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Going through phases

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Does anyone else go through phases where they crochet more or less?? Of course I don't have much time right now but if I were really as driven as I was a couple months ago I'd find the time ...


Please tell me this is a slump and I'll come out of it?? I'm still enjoying the time I spend here just don't seem as eager to actually crochet. I still do a little bit occasionally but not the hours on end or even every day.



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Ooooh goodness Faith! I totally agree with Empress. Crocheting/crafting is a hobby, if you're forced to do it all day, every day it would be a job or some sort of punnishment!


I am on the last blanket of a BIG commiment I made last year, and must say that I"m glad to be done! (realllly, I'm just eager to change patterns) I was lucky tho that I was off work on a 1-year maternity leave, and I used-up 8 weeks of holidays during my first 6 months back at work. So I somehow managed to have a little more time on my hands to make crafts.


Sometimes, rather than crocheting, I will just surf the net looking for new/unusual patterns (or recipes) ... or stare off into space ... or even, every now & again, I'll do some housework (ack!) .... or spend some time on a different hobby.


So take some time off and don't feel guilty, just know that when you do get back to crocheting you'll be more eager & happy!




(sometimes I think I add a reply just so I can use some smileys!)

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i have only been crocheting since 2004 and i already have those phases. sometimes i just get tired of what i am working on. like now... i am working on lapghans for the nursing home, and i get tired of the same project and just don't want to do anything with them. it will get better, and i agree with Fran... it's not a job or punishment... so take time and you will be ready to jump in again in no time!

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Yep, I go through that pretty often myself! I've only been an avid crocheter for about a year, but it's really been like that for me with every craft I've ever taken up. I'll lose interest, or I'll find something that catches my interest more. I'll put a project down and do something else for awhile, but I almost always go back and finish it. Sewing, beading, embroidery, painting, cross stitch...I love them all, but crochet has been one that I've not put down for long. If I run in to a slump, I'll re-organise my yarn and by the time I'm finished with that, I'll usually be ready to crochet again!

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It's normal, Faith. Take this break to organize your supplies, read a book, plant some flowers, bake some cookies, or some other craft. I've crocheted for over 30 years now and go through this phase at least once every year. One time my crochet slump lasted for 3 months, but normally my "slumps" last a week or 2.


Hang in there and enjoy the break.

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I had a slump for quite a while. I think it depends on what is going on personally in your life, too, on how long it might take to come out of it. Just know we will still be here for you when you are out of that slump! :hug

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It happens to me quite often. I need a jump start to get myself back in the swing of crocheting. Sometimes its new yarn that I see (color or texture) or It may be someone wearing a pretty crocheted sweater or hat that triggers some new creative juices. Or when one of our members here at Crochetville shows off a new pattern they have created I get in the mood to break out the "Hook" I love to look through new crochet books and magazines to spark something in me. Sometimes I just need to go in a different direction all together. This too Shall Pass...




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I think all of us have gone through this at one time or another. I tend to have several projects going at the same time and found that if one got too intensive for me for whatever reason, (usually not the crochet project but something happening personally) I switched over to a smaller and quicker project. This way I kept my momentum going and stayed out of a slump.


And I agree with the others. Take a break, do something else and you'll find yourself going back to crochet in no time at all.


Take care.


LI Roe

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I do this, too. Especially if I've just done a really big project, but also if I'm just feeling overstretched, or if it's springtime and I want to plant flowers instead, or if it's fall and I want to bake bread, that sort of thing. I always come back to crochet, though :hook

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I go through this a lot. Or, I'll start something, and get completely bored with it, or start hating it even. Then start something else. Usually if I don't HAVE to make something, with a deadline (like for a baby shower, or I opened my big mouth and said Oh I'll make you an afghan...) then I enjoy it. But if I have to make it, I usually start to hate it.




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I am in a cross stitch lull and am a crochet-a-holic right now. I know that is why I love doing 2 things like this...when I'm bored with one, I can go to the other. I HAVE to have something to do with my hands....:hook

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I think you just burn out sometimes and have to take a break. I also get frustrated because I have too many ideas floating around in my head--not to mention all the wonderful inspirations I find online and in magazines and books. It gets to the point where I can't make a decision and wind up doing nothing at all.


One thing that helps me is having several completely different projects going at one time. You can switch off when one gets boring. That's gotten to the point where I think I'm going to have to get another set of hooks, so I don't have to remember which project takes which hook.

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I've been in a major slump lately. The only thing I have managed to complete in the last month was a hat for a newborn (though in my defense, I was going to make him a blanket but he came out a month too soon). I've made myself start a couple little things this week and I'm hoping that will help me get back into the mood...

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Recently, I felt a little numb-tingle thing going on in my hook hand... :hook and decided to give myself a break... 24 hours. It felt so nice, I took another 24 for good measure.


You have to give yourself breaks every now and then. It's good for your soul... not to mention your tendons. :D


And don't worry... you'll be in the mood to hook again in no time. :hug If not... :spin:spin:2spin send me your yarn!!! :2spin:spin:spin (blantant attempt at hypnotizing you into sending me that yarn! ha!)

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first off, :rofl at deb! (let me know if it works though! ;) )


About the slumps... it definitely happens. I'm originally a quilter... and I'm in a long-term move-induced quilting slump. I found an awesome pattern at a quilt show though, so I'm slowly starting to get back into it.


Right now I'm in an injury-induced ctochet slump. I'm hoping I'll be okay once I'm allowed to crochet again, but depending on how long it is the slump might carry over a while. That's why I have 10-12 projects going normally too, if I get bored with one I can just work on something else. I have to say though, it's been nice to catch up on my reading the last few days!

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I'm in a bit of a slump too... just don't seem to have a lot of interest in it. I start something, decide I hate it, frog and start something else. I know it will pass soon though, it always does =) So I've bought yarn, organized my yarns, I'm digging through patterns and planning out some gifts and things I want to do for me. When the slump is over, I'll be set to get busy and enjoy it again =)

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