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Dog crocheter????

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ROFL....my Shih Tzu does the same thing. I finally made him his own blankie hoping it would stop him.....it didn't. :devil

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ROFL...my cats are yarn crazy as well and love to sit by my side when I crochet and simply smell the yarn! And yeah, they've tangled up plenty in their time as well. These photo's were a hoot! Thanks for sharing~*

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Oh my goodness. That is just too funny, but I am sure you didn't think so. We have two year old kittens and they love to get an end and then just run through the house with it. Makes me so mad. I try to keep the door shut to the room with all my yarn, but I don't always remember. Thanks for sharing.

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*haha* It looks like they had some fun while you were out! :lol


My cat loves my yarn but he hasn't gotten into it full force yet. So far he'll just bat at the string if I'm crocheting. He knows he's not allowed but I'm sure temptation will get the better of him soon!

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My two cats haven't done that yet, but one of them has a habit of deciding that my in progress afghans were made especially for him to build a nest out of.




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Oh my! It must be a Sheltie thing. Mine tries to take off with stuff. But the thing he loves to do the most is shred up paper towels, napkins & tissues.


He has never run off with the yarn though. He has, however, chewed holes in my youngest DD's clothes from "tugging" on her. Grrr!


Most notably was the time we wanrned someone to watch out for him (holding him close to themselves) as he may be chewing on their clothes without them realizing it. He said that the dog was okay and not doing anything. Sure enough he goes to move the dog and the puppers had chewed a tiny hole through the jeans!

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I forgot to add that my cat has taken off with my yarn many times. One time I was working on an afghan that I had to change colors for every few rows and I had left the project laying out and came home to the yarn treked through the whole downstairs. Then their is the little child who wanted to play with Mommy's yarn and unraveled a significant portion of the baby afghan I was crocheting at the time (the day before I needed it for a baby shower!).


Hopefully you were able to untangle and salvage all your yarn.

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While frustrating, they sure do seem proud of their work. I have been very fortunate, for the most part my cats leave the yarn alone. Now the hooks, thats a different story.

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I have a toy pom and a miniature doberman and they don't bother my yarn except to make a bed out of whatever I might leave out that's in progress. The doberman loves rooting around till she's completely under the covers but she's most fond of fleece so I leave a fleece blanket out where she can get under it. My cat's live outside so that's not a problem.


Most of that looks like it might be salvageable.

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Now the hooks, thats a different story.


That's my cat Chloe! She LOVES to run off when she thinks I'm not looking...the worst is when it's my bamboo hooks!!

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Awww man!! :eek LOL. My dog once ATE ( munched up) a whole bunch of my finished projects. I screamed soooo loud that he NEVER did it again. I even tested him by leaving a purse in front of him and he didn't go near it!! :P


Bad boy!



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I woke up to something like that this morning. I was working on a sock when I got tired, and left it laying on the table beside my couch. When I got up this morning, there was yarn all over the place! I'm pretty sure that my rat terrier did it in the middle of the night, because he ran and hid as soon as he saw me. At least he just unwound the ball, and didn't unravel the sock!

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