I was thinking that would be a perfect place to take any that don't have homes by that time.......

Thank you for your continuing support of our brave military members and their families!

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I hope you have recieved the squares I sent . Do you still need more My daughter said she would make some too. I hope we can keep this at the top of the list as I think it soo important. To be helpful makes me feel good I know for a fact that my son will be deployed sometime after the 1st of the year.When I talked to him the other night he was so homesick and discouraged ,he has 3 weeks before he grads from SOI still has the dessert to look forward to lol. I felt bad because there was nothing I could do to ease he .you know feeling helpless he 2000 miles away from home . So I made a few squares maybe it might ease someone elses son or daughter . So if you need more squares let me know ok . A BIG THANK YOU for doing all you can to help our kids.

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I hope you have recieved the squares I sent . Do you still need more My daughter said she would make some too. I hope we can keep this at the top of the list as I think it soo important. To be helpful makes me feel good I know for a fact that my son will be deployed sometime after the 1st of the year.When I talked to him the other night he was so homesick and discouraged ,he has 3 weeks before he grads from SOI still has the dessert to look forward to lol. I felt bad because there was nothing I could do to ease he .you know feeling helpless he 2000 miles away from home . So I made a few squares maybe it might ease someone elses son or daughter . So if you need more squares let me know ok . A BIG THANK YOU for doing all you can to help our kids.


Fancy, I did receive your beautiful squares! If you and your daughter wish to continue contributing, I'd be happy to accept them! Thank you for your generosity!!

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Just to let you know Brandon and I have received our blankets and they are WONDERFUL!!! He is so thrilled and made the remark that there are lots of talented people out there cause it was really more than he expected.

I will be taking pictures of mine this weekend, and will post along with a formal thank you.

Please know that your generosity and care have made at least ONE soldier happy and very proud that he's an American.

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I received this email today........


I just wanted to write and thank you for the afghan you sent to me. Thank you for taking the time to put that together and send it here. Its wonderful to know that we have the support of our loved ones and friends, and even strangers who are in the states. I am sending the afghan home as I do not want to ruin it in this place but it is something I will keep forever. Your thoughulness and kindness is truly appreciated. Thank you for your continued support of all of America's heroes.

Thanks again Ladies, for making this project a wonderful blessing for all of us!!!


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