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Be careful... it could happen to you!!

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:blush I have been keeping all of my yarn in the guest bedroom closet, with the occasional bag of yarn finding its way to my living room, bedroom, or car, but for the most part it was well-hidden. Well my husband was looking for something and wandered into the guest bedroom and opened the closet door. OOPS! He discovered bags and bags of yarn just begging to be made into something beautiful... but I just haven't had the time yet. :devil


Now I KNOW that the size of my stash doesn't hold a candle to what some of the true yarn addicts around the 'ville have. And I tried to tell him that. But he says I have a sickness and has forbidden me to buy any more yarn until I finish some of the UFOs hanging around in the closet. :no


So he went to Walmart and bought me a huge plastic bin and told me to get it organized. So my weekend project is to take out all of the yarn, get it out of plastic bags, organize it, blah, blah, blah (kind of tuned him out for this part) and finish some of the half-completed afghans, doilies, shawls, etc. that I have hanging around.


I think he's just mad b/c there's a half-completed afghan in there for HIM and he wants me to finish it!!! :blush


It's been said SO many times on here, but it's worth saying again: Husbands just don't understand.

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Some wivesd don't understand either. I was just reading this am a link someone posted about that poor man on the ville. His wife donated most of his stash (37 containers) to charity without telling him.


I wonder what happened! Is he out on parole yet!



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I here ya sister! Same thing happened to me! I came home with some more yarn. Hubby said that I have to use up the yarn I have before I buy more yarn! Don't worry...men will understand someday! (Hopefully, that is...)

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I think you need to find a new hiding spot. Do you have an attic?


I still live with my parents. And when we moved about 5yrs ago, my dad realized the true scope of my yarn stash. He freaked, said I had to get rid of the yarn or use it up before I could bring more yarn in the house.


I just giggled, and said "Okay Dad....whatever you say"...and then went to Hobby Lobby for more yarn.


Silly thing is, I actually did go thru a HUGE part of my stash over the last 5yrs since I havent been working and havent had the kind of money I used to have that helped me build that large stash of yarn.


I made a lot of scrap afghans, and emptied out several totes of yarn over the past few years. Now I'm really down to mostly scrap yarn, and the stash is still shrinking.


I still probably have enough yarn to do another 100 afghans tho.

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Now, I don't have a huge yarn stash (charity donations always welcome hehe), but I know that I am slowly progressing in that direction.

However, I don't have any kind of significant other to stop me! lol. I don't even have a bf to make comments. I do have a roommate (male) who every now and again makes the "You bought more yarn?!?" comment. But then I show him what I finish and he is impressed.

He also enjoys seeing what everyone on here makes - he'll never admit it - he is a macho man - but he is truly amazed at what many of you make. He then makes a snide comment of "Why can't you do that?" I'm good - no beginner - but I'm not that good! lol!

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I have to say that although my husband doesn't truly get it, he is supportive. He offered to let me use his hutch/dresser for yarn/craft storage once he gets a new dresser. I think he's more concerned that my craft stuff is all over our room. He'll be glad just to have it out of the way!

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If you're not already in the Stashbusting CAL you should be. It's never to late to join. You could even join the UFOs or WIPs CALs. That will help keep you motivated to finish things and use up stash.

Ellie 13

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My DH fully supports any of my yarn buying and often encourages me and even helps me find yarn!!

I have a spare bedroom that I use for my stash. But dh see's that I use my yarn too!!

I cannot believe that a wife would get rid of a stash!!! That is terrible!!

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I am so glad that I am not the only one with this compulsion. I too have a fairly decent yarn stash. I just saw the AC Moore ad for next week and wouldn't you know it, yarn's on sale :P My trick is to take the wrappers off or rip them slightly so that I can tell my dh that I've had that yarn forever :lol

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My hubby put me on that restriction for a while, I could only buy yarn when I finished a project. So for every project I finished I bought enough to make ten more. He finally gave up nagging me. I realized the other day that there are empty spots in my yarn closet. I must fix that (although in all fairness if I round up the skein here and there around the house it might fill it again).


Organizing isn't bad though, I love to re-pet my yarn and get ideas. I organize by color this month.

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I have no where near the stash that some people have, but I still feel like I have more than I need. Yet when a new project strikes my fancy, half the time I have to buy more yarns...which personally drives me nuts...however, I just do the best I can...


I had to laugh at some of the posts (especially the original post...) and I read them outloud to my hubby who, for the most part is very supportive. Mainly because he sees that so many things do get completed and he's just blown away with all my craftiness. However, all joking aside, he would not take kindly to my craftiness if he felt I had to sneak around on him with the yarn or the rubber stamps or the fabric...I told him that I don't have any mystery stashes and he said, "I most certainly hope not..."


Still yeah, some husbands and some wives don't get it in terms of their spouses hobbies or passions...and I would be in jail and divorced if my husband arbitarially donoted anything of mine (I don't care what it is) without talking to me first...I don't go through his things and toss things out (charity or otherwise) until we have a meeting of the minds and I so wouldn't want him to do the same with me...seriously...

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My hubby just smiles and rolls his eyes everytime I say it was too good a buy to pass up. He really can't say much since we each have our own slush fund accounts. His toys are much bigger and usually needs to be financed so I guess my yarn obsession is pretty harmless!!

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Here's the link, if it doesn't work just search "stash busted by spouse"




I found the thread...omgoodness...thanks for the heads up...

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My hubby just doesn't get it either. He says we would be rich if I would quit buying yarn. I tell him it could be a whole lot worse, my addiction is yarn, not drinking, drugs, etc.

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Just hide it you ever realize the under side of your sofa have big empty space the next time he is gone get out a big staple gun (you will need it late) and carefully open up the bottom hide it plastic bag flip the sofa back and no one is the wiser looks like you have got rid of the yarn and he is happy.


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Just last night, I tell my bf "oh, i stopped at that new yarn shop on my way home from work..." and he says "oh I am sure you did" all snarky like. :eek Whatever! "Dont you have enough yarn already?" he questions. :rofl Whatever! :wink

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My DH thinks..well...hmmm...he's ok with it, but has told me in recent days that I have OCD (Obsessive Compulsive Disorder) when it comes to yarn. :lol Maybe I do, but you know what? I don't smoke, I don't drink, and so..I have a weird likeness to fiber (I love clothes too)!


He likes technology, computers, movies, expensive tvs and wires...and he has miles and miles of wires. No..I don't complain to him about his OCD with technology, but hey..he's working and I do not.


I recently made a online purchase for some sock yarn but that will be it for a while. I'd like to join Stashbusters, but I have no idea exactly how much yarn I have. At least 8 containers in the garage, not to mention new stash in the closet, lol!!


So :hug to you...I've been known to sneak in yarn when DH is sleeping, or shopping while he's at work, lol!!! Some deals are too hard to pass up! Recently though I've been stocking up on the large skeins of Bernat yarns at JoAnn Fabrics, and they have not been on sale.


The other reason why I stock up is that it won't be there the next time I go! So many yarns get discontinued no sooner than they appear on the market...everything has become 'limited edition' or whatever. Has anyone else noticed this trend??

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I don't bother to hide it - it's kinda like eating a candy bar while you're hiding in the closet. I think mine just gave up - now he says "Honey, I love you're crocheting - but can't you use up some of what you have?" and "Can you make my dad a blanket for Father's Day?"


I've started making for the mom's. What I make for mine I make for his and there's been such a difference in him - it's great! and I get to crochet and crochet my heart out! heehee

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It's conversations like this that make me happy I don't have a DH or BF.

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It's conversations like this that make me happy I don't have a DH or BF.


Me Too!! When I buy yarn, I have no one to answer to. I can buy what I want, when I want, leave it out if I want, and I love it.

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Some wivesd don't understand either. I was just reading this am a link someone posted about that poor man on the ville. His wife donated most of his stash (37 containers) to charity without telling him.


I wonder what happened! Is he out on parole yet!




:lol Some husbands understand. Last night I was looking at :ebay and there was an auction for 66 skeins of :yarn , all different colors, all unused skeins. At the time it was $31 for the lot and all I did was mention it to DH, and he said "Go for it! For that price I can step over a couple more bins or bags." Long story short, I lost the auction (got caught up watching a Frasier rerun) but no matter. It was just good to know that I COULD have gone for it if I had been so inclined without having to worry about hiding it or explaining it. :)



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