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My doggie has been shopping for me on the internet!

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My doggie, Chelsea, is amazing! In spite of the fact that she lacks opposable thumbs, she managed to shop on eBay and got me the Palette Sampler at Knit Picks and also some lovely eBay yarn for Mother's Day! Then she went into PowerPoint and made me a card, went into the garden and cut roses, and arranged it all on the table where it was sitting when I got home from work yesterday!


Isn't that amazing!!!!!!


And I had been sitting in the most sucky traffic for over an hour just trying to go 15 miles from work to home after reading back a bunch of medical testimony to jurors, so you can only imagine how happy I was when I arrived home and saw the display!!!


So here it is!!




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How sweet...I almost cried. She's beautiful, talented and thoughtful. I wonder..sniff, sniff...if my (10) 4 legged kids (5 dogs/5 ferrets) are going to do something for me for Mother's Day.


Enjoy all your gifts!



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Aw the poor pooch is exhausted after all that work. I'm not sure, but she may have even sheared the sheep and picked the cotton herself, and spun it down and dyed it by paw ....


I have to tell my dog about this. He is always using the "no thumbs" and "no pockets" excuse for not taking out his wallet and buying me something ...

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I am so jealous! I had to have Manchester Terriers, and all the want is to be UNDER the afghan. They have no clue about what goes into making one! I have to get a yarn dog next time!





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wow I'm impressed ! what a thoughtful baby you have--and she has such good taste in yarn and flowers,too! my babies love yarn but they have never bought me any! :lol I can always look forward to lots of love and kisses from them tho'!:clap

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Yup, she's a wonderful doggie! I had insomnia last night and she was the only one willing to sit up with me while I crocheted and watched really wretched overnight TV!

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Does she need a surrogate mom in lower alabama? By the way, how is she with teaching cats her tricks?:cat

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I have so been eyeballing the palette sampler forever. I think it would make a beautiful shawl or tote bag to felt. I jsut haven't broken down yet and got it for myself. :D

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