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Does anyone else do this or am I just wierd!

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Ok so I am getting ready for my show in Dec. and I am making a lot of holiday themed things here in June of all times of the year.. Ok now here is where I get not so normal. I am listening to Christmas music while I work. Yes I know it's in June but it's really helping me get some of these things done.


So am I the only one to do this or is there someone else out there please don't let me be alone on this one lol I don't have money to go see a therapist on things like this.. :P



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i listen to xmas music when i wrap gifts...... thats about it. i usually watch "how the grinch stole christmas" (both versions) you arent weird, you are getting in the spirit!!! :)

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It makes sense to me to use Christmas music to help get in the mood. When it's 90+ degrees outside, it's hard to get motivated, much less think about Christmas.

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It's great to think about dancing in the snow in June or all summer! I know I always watch National Lampoons "Summer Vacation" movie when its really cold outside. So, I guess I'm pretty strange myself.. hehe

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Okay, so I guess I won't sound like a total freak when I say this, but yes, I do sometimes watch Christmas movies in the summer while I work on Christmas things! I'll probably be doing that this week, working on Christmas in July patterns.

Just...please don't tell my husband or kids, they already think I'm weird watching Harry Potter movies over and over (and over and over) while I crochet, solely for inspiration!



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Many years ago (read early 80's) I would work all year long on crafts to sell at craft fairs from the end of Sept. right on through to the week before Christmas. This was before the Do It Yourself Craft Craze set in and there were very few places you could buy crafting materials so you had to be very inventive. Some of my stuff was Christmas themed and some of it was not. I would make $30,000 profit in those few short months. NOW I bet I could sell $5,000. in that same length of time, at least not where I live :no


But in answer to your question, NO you are not crazy or wierd. I would play Christmas Music all year long to keep me motivated. I also kept an artificial Christmas tree set up in my craft room so I could see how the ornaments I made would look on an actual tree. It helped with my merchandising. So I say do anything you need to to to keep focused and motivated :yes

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Yes, I do that also, infact when I am really hot or board I will put on a Christmas cd, I don't do this when DH is home, it drives him crazy.......but I will do it if I am crocheting something for Christmas, after all we can't wait until the last minute or we would get it done in time.... YOU ARE NOT WEIRD....

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Kristy ... I've been listening to Christmas :ctreemusic for years and years in

the middle of the summer... I do it when:

1. I'm a bit depressed

2. I need some motivation to get things done

3. I'm working on any Christmas crafts!!!



I'll listen to Halloween :skeletonmusic :jack if I'm working on those projects too!!! TOO

bad there's not some cool Thanksgiving :ttalkmusic to listen to! IF ANYBODY KNOWS OF ANY PLEASE LET ME KNOW!!! :pilgrimThanks!!!


After all... I come from :flake Arizona!!! Peggy

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There are times in the summer when I listen to Christmas music even when I'm not working on Christmas projects, to be honest. I just really like Christmas music, lol. It can certainly get a person in the holiday spirit!

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At my house, we're the people who put away the christmas music in may and get it out in june. My sister just bought all the Mannheim steamroller christmas CD's on ebay (less competition in the middle of the year LOL.) I was just listening to that a little while ago.

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I grab a movie off my shelf when I'm bored, last night I got Miracle On 34th Street (LOL), the 194(?) B/W version. I watch Christmas movies or ones that show cold or snow during heat waves to keeps me cool. I have started many Christmas projects in June/July. I'll have to start Christmas stockings soon.

Ellie 13

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I have my favorite christmas tunes loaded into my ipod. So whenever I need to get some inspiration I just listen to those.:D So, no you are not weird, everyone does it, if they say they don't they're probably lying...hehehe.:lol

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You're not weird at all! If you're weird, then DH and I are ready for the rubber room, because we have done something even stranger than you!


The weather here in South Texas is :hot . The mercury stays above 98 for sometimes weeks on end during the summer months. Air conditioners run at full capacity from about the middle of April until Thanksgiving, and sometimes almost until Christmas. After a few weeks of almost 100 degree heat, it really starts to mess with your head, so last summer, in order to take our minds off the heat, last August we decided to make believe it was winter and we put up our :ctree ! We figured that maybe, if we could fool ourselves into thinking that it was December, the heat wouldn't seem quite so bad. It was just as hot, but we got to enjoy our Christmas decorations for a couple of weeks. DH wanted to just leave it up and save time not having to put it up Thanksgiving weekend, but I took it down because if we had left it up, it would have lost it's specialness (is that even a word? :lol ), but we had fun doing it!



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I love to watch Christmas movies while I crochet in the summer. It helps get in the spirit. And when it's over 95 degrees, it helps me cool off!


I really love "Elf" and "The Santa Clause" as inspiration.


No, you're not weird at all.


Happy Crocheting!



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I think it's a great idea. Here's another twist for you. My parents never sang lullabyes to me, so when I had my own children, I didn't know any. What did I sing? Yup. Christmas carols. Especially away in a manger. One was born in February and the other two both in May. So if you're weird, I'm weirder!

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Nope you are not strange. I am an Avon lady and I am going to have a Christmas in July party. I have saved out a few decorations but my Christmas music is always out. I have been knitting and crocheting wool scarfs. It's 80+ degrees, gotta love airconditioning. Wool is hot!!! Slipper and mittens are good sellers too. I am also making Christmas wreaths. So here Christmas is year round.



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you are not crazy I actually work on Christmas things all year round and to keep my family from committing me I have christmas music on my I-pod for just those times. It is the easiest way to stay in the mood and sometimes I even sneak in a christmas movie when I am alone :blush and then sing all the music at the top of my lungs, usually in June and September either before the kids get out of school or just after they go back. The dog i think knows I am crazy but thankfully she can't talk yet.:yes

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maybe i should join the crowd! i've never watched a christmas movie before thanksgiving or after dec. 26th. and i can't watch a summer movie in the winter. i guess i'm the weird one!

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